Haahashtaria runner

Habaiahthe hiding of the Lord

Habakkukhe that embraces; a wrestler

Habazinaiaha hiding of the shield of the Lord

Habora partaker; a companion

Hachaliahwho waits for the Lord

Hachilahmy hope is in her

Hachmonia wise man

Hadadjoy; noise; clamor

Hadadezerbeauty of assistance

Hadadrimmoninvocation to the god Rimmon

Hadarpower; greatness

Hadarezersame as Hadadezer

Hadashahnews; a month

Hadassaha myrtle; joy

Hadlailoitering; hindering

Hadoramtheir beauty; their power

Hadrachpoint; joy of tenderness

HagabHagabaha grasshopper

Hagara stranger; one that fears

Haggaifeast; solemnity

HaggeriHaggia stranger

Haggiahthe Lord's feast



Hakkoza thorn; summer; an end

Hakuphaa commandment of the mouth

Halaha moist table


Halhulgrief; looking for grief

Halisickness; a beginning; a precious stone

Hallelujahpraise the Lord

Halloeshsaying nothing; an enchanter

Hamhot; heat; brown

Hamannoise; tumult

Hamathanger; heat; a wall

Hamath-zobahthe heator the wallof an army

Hammedathahe that troubles the law

Hammelecha king; a counselor

Hammonheat; the sun

Hamonahhis multitude; his uproar

Hamon-gogthe multitude of Gog

Hamoran ass; clay; dirt


Hamulgodly; merciful

Hamutalthe shadow of his heat

Hanameelthe grace that comes from God; gift of God

Hananfull of grace

Hananeelgraceor giftof God

Hananimy grace; my mercy

Hananiahgrace; mercy; gift of the Lord

Hanesbanishment of grace

Hanielthe gift of God

Hannahgracious; merciful; he that gives

Hannathonthe gift of grace

Hannielgrace or mercy of God


Hanungracious; merciful

Hapharaimsearching; digging

Haraa hill; showing forth

Haradahwell of great fear

Haranmountainous country

Harransee Charran

Harbonahhis destruction; his sword

Harephwinter; reproach

Harhasanger; heat of confidence

Harhaiahheator angerof the Lord

Harhurmade warm

Harimdestroyed; dedicated to God

Harnepherthe anger of a bull; increasing heat

Harodastonishment; fear

Haroshetha forest; agriculture; workmanship; deafness; silence

Harshaworkmanship; a wood

Harumhigh; throwing down


Haruphiteslender; sharp


Hasadiahthe mercy of the Lord

Hashabiahthe estimation of the Lord

HashabnahHashabniahthe silence of the Lord

Hashemnamed; a putting to

Hashubesteemed; numbered

Hashubahestimation; thought

Hashumsilence; their hasting

Hashuphaspent; made base


Hatachhe that strikes


Hatitaa bending of sin

Hattilhowling for sin


Hattushforsaking sin

Haurana hole; liberty; whiteness

Havilahthat suffers pain; that brings forth

Havoth-jairthe villages that enlighten

Hazaelthat sees God

Hazaiahseeing the Lord

Hazar-addaran imprisoned generation

Hazarenanimprisoned cloud

Hazargaddahimprisoned band

Hazar-hatticonmiddle village; preparation

Hazarmavethdwelling of death

Hazar-shuala wolf's house

Hazar-susahor susimthe hay-paunch of a horse

Hazelelponisorrow of countenance

Hazerothvillages; palaces

Hazezon-tamardrawing near to bitterness

Hazoseeing; prophesying

Hazorcourt; hay

Heberone that passes; anger

Hebrewsdescendants of Heber

Hebronsociety; friendship

Hegaior Hegemeditation; word; groaning; separation

Helamtheir army; their trouble


HeldaiHelebHeledthe world; rustiness

Helekpart; portion

Helemdreaming; healing

Helephchanging; passing over

Helezarmed; set free

Heliascending; climbing up

Helkaisame as Helek

Helkath-hazzurimthe field of strong menor of rocks

Helonwindow; grief

Hemantheir trouble; tumult; much; in great number

Hengrace; quiet; rest


Henadadgrace of the beloved

Henochsame as Enoch

Hephera digger

Hephzibahmy delight is in her

Heresthe son; an earthen pot

Heresha carpenter

HermasHermesMercury; gain; refuge

Hermogenesbegotten of Mercury

Hermonanathema; devoted to destruction

Herodson of a hero

Herodionthe song of Juno

Heshboninvention; industry

Heshmona hasty messenger

Hethtrembling; fear

Hethlona fearful dwelling

Hezekiahstrength of the Lord

HezerHezira bog; converted

Hezraian entry or vestibule

Hezronthe dart of joy; the division of the song

Hiddaia praise; a cry

Hiddekel sharp voice; sound

HielGod lives; the life of God

Hierapolisholy city

Higgaionmeditation; consideration

Hilena window; grief

HilkiahGod is my portion

Hillelhe that praises

Hinnomthere they are; their riches

Hirahliberty; anger

Hiramexaltation of life; a destroyer

Hittiteone who is broken; who fears

Hiviteswicked; wickedness

Hizkijahthe strength of the Lord

Hobabfavored; beloved

Hobahlove; friendship; secrecy

Hodpraise; confession

Hodaiahthe praise of the Lord

HodaviahHodiahHodijahsame as Hodaiah

Hodesha table; news

Hoglahhis festival or dance

Hohamwoe to them

Holona window; grief

Homammaking an uproar

Hophinhe that covers; my fist

Horwho conceivesor shows; a hill

Horamtheir hill

Horebdesert; solitude; destruction

Horeman offering dedicated to God

Hor-hagidgadthe hill of felicity

Horia prince; freeborn

Horimsprinces; being angry

Hormahdevoted or consecrated to God; utter destruction

Horonaimangers; ragings

Horonitesmen of angeror of furyor of liberty


Hosannasave I pray thee; keep; preserve

HoseaHosheasavior; safety

Hoshaiahthe salvation of the Lord

Hoshamaheard; he obeys

Hothama seal

Hothirexcelling; remaining

Hukkokengraver; scribe; lawyer

Hulpain; infirmity

Huldahthe world

Huphamtheir chamber; their bank

Huppima chamber covered; the sea-shore

Hurliberty; whiteness; hole

Huramtheir liberty; their whiteness; their hole

Huribeing angry; or same as Huram

Hushahhasting; holding peace

Hushaitheir haste; their sensuality; their silence

HushathiteHushimman of hasteor of silence

Huzcounsel; woods; fastened

Huzothstreets; populous


Hymeneusnuptial; the god of marriage