Zabud Gift, the son of Nathan, who was "king's friend" in the court of Solomon (Kg1 4:5).

Zabulon (Mat 4:13, Mat 4:15; Rev 7:8). See ZEBULUN.

Zaccai Pure, one whose "sons" returned with Zerubbabel to Jerusalem (Ezr 2:9; Neh 7:14). (See ZABBAI.)

Zacchaeus Pure, a superintendent of customs; a chief tax-gather (publicanus) at Jericho (Luk 19:1). "The collection of customs at Jericho, which at this time produced and exported a considerable quantity of balsam, was undoubtedly an important post, and would account for Zacchaeus being a rich man." Being short of stature, he hastened on before the multitude who were thronging about Christ as he passed through Jericho on his way to Jerusalem, and climbed up a sycamore tree that he might be able to see him. When our Lord reached the spot he looked up to the publican among the branches, and addressing him by name, told him to make haste and come down, as he intended that day to abide at his house. This led to the remarkable interview recorded by the evangelist, and to the striking parable of the ten pounds (Luke 19:12-27). At Er-riha (Jericho) there is a large, venerable-looking square tower, which goes by the traditional name of the House of Zacchaeus.

Zaccur Mindful. (1.) Father of Shammua, who was one of the spies sent out by Moses (Num 13:4). (2.) A Merarite Levite (Ch1 24:27). (3.) A son of Asaph, and chief of one of the courses of singers as arranged by David (Ch1 25:2, Ch1 25:10). (4.) Son of Imri (Neh 3:2). (5.) A Levite (Neh 10:12). (6.) The son of Mattaniah (Neh 13:13).

Zachariah Remembered by the Lord. (1.) Son of Jeroboam II., king of Israel. On the death of his father there was an interregnum of ten years, at the end of which he succeeded to the throne, which he occupied only six months, having been put to death by Shallum, who usurped the throne. "He did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, as his fathers had done" (Kg2 14:29; Kg2 15:8). In him the dynasty of Jehu came to an end. (2.) The father of Abi, who was the mother of Hezekiah (Kg2 18:2).

Zacharias (1.) A priest of the course of Abia, the eighth of the twenty-four courses into which the priests had been originally divided by David (1 Chr. 23:1-19). Only four of these courses or "families" of the priests returned from the Exile (Ezr 2:36); but they were then re-distributed under the old designations. The priests served at the temple twice each year, and only for a week each time. Zacharias's time had come for this service. During this period his home would be one of the chambers set apart for the priests on the sides of the temple ground. The offering of incense was one of the most solemn parts of the daily worship of the temple, and lots were drawn each day to determine who should have this great honour-an honour which no priest could enjoy more than once during his lifetime. While Zacharias ministered at the golden altar of incense in the holy place, it was announced to him by the angel Gabriel that his wife Elisabeth, who was also of a priestly family, now stricken in years, would give birth to a son who was to be called John, and that he would be the forerunner of the long-expected Messiah (Luk 1:12). As a punishment for his refusing to believe this message, he was struck dumb and "not able to speak until the day that these things should be performed" (Luk 1:20). Nine months passed away, and Elisabeth's child was born, and when in answer to their inquiry Zacharias wrote on a "writing tablet," "His name is John," his mouth was opened, and he praised God (Luke 1:60-79). The child (John the Baptist), thus "born out of due time," "waxed strong in spirit" (Luk 1:80). (2.) The "son of Barachias," mentioned as having been slain between the temple and the altar (Mat 23:35; Luk 11:51). "Barachias" here may be another name for Jehoiada, as some think. (See ZECHARIAH.)

Zacher Memorial, a son of Jehiel (Ch1 8:31; Ch1 9:35); called Zechariah (Ch1 9:37).

Zadok Righteous. (1.) A son of Ahitub, of the line of Eleazer (Sa2 8:17; Ch1 24:3), high priest in the time of David (Sa2 20:25) and Solomon (Kg1 4:4). He is first mentioned as coming to take part with David at Hebron (Ch1 12:27, Ch1 12:28). He was probably on this account made ruler over the Aaronites (Ch1 27:17). Zadok and Abiathar acted as high priests on several important occasions (Ch1 15:11; Sa2 15:24, Sa2 15:35, Sa2 15:36); but when Adonijah endeavoured to secure the throne, Abiathar went with him, and therefore Solomon "thrust him out from being high priest," and Zadok, remaining faithful to David, became high priest alone (Kg1 2:27, Kg1 2:35; Ch1 29:22). In him the line of Phinehas resumed the dignity, and held it till the fall of Jerusalem. He was succeeded in his sacred office by his son Azariah (Kg1 4:2; compare Ch1 6:3). (2.) The father of Jerusha, who was wife of King Uzziah, and mother of King Jotham (Kg2 15:33; Ch2 27:1). (3.) "The scribe" set over the treasuries of the temple by Nehemiah along with a priest and a Levite (Neh 13:13). (4.) The sons of Baana, one of those who assisted in rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem (Neh 3:4).

Zair Little, a place probably east of the Dead Sea, where Joram discomfited the host of Edom who had revolted from him (Kg2 8:21).