Trophimus A foster-child, an Ephesian who accompanied Paul during a part of his third missionary journey (Act 20:4; Act 21:29). He was with Paul in Jerusalem, and the Jews, supposing that the apostle had brought him with him into the temple, raised a tumult which resulted in Paul's imprisonment. (See TEMPLE, HEROD'S.) In writing to Timothy, the apostle says, "Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick" (Ti2 4:20). This must refer to some event not noticed in the Acts.

Trumpets Were of a great variety of forms, and were made of divers materials. Some were made of silver (Num 10:2), and were used only by the priests in announcing the approach of festivals and in giving signals of war. Some were also made of rams' horns (Jos 6:8). They were blown at special festivals, and to herald the arrival of special seasons (Lev 23:24; Lev 25:9; Ch1 15:24; Ch2 29:27; Psa 81:3; Psa 98:6). "Trumpets" are among the symbols used in the Book of Revelation (Rev 1:10; Rev 8:2). (See HORN.)

Trumpets, Feast of Was celebrated at the beginning of the month Tisri, the first month of the civil year. It received its name from the circumstances that the trumpets usually blown at the commencement of each month were on that occasion blown with unusual solemnity (Lev 23:23; Num 10:10; Num 29:1). It was one of the seven days of holy convocation. The special design of this feast, which is described in these verses, is not known.

Truth Used in various senses in Scripture. In Pro 12:17, Pro 12:19, it denotes that which is opposed to falsehood. In Isa 59:14, Isa 59:15, Jer 7:28, it means fidelity or truthfulness. The doctrine of Christ is called "the truth of the gospel" (Gal 2:5), "the truth" (Ti2 3:7; Ti2 4:4). Our Lord says of himself, "I am the way, and the truth" (Joh 14:6).

Tryphena and Tryphosa Two female Christians, active workers, whom Paul salutes in his epistle to the Romans (Rom 16:12).

Tubal (1.) The fifth son of Japheth (Gen 10:2). (2.) A nation, probably descended from the son of Japheth. It is mentioned by Isaiah (Isa 66:19), along with Javan, and by Ezekiel (Eze 27:13), along with Meshech, among the traders with Tyre, also among the confederates of Gog (Eze 38:2, Eze 38:3; Eze 39:1), and with Meshech among the nations which were to be destroyed (Eze 32:26). This nation was probably the Tiberini of the Greek historian Herodotus, a people of the Asiatic highland west of the Upper Euphrates, the southern range of the Caucasus, on the east of the Black Sea.

Tubal-cain The son of Lamech and Zillah, "an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron" (Gen 4:22; R.V., "the forger of every cutting instrument of brass and iron").

Turtle, Turtle-dove Its peculiar peaceful and gentle habit is often referred to in Scripture. A pair was offered in sacrifice by Mary at her purification (Luk 2:24). The pigeon and the turtle-dove were the only birds permitted to be offered in sacrifice (Lev 1:14; Lev 5:7; Lev 14:22; Lev 15:14, Lev 15:29, etc.). The Latin name of this bird, turtur , is derived from its note, and is a repetition of the Hebrew name tor . Three species are found in Palestine, (1.) the turtle-dove ( Turtur auritus ), (2.) the collared turtle (T. risorius ), and (3.) the palm turtle (T. Senegalensis ). But it is to the first of these species which the various passages of Scripture refer. It is a migratory bird (Jer 8:7; Sol 2:11, Sol 2:12). "Search the glades and valleys, even by sultry Jordan, at the end of March, and not a turtle-dove is to be seen. Return in the second week of April, and clouds of doves are feeding on the cloves of plain. They over-spread the whole face of the land." "Immediately on its arrival it pours forth from every garden, grove, and wooded hill its melancholy yet soothing ditty unceasingly form early dawn till sunset. It is from its plaintive and continuous note, doubtless, that David, pouring forth his heart's sorrow to God, compares himself to a turtle-dove" (Psa 74:19).

Tychicus Chance, an Asiatic Christian, a "faithful minister in the Lord" (Eph 6:21, Eph 6:22), who, with Trophimus, accompanied Paul on a part of his journey from Macedonia to Jerusalem (Act 20:4). He is alluded to also in Col 4:7, Tit 3:12, and Ti2 4:12 as having been with Paul at Rome, whence he sent him to Ephesus, probably for the purpose of building up and encouraging the church there.

Type Occurs only once in Scripture (Co1 10:11, A.V. marg.). The Greek word tupos is rendered "print" (Joh 20:25), "figure" (Act 7:43; Rom 5:14), "fashion" (Act 7:44), "manner" (Act 23:25), "form" (Rom 6:17), "example" or "ensample" (Co1 10:6, Co1 10:11; Phi 3:17; Th1 1:7; Th2 3:9; Ti1 4:12). It properly means a "model" or "pattern" or "mould" into which clay or wax was pressed, that it might take the figure or exact shape of the mould. The word "type" is generally used to denote a resemblance between something present and something future, which is called the "antitype."