Taanachwho humbles thee; who answers thee

Taanach-shilobreaking down a fig-tree

Tabbathgood; goodness

TabealTabeelgood God


Tabithaclear-sighted; a roe-deer

Taborchoice; purity; bruising

Tabrimongood pomegranate; the navel; the middle

Tadmorthe palm-tree; bitterness

Tahanbeseeching; merciful

Tahapenessecret temptation

Tahathfear; going down

Tahpenesstandard; flight; temptation

Tahreaanger; wicked contention

Talitha-cumiyoung womanarise

Talmaimy furrow; that suspends the waters; heap of waters

Tamahblotting or wiping out; smiting

Tamarpalm; palm-tree

Tammuzabstruse; concealed; consumed

Tanachsame as Taanach

Tanhumethconsolation; repentance

Taphathdistillation; drop

Tappuahapple; swelling

Taraha hair; a wretch; one banished

Taralahsearching out slanderor strength

Tareahowling; doing evil

Tarpelitesravishers; succession of miracles

Tarshishcontemplation; examination

Tarsuswinged; feathered

Tartakchained; bound; shut up

Tartana general (official title)

Tatnaithat gives; the overseer of the gifts and tributes

Tebahmurder; butchery; guarding of the body; a cook

Tebaliahbaptismor goodnessof the Lord

Tebethgoodgoodness (the tenth month of the Hebrews)

Tehinnahentreaty; a favor


Tekoatrumpet; that is confirmed

Telabiba heap of new grain

Telahmoistening; greenness

Telassartaking away; heaping up

Telemtheir dew; their shadow

Telharsasuspension of the plow

Tel-melahheap of salt

Temaadmiration; perfection; consummation

TemanTemanithe south; Africa; perfect

Terahto breathe; scent; blow

Teraphimimages; idols



Tetrarchgovernor of a fourth part

Thaddeusthat praises or confesses

Thahashthat makes haste; that keeps silence

Thamahthat blots out; that suppresses

Tharahsame as Terah

Thebezmuddy; eggs; fine linen or silk

Thelasarsame as Telassar

Theophilusfriend of God

Thessalonicavictory against the Thessalians

Theudasflowing with water

Thomasa twin

Thummimperfection; truth

Thyatiraa perfume; sacrifice of labor

Tibbathkilling; a cook

Tiberiasgood vision; the navel

Tiberiusthe son of Tiber

Tibnistraw; hay

Tidalthat breaks the yoke; knowledge of elevation

Tiglath-pileserthat binds or takes away captivity

Tikvahhope; a little line; congregation


Timeusperfect; admirable; honorable


Timnathimage; figure; enumeration

Timnath-heresor Timnath-serahimage of the sun; numbering of the rest

Timonhonorable; worthy

Timotheushonor of God; valued of God

Tiphsahpassage; leap; step; the passover

Tirhakahinquirer; examiner; dull observer

Tiriasearching out

Tirshathaa governor

Tirzahbenevolent; complaisant; pleasing

Tishbitethat makes captive


Toahweapon; dart

Tobgood; goodness

Tob-adonijahmy good God; the goodness of the foundation of the Lord

TobiahTobijahthe Lord is good


Togarmahwhich is all bone

Tohuthat lives; that declares

Toiwho wanders

Tolaworm; grub; scarlet

Tolad a generation

Tophel ruin; folly; without understanding

Topheta drum; betraying



Trophimuswell educated; well brought up

Tryphenadelicious; delicate

Tryphonmasculine of Tryphena

Tryphosathrice shining

Tubalthe earth; the world; confusion

Tubal-cainworldly possession; possessed of confusion

Tychicuscasual; by chance

Tyrannusa prince; one that reigns

TyreTyrusstrength; rock; sharp