Dabarehthe word; the thing; a bee; obedient

Dabbashethflowing with honey

Daberathsame as Dabareh

Dagoncorn; a fish

Dalaiahthe poor of the Lord

Dalmanuthaa bucket; a branch

Dalmatiadeceitful lamps; vain brightness

Dalphonthe house of caves

Damarisa little woman

Damascusa sack full of blood; the similitude of burning

Danjudgment; he that judges

Danieljudgment of God; God my judge


Darahgeneration; house of the shepherd or of the companion

Dardahome of knowledge

Dariushe that informs himself

Darkonof generation; of possession

Dathanlaws or rites


Debiran orator; a word

Deborahword; thing; a bee

Decapoliscontaining ten cities

Dedantheir breasts; friendship; a judge

Dedanimthe descendants of Dedan


Delaiahthe poor of the Lord

Delilahpoor; small; head of hair


Demetriusbelonging to cornor to Ceres

Derbea sting

Deuelthe knowledge of God

Deuteronomyrepetition of the law


Diblaimcluster of figs

Diblathpaste of dry figs

Dibonabundance of knowledge

Dibon-gadgreat understanding; abundance of sons

Dibrian orator

DibzahabDizahabwhere much gold is

Didymusa twin; double

DiklahDildahhis diminishing

Dileanthat is poor

Dimonwhere it is red


Dinahjudgment; who judges

Dinhabahhe gives judgment

Dionysiusdivinely touched

Diotrephesnourished by Jupiter

Dishana threshing

Dishonfatness; ashes



Dodohis uncle

Doegcarefulwho acts with uneasiness

Dophkaha knocking


Dorcasa female roe-deer

Dothanthe law; custom

Drusillawatered by the dew

Dumalisilence; resemblance

Durasame as Dor