Naamfair; pleasant

NaamahNaamanbeautiful; agreeable

NaarahNaaraiyoung person

Naashonthat foretells; that conjectures

Nabalfool; senseless

Nabothwords; prophecies

Nachonready; sure

Nachorsame as Nahor

Nadabfree and voluntary gift; prince

Naggeclearness; brightness; light

Nahalielinheritance; valley of God

Nahallalpraised; bright

NahamNahamanicomforter; leader

Naharaimy nostrils; hot; anger

Nahashsnake; serpent

Nahathrest; a leader

Nahbivery secret

Nahorhoarse; dry; hot

Nahshonsame as Naashon

Nahumcomforter; penitent

Nainbeauty; pleasantness

Naiothbeauties; habitations

Naomibeautiful; agreeable

Naphishthe soul; he that restsrefreshes himselfor respires

Naphtalithat struggles or fights

Narcissusastonishment; stupidity

Nasonhelper; entry-way

Nathangiven; giving; rewarded

Nathanaelthe gift of God

Nathan-melechthe gift of the kingor of counsel

Naumsame as Nahum

Nazarethseparated; crowned; sanctified

Nazariteone chosen or set apart

Neahmoved; moving

Neapolisthe new city

Neariahchild of the Lord

Nebaibudding; speaking; prophesying

Nebaiothwords; prophecies; buds

Neballatprophecy; budding

Nebatthat beholds

Nebothat speaks or prophesies

NebuchadnezzarNebuchadrezzartears and groans of judgment

Nebushasi_hahbanspeech; prophecy; springing; flowing

Nebuzar-adanfruits or prophecies of judgment

Necholame; beaten

Nedabiahprince or vow of the Lord

Neginothstringed instruments

Nehelamitedreamer; vale; brook

Nehemiahconsolation; repentance of the Lord

Nehumcomforter; penitent

Nehushtamade of brass

Nehushtana trifling thing of brass

Neielcommotionor movingof God

Nekodapainted; inconstant

Nemuelthe sleeping of God

Nephegweak; slacked

Nephishsame as Naphish

Nephishesimdiminished; torn in pieces

Nephthalimsame as Naphtali

Nephthoahopening; open

Nephusimsame as Nephishesim

Nera lamp; new-tilled land

Nereussame as Ner

Nergalthe great man; the hero

Nergal-sharezertreasurer of Nergal

Nerimy light

Neriahlight; lamp of the Lord

Nethaneelsame as Nathanael

Nethaniahthe gift of the Lord

Nethinimsgiven or offered

Neziahconqueror; strong


Nibhazbudding; prophesying

Nibshanprophecy; growing of a tooth

Nicanora conqueror; victorious

Nicodemusvictory of the people

Nicolassame as Nicodemus

Nicolaitanesfollowers of Nicolas

Nicopolisthe city of victory


NimrahNimrimleopard; bitterness; rebellion

Nimrodrebellion (but probably an unknown Assyrian word)

Nimshirescued from danger

Ninevehhandsome; agreeable

Nisanstandard; miracle

Nisrochflight; proof; temptation; delicate

Nostirring up; forbidding

Noadiahwitnessor ornamentof the Lord

Noahrepose; consolation

Noahthat quavers or totters (Zelophehad's daughter)

Nobdiscourse; prophecy

Nobahthat barks or yelps

Nodvagabond; fugitive

Nodabvowing of his own accord

Noesame as Noah

Nogahbrightness; clearness

Noharest; a guide

Nonposterity; a fish; eternal

Nophhoneycomb; anything that distills or drops

Nophahfearful; binding

Nunsame as Non

Nymphasspouse; bridegroom