SabaothLord of hosts

Sabeanscaptivity; conversion; old age

Sabtaha going about or circuiting; old age

Sabtechahthat surrounds; that causes wounding

Sacarwares; a price

Sadduceesfollowers of Sadocor Zadok

Sadocor Zadokjust; righteous

Salahmission; sending

Salamisshaken; test; beaten

Salathielasked or lent of God

Salcahthy basket; thy lifting up

Salemcomplete or perfect peace

Salimfoxes; fists; path

SallaiSalluan exaltation; a basket

Salmapeace; perfection

Salmonpeaceable; perfect; he that rewards

Salomesame as Salmon


Samlahhis raiment; his left hand; his astonishment

Samosfull of gravel

Samothraciaan island possessed by the Samians and Thracians

Samsonhis sun; his service; there the second time

Samuelheard of God; asked of God

Sanballatbramble-bush; enemy in secret

Sanhedrinsitting together

Sansannahbough or bramble of the enemy

Saphrushes; sea-moss


Sapphirathat relates or tells

Sarahlady; princess; princess of the multitude

Saraimy lady; my princess

Sardisprince of joy

Sarditesremoving a dissension

Sareptaa goldsmith's shop

Sargonwho takes away protection

Saridremaining; hand of a prince

Saronsame as Sharon

Sarsechimmaster of the wardrobe

Saruchbranch; layer; lining

Satancontrary; adversary; enemy; accuser

Sauldemanded; lent; ditch; death

Scevadisposed; prepared

Sebaa drunkard; that turns

Sebattwig; scepter; tribe

Secacahshadow; covering; defense

Sechudefense; bough


Segubfortified; raised

SeirSeirathhairy; goat; demon; tempest

Selaa rock

Sela-hammah-lekothrock of divisions

Selahthe end; a pause

Seledaffliction; warning

Seleuciashaken or beaten by the waves

Semsame as Shem

Semachiahjoined to the Lord

Semaiahobeying the Lord

Semeihearing; obeying

Senaahbramble; enemy

Senehsame as Senaah

Senirbed-candle; changing

Sennacheribbramble of destruction

Seorimgates; hairs; tempests

Sepharbook; scribe; number

Sepharada book descending

Sepharvaimthe two books; the two scribes

Serahlady of scent; song; the morning star

Seraiahprince of the Lord

Seraphimburning; fiery

Sereddyer's vat


Serugbranch; layer; twining

Sethput; who puts; fixed

Sethurhid; destroying

Shaalabbimunderstandingor son of a fox

Shaalbimthat beholds the heart

Shaalbonitea fox's building

Schaaphfleeing; thinking

Shaaraimgates; valuation; hairs

Shaashgazhe that presses the fleece; that shears the sheep

Shabbethaimy rest

Shachiaprotection of the Lord


Shagetouching softly; multiplying much

Shalemsame as Salem

Shalimsame as Salim

Shalishathree; the third; prince; captain

Shallumperfect; agreeable

Shalmaimy garment

Shalmanpeaceable; perfect; that rewards

Shalmaneserpeace; tied; chained; perfection; retribution

Shamariahthrone or keeping of the Lord

Shameddestroying; wearing out

Shamerkeeper; thorn; dregs

Shamgarnamed a stranger; he is here a stranger

Shamhuthdesolation; destruction

ShamirShamerprison; bush; lees; thorn

Shammahloss; desolation; astonishment

Shammaimy name; my desolations

Shammothnames; desolations

Shammuahhe that is heard; he that is obeyed

Shamsheraithere a singer or conqueror

ShaphamShaphanrabbit; wild rat; their lip; their brink


Sharaimy lord; my prince; my song

Shararnavel; thought; singing

Sharezeroverseer of the treasuryor of the storehouse

Sharonhis plain; his song

Shashairejoicing; mercy; linen

Shashaka bag of linen; the sixth bag

ShaulSaulasked; lent; a grave

Shavehthe plain; that makes equality

Shealtielsame as Salathiel

Sheariahgate of the Lord; tempest of the Lord

Shear-jashubthe remnant shall return

Shebacaptivity; old man; repose; oath

Shebamcompassing about; old men

Shebaniahthe Lord that convertsor recalls from captivity

Shebarimbreakings; hopes

Sheberbreaking; hope

Shebnawho rests himself; who is now captive

Shebuelturningor captivityor seatof God

Shecaniahhabitation of the Lord

Shechempart; portion; back early in the morning

Shedeurfield of light; light of the Almighty

Shehariahmourning or blackness of the Lord

Shelahthat breaks; that unties; that undresses

ShelemiahGod is my perfection; my happiness; my peace

Shelephwho draws out

Sheleshcaptain; prince

ShelomiShelomithmy peace; my happiness; my recompense

Shelumielsame as Shelemiah

Shemname; renown

Shemahearing; obeying

Shemaiahthat hears or obeys the Lord

ShemariahGod is my guard

Shemebername of force; name of the strong

Shemerguardian; thorn

Shemidaname of knowledge; that puts knowledge

Sheminitheighth (an eight-stringed instrument)

Shemiramoththe height of the heavens

Shemuelappointed by God

Shentooth; ivory; change

Shenazartreasurer of a tooth

Shenirlantern; light that sleeps

Shephatiahthe Lord that judges

Shephibeholder; honeycomb; garment



Sherahflesh; relationship

Sherebiahsinging with the Lord

Sheshachbag of flax or linen

Sheshaisix; mercy; flax

Sheshanlily; rose; joy; flax

Sheshbazzarjoy in tribulation; joy of the vintage

Shetharputrefied; searching

Shethar-boznaithat makes to rot; that seeks those who despise me

Shevavanity; elevation; fame; tumult

ShibbolethSibbolethear of corn; stream or flood

Shibmahovermuch captivityor sitting

Shicrondrunkenness; his gift; his wages

Shiggaiona song of trouble or comfort

Shihonsound; wall of strength

Shihor-libnahblackness of Libnah

ShilhiShilhimbough; weapon; armor

Shillempeace; perfection; retribution

Shiloahsame as Siloah


Shiloh (name of a city)peace; abundance

Shilomtarrying; peace-maker

Shilshahthree; chief; captain

ShimeahShimeaththat hearsor obeys; perdition

ShimeiShimithat hears or obeys; my reputation; my fame

Shimeonsame as Simeon

Shimmasame as Shimeah

Shimonproviding well; fatness; oil

Shimrathhearing; obedient

Shimshaimy son

Shimrithorn; dregs

ShimrithShimronsame as Shimri

Shinabfather of changing

Shinarwatch of him that sleeps


Shiphrahhandsome; trumpet; that does good

Shishaof marble; pleasant

Shishakpresent of the bag; of the pot; of the thigh

Shitraigatherer of money


Shizathis gift

Shoakings; tyrants

Shobabreturned; turned back; a spark

Shobachyour bonds; your chains

Shobaiturning captivity

Shobalpath; ear of corn

Shobekmade void; forsaken

Shochohdefense; a bough

Shohamkeeping back

Shomerkeeper; dregs

Shophachpouring out

Shophanrabbit; hid

Shoshannimthose that shall be changed

Shuacrying; saving

Shuahditch; swimming; humiliation

Shualfox; path; first

Shubaelreturning captivity; seat of God

Shuhamtalking; thinking; humiliation; budding

Shulamitepeaceable; perfect; that recompenses

Shunemtheir change; their sleep

Shunichanged; sleeping

ShuphimShuppimwearing them out; their shore

Shurwall; ox; that beholds

Shushanlily; rose; joy

Shuthelahplant; verdure; moist; pot

Siamoving; help

Sibbechaibough; cottage; of springs

Sibmahconversion; captivity

Sichemportion; shoulder

Siddimthe tilled field

Sidonhunting; fishing; venison

Sigionothaccording to variable songs or tunes

Sihonrooting out; conclusion

Sihorblack; trouble (the river Nile)

Silasthreeor the third


SiloaSiloamSiloesame as Shilhi

Silvanuswho loves the forest

Simeonthat hears or obeys; that is heard

Simonthat hears; that obeys


Sinaia bush; enmity

Sinimsouth country

Sionnoise; tumult

Sippaithreshold; silver cup

Sinona breast-plate; deliverance

Sisamaihouse; blindness

Siserathat sees a horse or a swallow


Sivana bush or thorn


Soa measure for grain; vail

Socohtents; tabernacles

Sodimy secret

Sodomtheir secret; their cement

Solomonpeaceable; perfect; one who recompenses

SopaterSosipaterwho defends the father


Sorekvine; hissing; a color inclining to yellow

Sosthenessavior; strong; powerful

Sotaiconclusion in pleading; binding

Spainrare; precious

Stachysspike or ear of corn

Stephanascrown; crowned

Stephensame as Stephanas

Suahspeaking; entreating; ditch

Succothtents; tabernacles

Succoth-benoththe tents of daughtersor young women; or prostitutes

Sudmy secret

Surthat withdraws or departs; rebellion

Susannalily; rose; joy

Susihorse; swallow; moth


Syenea bush; enmity

Syntychethat speaks or discourses

Syracusethat draws violently