Ebalancient heaps

Ebeda servant; laborer

Ebed-melechthe king's servant

Eben-ezerthe stone of help

Eberone that passes; anger

Ebiasapha father that gathers or adds

Ebronahpassage over; being angry

Ecclesiastesa preacher


Edenpleasure; delight

Edera flock

Edomredearthy; of blood

Edreia very great massor cloud

Eglahheifer; chariot; round

Eglaimdrops of the sea

Eglonsame as Eglah

Egyptthat troubles or oppresses; anguish

Ehudhe that praises


Ekronbarrenness; torn away

Eladahthe eternity of God

Elahan oak; a curse; perjury

Elama young man; a virgin; a secret

Elasahthe doings of God

Elatha hind; strength; an oak

El-beth-elthe God of Bethel

Eldaahknowledge of God

Eldadfavored of God; love of God

Eleadwitness of God

Elealehburnt-offering of God

Eleazarhelp of Godcourt of God

El-elohe-IsraelGodthe God of Israel


Elhanangraceor giftor mercy of God

Elithe offering or lifting up

EliElimy Godmy God

EliabGod is my father; God is the father

Eliadaknowledge of God

EliahGod the Lord

Eliahbamy God the Father

Eliakimresurrection of God

Eliamthe people of God

Eliassame as Elijah

Eliasaphthe Lord increaseth

Eliashibthe God of conversion

Eliathahthou art my God

Elidadbeloved of God

ElielGodmy God

Elienaithe God of my eyes

Eliezerhelpor courtof my God

Elihorephgod of winteror of youth

Elihu,he is my God himself

ElijahGod the Lordthe strong Lord

Elikapelican of God

Elimthe rams; the strong; stags

Elimelechmy God is king

Elioenaitoward him are mine eyes; or to him are my fountains

Eliphala miracle of God

Eliphaletthe God of deliverance

Eliphazthe endeavor of God

ElisabethElizabeththe oathor fullnessof God

Elishasalvation of God

Elishahit is God; the lamb of God: God that gives help

ElishamaGod hearing

Elishaphatmy God judgeth

Elishebasame as Elisabeth

ElishuaGod is my salvation

EliudGod is my praise

ElizurGod is my strength; my rock; rock of God

ElkanahGod the zealous; the zeal of God

Elkeshaihardiness or rigor of God

Ellasarrevolting from God

Elkoshitea man of Elkeshai

Elmodamthe God of measureor of the garment

ElnaamGod's fairness

ElnathanGod hath given; the gift of God


Elonoak; grove; strong

Elon-beth-hananthe house of grace or mercy

ElpaalGod's work

Elpaletsame as Eliphalet

Eltekehof grace or mercy

Eltekeththe case of God

Eltoladthe generation of God

Elulcry or outcry

EluzaiGod is my strength

Elymasa magiciana corrupter

Elzabadthe dowry of God

ElzaphanGod of the northeast wind

Emimsfears; terrors; formidable; people

EmmanuelGod with us

Emmauspeople despised or obscure

Emmoran ass

Enamfountainopen place


En-dorfountaineye of generationor of habitation


En-eglaimeyeor fountainof calves

En-gannimeyeor fountainof protection or of gardens

En-gedieyeor fountainof the goator of happiness

En-haddahquick sight; well of gladness

En-hakkorefountain of him that called or prayed

En-hazorthe grass of the well

En-mishpatfountain of judgment

Enochdedicated; disciplined

Enoncloud; mass of darkness; fountain; eye

Enosmortal man; sick; despaired of; forgetful

En-rimmonwell of weight

En-rogelthe fuller's fountain; the well of searching

En-shemeshfountainor eyeof the sun

En-tappuahfountain of an appleor of inflation

Epaphrascovered with foam

Epaphroditusagreeable; handsome

Epenetuslaudable; worthy of praise

Ephahweary; tired

Epherdust; lead

Ephes-dammimeffusion of blood


Eph-laljudging; praying

Ephphathabe opened

Ephraimfruitful; increasing

EphratahEphrathabundance; bearing fruit


Epicureanfollower of Epicurusi.e.of one who gives assistance




Erech; length; health; physic

Erimy city

Esaiassame as Isaiah

Esar-haddonthat closes the point; joy; cheerfulness

Esauhe that acts or finishes


Esh-baalthe fire of the idol
or of the ruler

Esh-banfire of the sun

Eshcolbunch of grapes

Esheanheld up


Eshkalonsame as Askelon

Eshtaola strong woman

Eshtemoathe bosom of a woman

Eslinear me; he who separates

Esmachiahjoined to the Lord

Esromdart of joy; division of a song

Esthersecret; hidden

Etamtheir birdtheir covering

Ethamtheir strength; their sign

Ethanstrong; the gift of the island

Ethanimstrong; valiant

Ethbaaltoward the idolor with Baal


Ethiopiablackness; heat



Eubulusprudent; good counselor

Eunicegood victory

Euodiassweet scent

Euphratesthat makes fruitful

Eutychushappy; fortunate

Eveliving; enlivening


Evil-merodachthe fool of Merodach; the fool grinds bitterly

Exodusgoing outdeparture

Ezbonhastening to understand

Ezekielthe strength of God

Ezelgoing abroad; walk

Ezema bone

Ezera help

Ezion-geberthe wood of the man

Ezrahelp; court

Ezrimy help