Wars of the Lord, The Book of the (Num 21:14, Num 21:15), some unknown book so called (compare Gen 14:14; Exo 17:8; Num 14:40; Num 21:1, Num 21:21, Num 21:33; 31. The wars here recorded might be thus designated).

Ward A prison (Gen 40:3, Gen 40:4); a watch station (Isa 21:8); a guard (Neh 13:30).

Washing (Mar 7:1). The Jews, like other Orientals, used their fingers when taking food, and therefore washed their hands before doing so, for the sake of cleanliness. Here the reference is to the ablutions prescribed by tradition, according to which "the disciples ought to have gone down to the side of the lake, washed their hands thoroughly, 'rubbing the fist of one hand in the hollow of the other, then placed the ten finger-tips together, holding the hands up, so that any surplus water might flow down to the elbow, and thence to the ground.'" To neglect to do this had come to be regarded as a great sin, a sin equal to the breach of any of the ten commandments. Moses had commanded washings oft, but always for some definite cause; but the Jews multiplied the legal observance till they formed a large body of precepts. To such precepts about ceremonial washing Mark here refers. (See ABLUTION.)

Watches The periods into which the time between sunset and sunrise was divided. They are so called because watchmen relieved each other at each of these periods. There are frequent references in Scripture to the duties of watchmen who were appointed to give notice of the approach of an enemy (Sa2 18:24; Kg2 9:17; Isa 21:5). They were sometimes placed for this purpose on watchtowers (Kg2 17:9; Kg2 18:8). Ministers or teachers are also spoken of under this title (Jer 6:17; Eze 33:2; Heb 13:17). The watches of the night were originally three in number, (1.) "the beginning of the watches" (Lam 2:19); (2.) "the middle watch" (Jdg 7:19); and (3.) "the morning watch" (Exo 14:24; Sa1 11:11), which extended from two o'clock to sunrise. But in the New Testament we read of four watches, a division probably introduced by the Romans (Mat 14:25; Mar 6:48; Luk 12:38). (See DAY.)

Watchings (Co2 6:5), lit. "sleeplessnesses," the result of "manual labour, teaching, traveling, meditating, praying, cares, and the like" (Meyer's Com.).

Water of Jealousy A phrase employed (not, however, in Scripture) to denote the water used in the solemn ordeal prescribed by the law of Moses (Num. 5:11-31) in cases of "jealousy."

Water of Purification Used in cases of ceremonial cleansings at the consecration of the Levites (Num 8:7). It signified, figuratively, that purifying of the heart which must characterize the servants of God.

Water of Separation Used along with the ashes of a red heifer for the ceremonial cleansing of persons defiled by contact with a dead body (Num. 19).

Waterspouts (Psa 42:7; marg. R.V., "cataracts"). If we regard this psalm as descriptive of David's feelings when banished from Jerusalem by the revolt of Absalom, this word may denote "waterfalls," inasmuch as Mahanaim, where he abode, was near the Jabbok, and the region abounded with rapids and falls.

Wave Offerings Parts of peace-offerings were so called, because they were waved by the priests (Exo 29:24, Exo 29:26, Exo 29:27; Lev 7:20; Lev 8:27; Lev 9:21; Lev 10:14, Lev 10:15, etc.), in token of a solemn special presentation to God. They then became the property of the priests. The first-fruits, a sheaf of barley, offered at the feast of Pentecost (Lev 23:17), and wheat-bread, the first-fruits of the second harvest, offered at the Passover (Lev 23:10), were wave-offerings.