Cabbonas though understanding

Cabuldispleasing; dirty

Caiphashe that seeks with diligence; one that vomiteth

Cainpossessionor possessed

Cainanpossessor; purchaser

Calahfavorable; opportunity


Caleba dog; a crow; a basket

Caleb-Ephratahsee Ephratah

Calnehour consummation

Calnoour consummation; altogether himself

Calvarythe place of a skull

Camonhis resurrection

Canazeal; jealousy; possession

Canaanmerchant; trader; or that humbles and subdues

Candacewho possesses contrition

Capernaumthe field of repentance; city of comfort

Caphtora spherebuckleor hand

Cappadociathe same as Caphtor

Carcasthe covering of a lamb

Charchemisha lamb; as taken away; withdrawn

Careahbald; ice

Carmelcircumcised lamb; harvest; full of ears of corn

Carmimy vineyard; lamb of the waters

Carpusfruit; fruitful

Carshenaa lamb; sleeping

Casiphiamoney; covetousness

Casluhimhopes of life

Cedronblack; sad

Cenchreamillet; small pulse

Cephasa rock or stone

Cesara name applied to those who are cut out of the womb

Chalcolwho nourishesconsumesand sustains the whole

Chaldeaas demonsor as robbers

Charrana singing or calling out

Chebarforce or strength

Chedorlaomerroundness of a sheaf

Chelalas night

Cheluba basket


Chelubaihe altogether against me

Chemarimsblack ones

Chemoshhandling; stroking; taking away

Chenaanahbroken in pieces

Chenanimy pillar

Chenaniahpreparationor dispositionor strengthof the Lord

Chephiraha little lioness


CherethimsCherethiteswho cut or tear away

Cherithcutting; piercing; slaying

Chesedas a devilor a destroyer



Chidona dart

Chiliabtotality; or the perfection of the father

Chilionfinished; complete; perfect

Chilmadteaching or learning

Chimhamas they; like to them

Chiosopen; opening

ChisleuCisleuCasleurashness; confidence


Chisloth-taborfears; purity

Chittemthose that bruise; gold

Chloegreen herb

Chorazinthe secret; here is a mystery

Chozebamen liers in wait


Chunmaking ready

Chushan-rishathaimblackness of iniquities

Chuzathe seer or prophet

Ciliciawhich rolls or overturns

Cissame as Kish

Claudaa lamentable voice


Clementmild; good; merciful

Cleophasthe whole glory


Colhozehevery prophet

Colossepunishment; correction

Coniahstrength of the Lord


Corinthwhich is satisfied; ornament; beauty

Corneliusof a horn


Coza thorn

Cozbia liar; sliding away

Crescensgrowing; increasing

Cretecarnal; fleshly


CushCushanCushiEthiopians; blackness


Cyprusfair; fairness

Cyrenea wall; coldness; the floor

Cyreniuswho governs

Cyrusas miserable; as heir