Laadahto assemble together; to testify; passing over

Laadanfor pleasure; devouring; judgment

Labanwhite; shining; gentle; brittle

Labanathe moon; whiteness; frankincense

Lachishwho walksor existsof himself

Laelto God; to the mighty

Lahadpraising; to confess

Lahairoiwho liveth and seeth me

Lahmamtheir bread; their war

Lahmimy bread; my war

Laisha lion

Lamechpoor; made low

Laodiceajust people

Lapidothenlightened; lamps

Laseathick; wise

Lashahto call; to anoint

Lazarusassistance of God

Leahweary; tired



Lebbeusa man of heart; praising; confessing

Lebonahsame as Labana

Lehabimflames; inflamed; swords


Lekahwalking; going

LemuelGod with themor him

Leshema name; putting; a precious stone

Letushimhammermen; filemen

Leummimcountries; without water

Leviassociated with him

Libnahwhite; whiteness

Libnisame as Libnah

Libyathe heart of the sea; fat


Lo-amminot my people

Lodnativity; generation


Lo-ruhamahnot having obtained mercy; not pitied

LotLotanwrapt up; hidden; covered; myrrh; rosin

Lubinheart of a man; heart of the sea

LucasLuciusluminous; white

Luciferbringing light

LudLudimsame as Lod

Luhithmade of boards

Lukeluminous; white

Luzseparation; departure; an almond


LyddaLydiaa standing pool

Lysaniasthat drives away sorrow


Lysimachusscattering the battle

Lystrathat dissolves or disperses