Maachahpressed down; worn; fastened


Maadaipleasant; testifying

Maadiahpleasantness; the testimony of the Lord

Maaibelly; heaping up

Maale-akrabbimascent of scorpions

Maarathden; making empty; watching

Maaseiahthe work of the Lord

Maasiaithe defenseor strengthor trust of the Lord

Maathwiping away; breaking; fearing; smiting

Maazwood; wooden

Macedoniaburning; adoration

MachbenahMachbanaipoverty; the smiting of his son

Machipoor; a smiter

Machirselling; knowing



Madaia measure; judging; a garment

Madianjudgment; striving; covering; chiding

Madmannahmeasure of a gift; preparation of a garment

Madona chiding; a garment; his measure

Magbishexcelling; height

Magdalatower; greatness

Magdalenea person from Magdala

Magdieldeclaring God; chosen fruit of God

Magogcovering; roof; dissolving

Magor-missabib fear on every side

Magpiasha body thrust hard together

MahalahMahalathsickness; a company of dancers; a harp

Mahaleleelpraising God

Mahaliinfirmity; a harp; pardon

Mahanaimtents; two fields; two armies

Mahanehdantents of judgment

Mahanema comforter

Maharaihasting; a hill; from a hill

Mahathsame as Maath

Mahavitesdeclaring a message; marrow

Mahazan end; ending; growing hope

Mahaziothseeing a sign; seeing a letter

Maher-shalal-hash-bazmaking speed to the spoil; he hastens to the prey

MahlahMahliMahlonsame as Mahali

Makassame as Mahaz

Makhelothassemblies; congregations

Makkedahworshiping; burning; raised; crookedness

Malachimy messenger; my angel

MalchamMalchomtheir king; their counselor

MalchiahMalchijahthe Lord my kingor my counselor

MalchielGod is my kingor counselor

Malchusmy kingkingdomor counselor

Maleleelsame as Mahaleleel

Mallothifullness; circumcision

Malluchreigning; counseling


Mamrerebellious; bitter; set with trees

Manaena comforter; a leader

Manahethitesmy lady; my prince of rest

Manassehforgetfulness; he that is forgotten

Manoahrest; a present

Maonhouse; place of sin

MaraMarahbitter; bitterness

Maralahsleep; a sacrifice of myrrh; ascension

Maranathathe Lord is coming

Marcuspolite; shining

Mareshahfrom the beginning; an inheritance

Marksame as Marcus


Marsenabitterness of a bramble

Marthawho becomes bitter; provoking

Marysame as Miriam

Mashsame as Meshech

Mashala parable; governing

Masrekahwhistling; hissing

Massaa burden; prophecy


Matredwand of government

Matrirain; prison

MattanMattanaMattenaigifts; rains

Mattaniahgiftor hopeof the Lord

Mattathahis gift

Mattathiasthe gift of the Lord

Matthansame as Mattan

Matthaniassame as Mattaniah

Matthalgift; he that gives

Matthew given; a reward

MatthiasMattithiahsame as Mattathias

Mazzaroththe twelve signs of the zodiac

Meaha hundred cubits

Mearahden; cave; making empty

Mebunnaison; building; understanding

Mecherathselling; knowledge

Medadhe that measures; water of love

Medanjudgment; process

Medebawaters of grief; waters springing up

Mediameasure; habit; covering

Megiddohis precious fruit; declaring a message

Megiddonsame as Megiddo

Mehetabelhow good is God

Mehidaa riddle; sharpness of wit

Mehira reward

Mehujaelwho proclaims God

Mehumanmaking an uproar; a multitude

Mejarkonthe waters of Jordan

Mekonaha foot of a pillar; provision

Melatiahdeliverance of the Lord

Melchimy king; my counsel

MelchiahGod is my king

Melchi-shuaking of health; magnificent king

Melchizedekking of justice

Meleasupplying; supplied

Melechking; counselor

Melitaaffording honey

Mellicuhis kingdom; his counselor

Melzarcircumcision of a narrow placeor of a bond

Memphisabode of the good

Memucanimpoverished; to prepare; certain; true

Menahemcomforter; who conducts them; preparation of heat

Menannumbered; rewarded; prepared

Menewho reckons or is counted

Meonenimcharmersregarders of times

Mephaathappearanceor forceof waters

Mephiboshethout of my mouth proceeds reproach

Merabhe that fights or disputes

Meraiothbitterness; rebellious; changing

Meraribitter; to provoke

Mercuriusan orator; an interpreter


Meremothbitterness; myrrh of death

Meresdefluxion; imposthume

Meribahdispute; quarrel

Meribbaalhe that resists Baal; rebellion

Merodachbitter contrition

Merodach-baladanbitter contritionwithout judgment

Meromeminences; elevations

Meronothitemy singing; rejoicing; bearing rule


Meshaburden; salvation

Meshachthat draws with force

Meshechwho is drawn by force

Meshelemiahpeaceor perfectionof the Lord

MeshezaheelGod taking away; the salvation of God

Meshillamithpeaceable; perfect; giving again

Meshullam peaceable; perfect; their parables

Mesobaitethe Lord's standing-place; a little doe

Mesopotamiabetween two rivers


Metheg-ammahbridle of bondage

Methusaelwho demands his death

Methusalehhe has sent his death

Meunimdwelling-places; afflicted


Miaminthe right hand

Mibharchosen; youth

Mibsamsmelling sweet

Mibzardefending; forbidding; taking away

Micahpoor; humble

Micaiahwho is like to God?

Michasame as Micaiah

MichaiahMichaelsame as Micah

Michalwho is perfect?

Michmachhe that strikes

Michmethahthe gift or death of a striker


Michtamgolden psalm

Middinjudgment; striving

Midianjudgment; covering; habit

Migdaleltower of God

Migdalgadtower compassed about

Migdola tower

Migronfear; farm; throat

Mijaminright hand

Miklothlittle wants; little voices; looking downward

Minneiahpossession of the Lord

Milalaicircumcision; my talk


Milcomtheir king

Miletumred; scarlet


Miniaminright hand

Minnireckoned; prepared

Minnithsame as Minni


Mishaelwho is asked for or lent

Mishalparables; governing

Mishamtheir savior; taking away

Mishealrequiring; lent; pit

Mishmahearing; obeying

Mishmannahfatness; taking away provision

Mishraitesspread abroad

MisparMisperethnumbering; showing; increase of tribute

Misrephoth-maimhot waters

Mithcahsweetness; pleasantness

Mithniteloin; gift; hope

Mithredathbreaking the law

Mitylenepurity; cleansing; press


MizpahMizpeha watch-tower; speculation


Mizzahdefluxion from the head

Mnasona diligent seeker; an exhorter

Moabof his father

Moladahbirth; generation


Molidnativity; generation

Mordecaicontrition; bitter; bruising


Moriahbitterness of the Lord

MoserahMoserotherudition; discipline

Mosestaken out; drawn forth


Muppimout of the mouth; covering

Mushihe that touchesthat withdraws or takes away

MyraI flow; pour out; weep

Mysiacriminal; abominable