Kabzeelthe congregation of God


Kadesh-barneaholiness of an inconstant son

KadmielGod of antiquity; God of rising

Kadmonitesancients; chiefs

Kallailight; resting by fire; my voice

Kanahof reeds

Kareahbald; ice

Karkaafloor; dissolving coldness

Karkorthey rested


Kartahcalling; meeting

Kedarblackness; sorrow

Kedemahoriental; ancient; first

Kedemothantiquity; old age

Kehelahatha whole; a congregation

Keiiahshe that divides or cuts

Kelaiahvoice of the Lord; gathering together

Kelitahsame as Kelaiah

KemuelGod hath raised upor established him

Kenahbuying; possession

Kenanbuyer; owner

Kenazthis purchase; this lamentation

Kenitespossession; purchase; lamentation

Kenizzitespossession; purchase

Keren-happuchthe horn or child of beauty

Kerioththe cities; the callings

Keroscrooked; crookedness

Keturahthat makes the incense to fume

Keziasuperficies; the angle; cassia

Kezizend; extremity

Kibroth-hattaavahthe graves of lust


Kidronobscure; making black or sad

Kinahsame as Kenah

Kira city; wall; meeting

KirharasethKirhareshcity of the sun; wall of burnt brick

Kiriothsame as Kerioth

Kirjathcity; vocation; meeting

Kirjathaimthe two cities; callings; or meetings

Kirjath-arbacity of four; fourth city

Kirjath-arimcity of those who watch

Kirjath-baalcity of Baalor of a ruler

Kirjath-huzothcity of streets; populous city

Kirjath-jearimcity of woods

Kirjath-sannahcity of enmityor of a blackberry bush

Kirjath-sephercity of lettersor of the book

Kishhard; difficult; straw; for age

Kishihardness; his gravity; his offense

Kishionhardness; soreness

Kishonhard; sore

Kithlishit is a wall; the company of a lioness

Kitronmaking sweet; binding together

Kittimbreaking; bruising small; gold; coloring

Koahope; a congregation; a line; a rule

Kohathcongregation; wrinkle; bluntness

Kolariahvoice of the Lord

Korahbaldness; ice; frost

Kushaiahsame as Kishi