
Padan-aramcultivated field or table-land

Padonhis redemption; ox-yoke

Pagielpreventionor prayerof God

Pahath-Moabruler of Moab

PaiPauhowling; sighing


Palestinawhich is covered; watered; or brings and causes ruin

Pallumarvelous; hidden

Paltideliverance; flight

Paltieldeliverance; or banishmentof God

Pamphyliaa nation made up of every tribe

Paphoswhich boilsor is very hot

Paraha cow; increasing

Paranbeauty; glory; ornament

Parbara suburb

Parmashtaa yearling bull

Parmenasthat abidesor is permanent

Parnacha bull strikingor struck

Parosha flea; the fruit of a moth

Parshandathagiven by prayer

Paruahflourishing; that flies away

Pasachthy broken piece

Pasdamminportion or diminishing of blood

Paseahpassing over; halting

Pashurthat extends or multiplies the hole; whiteness

Pataratrodden under foot

PathrosPathrusimmouthful of dough; persuasion of ruin


Patrobaspaternal; that pursues the steps of his father

Pausame as Pai

Paulsmall; little

Paulussame as Paul

Pedahzurstrong or powerful savior; stone of redemption

Pedaiahredemption of the Lord

Pekahhe that opens; that is at liberty

Pekahiahit is the Lord that opens

Pekodnoble; rulers

Pelaiahthe Lord's secret or miracle

Pelaliahentreating the Lord

Pelatiahlet the Lord deliver; deliverance of the Lord


Pelethitesjudges; destroyers

Pelonitefalling; secret

Penielface or vision of God; that sees God

Peninnahpearl; precious stone; the face

Pentapolisfive cities

Pentateuchthe five books of Moses


Penuelsame as Peniel

Peorhole; opening




Perez-Uzzadivision of Uzzaor of strength

Pergavery earthy

Pergamosheight; elevation

Peridaseparation; division

Perizzitesdwelling in villages

Persiathat cuts or divides; a nail; a gryphon; a horseman

Persissame as Persia

Perudasame as Perida

Petera rock or stone

Pethahiahthe Lord opening; gate of the Lord

Pethuelmouth of God; persuasion of God

Peulthaimy works

Phalecsame as Peleg

PhalluPalluadmirable; hidden

Phalti Paltideliveranceflight

Phanuelface or vision of God

Pharaohthat disperses; that spoils

Pharezdivision; rupture

Phariseesset apart

Pharparthat produces fruit

Phebeshining; pure

PhenicePhoeniciared; purple

Phicholthe mouth of allor every tongue

Philadelphialove of a brother

Philemonwho kisses

Philetusamiable; beloved

Philipwarlike; a lover of horses

Philippisame as Philipin the plural

Philistinesthose who dwell in villages

Philologusa lover of lettersor of the word

Phinehasbold aspect; face of trust or protection

Phlegonzealous; burning

Phrygiadry; barren

Phurahthat bears fruitor grows


Phylacteriesthings to be especially observed

Pi-besethabode of the goddess Bahest or Bast

Pi-hahiroththe mouth; the pass of Hiroth

Pilatearmed with a dart

Pinonpearl; gem; that beholds

Pirama wild ass of them

Pirathonhis dissipation or deprivation; his rupture

Pisgahhill; eminence; fortress

Pisidiapitch; pitchy

Pisonchanging; extension of the mouth

Pithomtheir mouthful; a dilatation of the mouth

Pithonmouthful; persuasion

Pocherethcutting of the mouth of warfare

Pontiusmarine; belonging to the sea

Pontusthe sea


Potipharbull of Africa; a fat bull

Potipherahthat scatters abroador demolishesthe fat


Priscillasame as Prisca

Prochorushe that presides over the choirs

Puahmouth; corner; bush of hair



Pulbean; destruction

Punitesbeholding; my face

Punonprecious stone; that beholds


PutielGod is my fatness

Puteolisulphureous wells