Zatthu A sprout, Neh 10:14.

Zattu Id., one whose descendants returned from the Captivity with Zerubbabel (Ezr 2:8; Neh 7:13); probably the same as Zatthu.

Zaza Plenty, a descendant of Judah (Ch1 2:33).

Zeal An earnest temper; may be enlightened (Num 25:11; Co2 7:11; Co2 9:2), or ignorant and misdirected (Rom 10:2; Phi 3:6). As a Christian grace, it must be grounded on right principles and directed to right ends (Gal 4:18). It is sometimes ascribed to God (Kg2 19:31; Isa 9:7; Isa 37:32; Eze 5:13).

Zealots A sect of Jews which originated with Judas the Gaulonite (Act 5:37). They refused to pay tribute to the Romans, on the ground that this was a violation of the principle that God was the only king of Israel. They rebelled against the Romans, but were soon scattered, and became a lawless band of mere brigands. They were afterwards called Sicarii, from their use of the sica, i.e., the Roman dagger.

Zebadiah Gift of Jehovah. (1.) A son of Asahel, Joab's brother (Ch1 27:7). (2.) A Levite who took part as one of the teachers in the system of national education instituted by Jehoshaphat (Ch2 17:7, Ch2 17:8). (3.) The son of Ishmael, "the ruler of the house of Judah in all the king's matters" (Ch2 19:8). (4.) A son of Beriah (Ch1 8:15). (5.) A Korhite porter of the Lord's house (Ch1 26:2). Three or four others of this name are also mentioned.

Zebah Man-killer, or sacrifice, one of the two kings who led the vast host of the Midianites who invaded the land of Israel, and over whom Gideon gained a great and decisive victory (Judg. 8). Zebah and Zalmunna had succeeded in escaping across the Jordan with a remnant of the Midianite host, but were overtaken at Karkor, probably in the Hauran, and routed by Gideon. The kings were taken alive and brought back across the Jordan; and confessing that they had personally taken part in the slaughter of Gideon's brothers, they were put to death (compare Sa1 12:11; Isa 10:26; Psa 83:11).

Zebaim (Ezr 2:57; Neh 7:59). "Pochereth of Zebaim" should be read as in the Revised Version, "Pochereth-hazzebaim" ("snaring the antelopes"), probably the name of some hunter.

Zebedee A Galilean fisherman, the husband of Salome (q.v.), and the father of James and John, two of our Lord's disciples (Mat 4:21; Mat 27:56; Mar 15:40). He seems to have been a man of some position in Capernaum, for he had two boats (Luk 5:4) and "hired servants" (Mar 1:20) of his own. No mention is made of him after the call of his two sons by Jesus.

Zeboim Gazelles or roes. (1.) One of the "five cities of the plain" of Sodom, generally coupled with Admah (Gen 10:19; Gen 14:2; Deu 29:23; Hos 11:8). It had a king of its own (Shemeber), and was therefore a place of some importance. It was destroyed along with the other cities of the plain. (2.) A valley or rugged glen somewhere near Gibeah in Benjamin (Sa1 13:18). It was probably the ravine now bearing the name Wady Shakh-ed-Dub'a , or "ravine of the hyena," north of Jericho. (3.) A place mentioned only in Neh 11:34, inhabited by the Benjamites after the Captivity.