Aarona teacher; lofty; mountain of strength

Abaddonthe destroyer

Abagthafather of the wine-press

Abanamade of stone; a building

Abarimpassages; passengers


Abdaa servant; servitude

Abdeela vapor; a cloud of God

Abdimy servant

Abdielservant of God

Abdonservant; cloud of judgment

Abednegoservant of light; shining

Abelvanity; breath; vapor

Abela city; mourning

Abel-beth-maachahmourning to the house of Maachah

Abel-maimmourning of waters

Abel-meholahmourning of sickness

Abel-mizraimthe mourning of Egyptians

Abel-shittimmourning of thorns

Abezan egg; muddy

Abimy father

Abiahthe Lord is my father

Abi-albonmost intelligent father

Abiasaphconsuming father; gathering

Abiatharexcellent father; father of the remnant

Abibgreen fruit; ears of corn

Abidahfather of knowledge

Abidanfather of judgment

AbielGod my father

Abiezerfather of help

Abigailthe father's joy

Abihailthe father of strength

Abihuhe is my father

Abihudfather of praise; confession

Abijahthe Lord is my father

Abijamfather of the sea

Abilenethe father of mourning

Abimaela father sent from God

Abimelechfather of the king

Abinadabfather of a vowor of willingness

Abinoamfather of beauty

Abiramhigh father; father of deceit

Abishagignorance of the father

Abishaithe present of my father

Abishalomfather of peace

Abishuafather of salvation

Abishurfather of the wall; father of uprightness

Abitalthe father of the dew; or of the shadow

Abitubfather of goodness

Abiudfather of praise

Abnerfather of light

Abramhigh father

Abrahamfather of a great multitude

Absalomfather of peace

Accada vessel; pitcher; spark

Acchoclose; pressed together

Aceldamafield of blood

Achabbrother of the father

Achaiagrief; trouble

Achaicusa native of Achaia; sorrowing; sad

Achanor Acharhe that troubleth

Achazone that takesor possesses

Achbora rat; bruising

Achimpreparing; revenging; confirming

Achishthus it is; how is this

Achmethabrother of death


Achsahadorned; bursting the veil

Achshaphpoison; tricks

Achzibliar; lying; one that runs

Adadahtestimony of the assembly

Adahan assembly

Adaiahthe witness of the Lord

Adaliahone that draws water; poverty; cloud; death

Adamearthy; red

Adamahred earth; of blood

Adamimy man; red; earthy; human

Adarhigh; eminent

Adbeelvaporor cloud of God

Addimy witness; adorned; prey

Addinadorned; delicious; voluptuous

Addonbasis; foundation; the Lord

Adielthe witness of the Lord

AdinAdinaadorned; voluptuous; dainty

Adithaimassemblies; testimonies

Adlaimy witness; my ornament

Admahearthy; red; bloody

Admathaa cloud of death; a mortal vapor

Adnapleasure; delight

Adnaheternal rest

Adoni-bezekthe lightning of the Lord; the Lord of lightning

Adonijahthe Lord is my master

Adonikamthe Lord is raised

Adonirammy Lord is most high; Lord of might and elevation

Adoni-zedekjustice of the Lord; lord of justice

Adoraimstrength of the sea

Adoramtheir beauty; their power

Adrammelechthe cloakglorygrandeur or power of the king

Adramyttiumthe court of death

Adrielthe flock of God

Adullamtheir testimony; their prey; their ornament

Adummimearthy; red; bloody things

Aeneaspraised; praiseworthy

Aenona cloud; fountain; his eye

Agabusa locust; the father's joy or feast

Agagroof; upper floor

Agaror Hagara stranger; one that fears

Ageea valley; deepness

Agrippaone who causes great pain at his birth

Agurstranger; gathered together

Ahabuncleor father's brother

Aharaha smiling brother; a meadow of a sweet savor

Aharhelanother host; the last sorrow; a brother's sheep

Ahasbaitrusting in me; a grown-up brother

Ahasuerusprince; head; chief

Ahavaessence; being; generation

Ahazone that takes or possesses

Ahaziahseizure; vision of the Lord

Ahimy brother; my brethren

Ahiahbrother of the Lord

Ahiammother's brother; brother of a nation

Ahianbrother of wine

Ahiezerbrother of assistance

Ahihudbrother of vanityor of darknessor of joyor of praise; witty brother

Ahijahsame with Ahiah

Ahikama brother who raises up or avenges

Ahiluda brother bornor begotten

Ahimaaza brother of the council

Ahimanbrother of the right hand

Ahimelechmy brother is a king; my king's brother

Ahimothbrother of death

Ahinadaba willing brother; brother of a vow

Ahinoambeauty of the brother; brother of motion

Ahiohis brother; his brethren

Ahirabrother of iniquity; brother of the shepherd

Ahirambrother of craftor of protection

Ahisamachbrother of strength

Ahishahurbrother of the morning or dew; brother of blackness

Ahisharbrother of a prince; brother of a song

Ahithophelbrother of ruin or folly

Ahitubbrother of goodness

Ahlabmade of milkor of fat; brother of the heart

Ahlaibeseeching; sorrowing; expecting

Ahoaha live brother; my thorn or thistle

Aholahhis tabernacle; his tent

Aholiabthe tent of the father

Aholibahmy tentor my tabernaclein her

Aholibamahmy tabernacle is exalted

Ahumaia meadow of waters; a brother of waters

Ahuzamtheir taking or possessing vision

Ahuzzahpossession; seizing; collecting

Aior Haimass; heap

Aiahvultureraven; an isle; alaswhere is it?

Aiathsame as Ai; an hour; eye; fountain

Aijeleth-Shaharthe land of the morning

Ainsame as Aiath

Ajalona chain; strength; a stag

Akkubfoot-print; supplanting; crookedness; lewdness


AlammelechGod is king

Alemethhiding; youth; worlds; upon the dead

Alexanderone who assists men


Alleluiapraise the Lord

Allonan oak; strong

Allon-bachuththe oak of weeping

Almodadmeasure of God


Almon-diblathaimhidden in a cluster of fig trees

Alpheusa thousand; learned; chief

Alushmingling together

Alvahhis rising up; his highness

Amadpeople of witness; a prey

Amallabor; iniquity

Amaleka people that licks up

Amanmother; fear of them

Amanaintegrity; truth; a nurse

Amariahthe Lord says; the integrity of the Lord

Amasasparing the people


Amashaithe people's gift

Amashi-alisame as Amaziah

Amimother; fear; people

Amaziahthe strength of the Lord

Aminadabsame as Amminadab

Amittaitrue; fearing

Ammahmyor hispeople

Ammisame as Ammah

Ammielthe people of God

Ammihudpeople of praise

Ammi-nadabmy people is liberal

Ammishaddaithe people of the Almighty; the Almighty is with me

Ammizabaddowry of the people

Ammona people; the son of my people

Amnonfaithful and true; tutor

Amoka valley; a depth

Amonfaithful; true

Amoritebitter; a rebel; a babbler

Amosloading; weighty

Amozstrong; robust

Ampliaslarge; extensive

Amraman exalted people; their sheaves; handfuls of corn

Amraphelone that speaks of secrets


Anaba grape; a knot

Anahone who answers; afflicted


Anaka collar; ornament

Anamima fountain; answer; affliction

Anammelechanswer; poverty of the king

Anania cloud; prophecy; divination

Ananiasor Ananiahthe cloud of the Lord

Anathemaseparated; set apart

Anathothor Anathanswer; song; poverty

Andrewa strong man

Andronicusa man excelling others

Anemor Anenan answer; their affliction

Aneranswer; song; affliction

Aniama people; the strength or sorrow of people

Animanswerings; singings; afflicted

Annagracious; one who gives

Annasone who answers; humble

Antichristan adversary to Christ

Antiochspeedy as a chariot

Antipasfor allor against all

Antipatrisforor against the father

Antothijahanswers or songs of the Lord; afflictions

Anubsame as Anab

Apellesexclusion; separation

ApharsathchitesApharsites (from a root meaning) dividing or rending

AphekAphekahAphikstrength; a rapid torrent






Apollosone who destroys; destroyer

Apollyona destroyer

Appaimface; nostrils

Apphiaproductive; fruitful

Aquilaan eagle

Arawakening; uncovering

Aracursing; seeing

Arabmultiplying; sowing sedition; a window; a locust

Arabiaevening; desert; ravens

Arada wild ass; a dragon

Arahthe way; a traveler

Aramhighnessmagnificenceone that deceives; curse

Aranan ark; their curse

Araratthe curse of trembling

Araunahark; song; joyful cry


Archelausthe prince of the people

Archippusa master of horses

Arcturusa gathering together

Ardone that commands; he that descends

Ardonruling; a judgment of malediction

Arelithe light or vision of God

Areopagusthe hill of Mars


Argoba turfor fat land

Arielaltar; light or lion of God

Arimatheaa lion dead to the Lord

Ariochlong; great; tall

Aristarchusthe best prince

Aristobulusa good counselor

Armageddonhill of fruits; mountain of Megiddo

Arnonrejoicing; sunlight

Aroerheath; tamarisk

Arpadthe light of redemption

Arphaxada healer; a releaser

Artaxerxesthe silence of light; fervent to spoil


Arumahhigh; exalted

Asaphysician; cure

Asahelcreature of God

Asaiahthe Lord hath wrought

Asaphwho gathers together

Asareelthe beatitude of God

Asenathperil; misfortune


Ashbelan old fire

Ashdodeffusion; inclination; theft


Ashimacrime; offense

Ashkenaza fire that spreads


Ashrielsame as Asareel

AshtarothAshtorethflocks; sheep; riches

Ashurwho is happy; or walks; or looks

Asiamuddy; boggy

Asielthe work of God

Askelonweight; balance; fire of infamy

Asnapperunhappiness; increase of danger

Asrielhelp of God

Assirprisoner; fettered

Asshurimliers in want; beholders

Assosapproaching; coming near

Assursame as Ashur

Assyriacountry of Assur or Ashur



Atada thorn

Ataraha crown


Ataroth-addarcrowns of power

Aterleft hand; shut

Athachthy time

Athaiahthe Lord's time

Athaliahthe time of the Lord

Athlaimy hour or time

Attaisame as Athlai

Attaliathat increases or sends



Avaor Ivahiniquity

Aveniniquity; force; riches; sorrow

Avimwicked or perverse men


Azaliahnear the Lord

Azaniahhearing the Lord; the Lord's weapons

Azareelhelp of God

Azariahhe that hears the Lord

Azazstrong one

Azazelthe scape-goat

Azaziahstrength of the Lord

Azekahstrength of walls

Azgada strong army; a gang of robbers

Azmavethstrong death; a he-goat

Azmonbone of a bone; our strength

Aznoth-taborthe ears of Tabor; the ears of purity or contrition

Azora helper; a court

Azotusthe same as Ashdod

Azrielsame as Asriel



Azurhe that assists or is assisted

Azzantheir strength

Azzursame as Azur