Jaakantribulation; labor

Jaakobahsupplanter; deceiver; the heel

Jaalaascending; a little doe or goat

Jaalamhidden; young man; heir

Jaanaianswering; afflicting; making poor

Jaasaudoing; my doing

JaasielGod's work

Jaazaniahwhom the Lord will hear


JaaziahJaazielthe strength of the Lord

Jabalwhich glides away

Jabbokevacuation; dissipation; wrestling

Jabeshdryness; confusion; shame

Jabezsorrow; trouble

JabinJabnehhe that understands; building

Jabneelbuilding of God

Jachanwearing out; oppressing

Jachinhe that strengthens and makes steadfast

Jacobthat supplantsundermines; the heel


Jadauhis hand; his confession


Jaelhe that ascends; a kid

Jagurhusbandman; stranger

Jahthe everlasting

Jahaleelpraising God; light of God

Jahathbroken in pieces; descending

JahazJahazahquarrel; dispute

Jahaziahthe vision of the Lord

Jahazielseeing God

Jahdielthe unityor sharpnessor revengeof God

JahdoI alone; his joy; his sharpness of wit; his newness

Jahleelwaiting foror beseechingor hope inGod

Jahmaiwarm; making warm

JahzeelGod hastethor divideth

JairJairusmy light; who diffuses light

Jakansame as Achan

Jakimrising; confirming; establishing

Jalontarrying; murmuring

Jambrespoverty; bitter; a rebel

Jamessame as Jacob

Jaminright hand; south wind

Jamlechreigning; asking counsel

JannaJanneswho speaks or answers; afflicted; poor

JanoahJanohahresting; tarrying; deriving


Japhetenlarged; fair; persuading

Japhiaenlightening; appearing

JaphletJaphletidelivered; banished

Japhofairness; comeliness

Jaraha wood; honeycomb; watching closely

Jareba revenger

Jareda ruling; commanding; coming down

Jaresiahthe bed of the Lord; the Lord hath taken away; poverty

Jaribfighting; chiding; multiplying; avenging

Jarmuthfearingor seeingor throwing downdeath

Jarvahbreathingor makinga sweet smell

JashemJashenancient; sleeping

Jasherrighteous; upright

Jashobeamthe people sitting; or captivity of the people

Jashuba returning; a controversy; a dwelling place

Jasielthe strength of God

Jasonhe that cures

Jathnielgift of God

Jattira remnant; excellent

Javandeceiver; one who makes sad

Jazeelstrength of God

Jazerassistance; helper

Jazizbrightness; departing

Jearima leap; woods

Jeateraisearching out

Jeberechiahspeaking well ofor kneeling tothe Lord

Jebustreading under foot; manger

Jebusitrodden under foot; mangers

Jecamiahresurrectionor confirmationor revengeof the Lord

Jecoliahperfectionor powerof the Lord

Jeconiahpreparationor stabilityof the Lord

Jedaiahthe hand of the Lord; confessing the Lord

Jedeiahone Lord; the joy of the Lord

Jediaelthe scienceor knowledgeof God

Jedidahwell beloved; amiable

Jedidiahbeloved of the Lord

Jedielthe knowledgeor renewingof God

Jeduthunhis law; giving praise

Jeezerisland of help

Jegar-sahaduthaheap of witness

JehaleleelJehalelelpraising God; clearness of God

Jehazielsame as Jahaziel

Jehdeiahjoy togetherone Lord

JeheielGod liveth

Jehezekelstrength of God

Jehiahthe Lord liveth

Jehiskiahthe strengthor takingof the Lord

Jehoadahpassing over; testimony of the Lord

Jehoaddanpleasureor timeof the Lord

Jehoahazpossession of the Lord

Jehoashfire of the Lord

Jehohanangraceor mercyor giftof the Lord

Jehoiachinpreparationor strengthof the Lord

Jehoiadaknowledge of the Lord

Jehoiakimavengingor establishingor resurrectionof the Lord

Jehoiaribfightingor multiplyingof the Lord

JehonadabJonadabfree giver; liberality

Jehonathangift of the Lord; gift of a dove

Jehoramexaltation of the Lord

Jehoshaphatthe Lord is judge

Jehoshebafullnessor oathof the Lord

Jehoshuasame as Joshua


Jehovah-jirehthe Lord will provide

Jehovah-nissithe Lord my banner

Jehovah-shalomthe Lord send peace

Jehovah-shammahthe Lord is there

Jehovah-tsidkenuthe Lord our righteousness

Jehozabadthe Lord's dowry; having a dowry

Jehozadakjustice of the Lord

Jehuhimself who exists


Jehucalmighty; perfect; wasted

JehudJehudipraising; conferring

Jehudijahthe praise of the Lord

Jehushkeeping counsel; fastened

Jekabzeelthe congregation of God

Jekameanthe people shall arise

Jekamiahestablishingor revengingof the Lord

Jekuthielhopeor congregationof the Lord

Jemimahandsome as the day

JemuelGod's day; son of God

Jephunnehhe that beholds

Jerahthe moon; month; smelling sweet

Jerahmeelthe mercyor the belovedof God

Jeredruling; coming down

Jeremaimy height; throwing forth waters

Jeremiahexaltation of the Lord

Jeremotheminences; one that fears death

Jeriahfearor throwing downof the Lord

Jerebaifighting; chiding; multiplying

Jerichohis moon; his month; his sweet smell

Jerielfearor vision of God

Jerijahsame as Jeriah

Jerimothhe that fears or rejects death

Jeriothkettles; breaking asunder

Jeroboamhe that opposes the people

Jerohamhigh; merciful; beloved

Jerubbaalhe that defends Baallet Baal defend his cause

Jerubbeshethlet the idol of confusion defend itself

Jeruelfearor vision of God

Jerusalemvision of peace

Jerushabanished; possession; inheritance

Jesaiahhealthor salvationof the Lord

Jeshebeabsittingor captivityof the father

Jesherright; singing

Jeshimonsolitude; desolation

Jeshishaiancient; rejoicing exceedingly

Jeshohaiathe Lord pressing; the meditation of God

Jeshuasame as Joshua

Jesiahsprinkling of the Lord

Jesimielnamingor astonishmentof God

Jessegift; oblation; one who is

Jesuieven-tempered; flat country

Jesussavior; deliverer

Jetherhe that excels


Jethlahhanging up; heaping up

Jethrohis excellence; his posterity

Jeturorder; succession; mountainous

JeuelGod hath taken away; God heaping up

JeushJeuzhe that is devoured

Jewsame as Judah

Jezaniahnourishmentor weaponsof the Lord


Jezerisland of help

JeziahJezielsprinkling of the Lord

Jezoarclear; white

Jezrahiahthe Lord arises; brightness of the Lord

Jezneelseed of God

Jibsamtheir droughttheir confusion

Jidlaphhe that distills water

Jimnahright hand; numbering; preparing


JiphthaelGod opening

Joabpaternity; voluntary

Joahfraternity; brother of the Lord

Joahazapprehending; possessing; seeing

Joakimrising or establishing of the Lord

Joannagrace or gift of the Lord

Joashwho despairs or burns

Joathamsame as Jotham

Jobhe that weeps or cries


Jochebedglorious; honorable

Joedwitnessing; robbing; passing over

Joelhe that wills or commands

Joelahlifting up; profiting; taking away slander

Joezerhe that aids

Jogbehahan exalting; high

Joglipassing over; turning back; rejoicing

Johawho enlivens or gives life

Johananwho is liberal or merciful

Johnthe grace or mercy of the Lord

Joiaribchidingor multiplyingof the Lord

Jokdeamcrookednessor burningof the people

Jokimthat made the sun stand still

Jokmeamconfirmationor revengeof the people

Jokneampossessingor building upof the people

Jokshanan offense; hardness; a knocking

Joktansmall dispute; contention; disgust

Jonadabwho gives liberally

Jonahor Jonasa dove; he that oppresses; destroyer

Jonana dove; multiplying of the people

Jonathangiven of God

Joppabeauty; comeliness

JorahJoraishowing; casting forth; a cauldron

Joramto cast; elevated

Jordanthe river of judgment

Jorimhe that exalts the Lord

Josabadhaving a dowry

Josaphatsame as Jehoshaphat

Joseraised; who pardons

Josephincrease; addition

Josessame as Jose

Joshahbeing; forgetting; owing

Joshaviahthe seatalterationor captivity of the Lord

Joshbekeshait is requiring or beseeching

Joshuaa savior; a deliverer

Josiahthe Lord burns; the fire of the Lord

Josibiahthe seator captivity of the Lord

Josiphiahincrease of the Lord; the Lord's finishing

Jothamthe perfection of the Lord

JothathJothathahis goodness

Jozabadsame as Josabad

Jozacharremembering; of the male sex

Jubalhe that runs; a trumpet

Jucalmighty; perfect

Judahthe praise of the Lord; confession

JudasJudesame as Judah

JudaeaJudeasame as Judah

Judithsame as Judah

Juliadowny; soft and tender hair

Juliussame as Julia


Jupiterthe father that helpeth

Jushabheseddwelling-place; change of mercy

Justusjust or upright

Juttahturning away