Baalmaster; lord

Baalahher idol; she that is governed or subdued; a spouse

Baalatha rejoicing; our proud lord

Baalath-beersubjected pit

Baal-berithidol of the covenant

Baalesame as Baalath

Baal-gadidol of fortune or felicity

Baal-hamonwho rules a crowd

Baal-hermonpossessor of destruction or of a thing cursed

Baalimy idol; lord over me

Baalimidols; masters; false gods

Baalisa rejoicing; a proud lord

Baal-meonidol or master of the house

Baal-peormaster of the opening

Baal-perazimgod of divisions

Baal-shalishathe god that presides over three; the third idol

Baal-tamarmaster of the palm-tree

Baal-zebubgod of the fly

Baal-zephonthe idol or possession of the north; hidden; secret

Baanahin the answer; in affliction

Baaraa flame; purging

Baaseiahin making; in pressing together

Baashahe that seeksor lays waste

Babelconfusion; mixture

Babylonsame as Babel

Bacaa mulberry-tree

Bahurimchoice; warlike; valiant

Bajitha house

Balaamthe ancient of the people; the destruction of the people

Baladanone without judgment

Balakwho lays waste or destroys

Bamahan eminence or high place

Barabbasson of shameconfusion

Barachelthat bows before God

Barachiassame as Barachel

Barakthunderor in vain

Barjesusson of Jesus or Joshua

Barjonason of a Jona; of a dove

Barnabasson of the prophetor of consolation

Barsabasson of return; son of rest

Bartholomewa son that suspends the waters

Bartimeusson of the honorable

Baruchwho is blessed

Barzillaison of contempt; made of iron

Bashanin the toothin ivory

Bashemathperfumed; confusion of death; in desolation

Bathshebathe seventh daughter; the daughter of satiety

Bathsuhasame as Bathsheba

Bealiahthe god of an idol; in an assembly

Bealothcast under


Becherfirst begotten; first fruits

Bechorathfirst fruits

Bedadalone; solitary

BedaiahBedeiahthe only Lord

Bedanaccording to judgment

Beeliadaan open idol

Beelzebubsame as Baalzebub

Beera well

Beeraa well; declaring

Beerelimthe well of Elimor of rains

Beerimy well

Beer-lahai-roithe well of him that liveth and seeth me

Beerothwells; explaining

Beershebathe well of an oath; the seventh well


Bekahhalf a shekel



Belshazzarmaster of the treasure

Belteshazzarwho lays up treasures in secret

Bena son

Benaiahson of the Lord

Ben-ammison of my people

Beneberaksons of lightning

Bene-jaakansons of sorrow

Benhadadson of Hadador noise

Benhailson of strength

Benhananson of grace

Benjaminson of the right hand

Benimiour sons

Benohis son

Benonison of my sorrowor pain

Benzohethson of separation

Beonin affliction

Beorburning; foolish; mad

Beraa well; declaring

Berachahblessing; bending the knee

Berachiahspeaking well of the Lord

Beraiahthe choosing of the Lord

Bereaheavy; weighty


Berimy son; my corn

Beriahin fellowship; in envy


Berniceone that brings victory

Berodach-baladanthe son of death

Berothaiwells; a cypress

Berothathof a well

Besaia despising; dirty

Besodeiahcounsel of the Lord

Besorglad news; incarnation



Bethabarathe house of confidence

Bethanathhouse of affliction

Bethanythe house of song; the house of affliction

Betharabahhouse of sweet smell

Beth-aramhouse of height

Beth-aventhe house of vanity; of iniquity of trouble

Beth-azmavethhouse of death's strength

Beth-baalmeonan idol of the dwelling-place

Beth-barahthe chosen house

Beth-bireithe house of my Creatorthe house of my health

Beth-carthe house of the lamb

Beth-dagonthe house of cornor of fish

Beth-diblathaimhouse of dry figs

Beth-elthe house of God

Bethemekhouse of deepness

Betherdivisionor in the trial

Bethesdahouse of pity or mercy

Beth-ezala neighbor's house

Beth-gadera house for a mouse

Beth-gamulhouse of recompenseor of the camel

Beth-hacceremhouse of the vineyard

Beth-haranhouse of grace

Beth-horonhouse of wrath

Beth-lebaothhouse of lionesses

Beth-lehemhouse of bread

Beth-marcabothhouse of bitterness wiped out

Beth-meonhouse of the dwelling-place

Beth-nimrahhouse of rebellion

Beth-palethouse of expulsion

Beth-pazzezhouse of dividing asunder

Beth-peorhouse of gapingor opening

Bethphagehouse of my monthor of early figs

Beth-pheletsame as Beth-palet

Beth-raphahouse of health

Bethsaidahouse of fruitsor of foodor of snares

BethshanBeth-sheanhouse of the toothor of ivoryor of sleep

Beth-shemeshhouse of the sun

Bethuelfiliation of God

Beth-zurhouse of a rock




Bezaleelin the shadow of God

Bezeklightning; in the chains

Bezervine branches

Bichrifirst-born; first fruits

Bidkarin compunctionor sharp pain

Bigthanin the press; giving meat

Bigvaiin my body

Bildadold friendship

Bileamthe ancient of the people; the devourer

Bilgahancient countenance

BilhahBilhanwho is old or confused

Bilshanin the tongue

Bineason of the Lord


Birshaan evil; a son who beholds

Bishlamin peace

Bithiahdaughter of the Lord


Bithyniaviolent precipitation


Blastusthat buds or brings forth

Boanergesson of thunder

Boazor Boozin strength

Bocheruthe first born

Bochimthe place of weeping; or of mulberry-trees

Bohanin them

Boskathin poverty

Bosontaking away

Bozezmud; bog

Bozrahin tribulation or distress


Bukkiahthe dissipation of the Lord

Bulold age; perishing

Bunahbuilding; understanding

Bunnibuilding me

Buzdespised; plundered

Buzimy contempt