Gaalcontempt; abomination

Gaashtempest; commotion

Gabbaithe back

Gabbathahigh; elevated

GabrielGod is my strength

Gada band; a troop

Gadarenesmen of Gadarai.e.a place surrounded or walled

Gaddimy troop; a kid

Gaddielgoat of God; the Lord my happiness

Gaiuslord; an earthly man

Galala rolla wheel

Galatiawhite; the color of milk

Galeedthe heap of witness

Galileewheel; revolution

Gallimwho heap up; who cover

Galliowho sucksor lives on milk

Gamalielrecompense of God; camel of God


Gamula recompense

Gareba scab

Garmitesmen of Garmiie.bonesormy cause

Gatamtheir lowing; their touch

Gatha wine-press

Gath-rimmonthe high wine-press

Gazastrong; a goat

Gazabara treasurer

Gazera dividing; a sentence

Gazeza passing over

Gazzamthe fleece of them

Gebaa hill; cup

Gebalbound; limit


Gebimgrasshoppers; height

GedaliahGod is my greatness

GederGederahGederotha wall


Gehazivalley of sight


Gemalliwares; a camel

Gemariahaccomplishment or perfection of the Lord

Gennesaretgarden of the prince


Genubaththeft; robbery

Gerapilgrimagecombat; dispute

Gerarsame as Gera

Gergesenesthose who come from pilgrimage or fight


Gershoma stranger here

Gershonhis banishment; the change of pilgrimage

GeshurGeshurisight of the valley; a walled valley

Getherthe vale of trial or searching

Gethsemanea very fat or plentiful vale

GeuelGod's redemption


Giahto guide; draw out; produce; a groan or sigh


Gibbethona back; a high house

Gibeaha hill

Gibeonhill; cup; thing lifted up


Gideonhe that bruises or breaks; a destroyer

Gideonisame as Gideon

Gihonvalley of grace

Gilalaia wheel

Gilboarevolution of inquiry

Gileadthe heap or mass of testimony

Gilgalwheel; rolling; heap

Gilohhe that rejoices; he that overturns

Gimzothat bulrush

GinathGinnethoa garden

Girgashitewho arrives from pilgrimage

Gispacoming hither

Gittah-hepherdigging; a wine-press

Gittaima wine-press

Gittitesmen of Gathie.of a wine-press

Goathhis touching; his roaring

Gobcistern; grasshopper

Gogroof; covering

Golanpassage; revolution

Golgothaa heap of skulls; something skull-shaped

Goliathpassage; revolution; heap

Gomerto finish; complete

Gomorrahrebellious people

Goshenapproaching; drawing near

Gozanfleece; pasture; who nourisheth the body


Gunia garden; a covering

Gurthe young of a beast; a whelp

Gur-baalthe governor's whelp