Tidal (in the LXX. called "Thorgal"), styled the "king of nations" (Gen 14:1). Mentioned as Tudkhula on Arioch's brick. Goyyim, translated "nations," is the country called Gutium, east of Tigris and north of Elam.

Tiglath-Pileser I (not mentioned in Scripture) was the most famous of the monarchs of the first Assyrian empire (about B.C.1110). After his death, for two hundred years the empire fell into decay. The history of David and Solomon falls within this period. He was succeeded by his son, Shalmaneser II.

Tiglath-Pileser III Or Tilgath-Pilneser, the Assyrian throne-name of Pul (q.v.). He appears in the Assyrian records as gaining, in the fifth year of his reign (about 741 B.C.), a victory over Azariah (= Uzziah in Ch2 26:1), king of Judah, whose achievements are described in Ch2 26:6. He is first mentioned in Scripture, however, as gaining a victory over Pekah, king of Israel, and Rezin of Damascus, who were confederates. He put Rezin to death, and punished Pekah by taking a considerable portion of his kingdom, and carrying off (B.C.734) a vast number of its inhabitants into captivity (Kg2 15:29; Kg2 16:5; Ch1 5:6, Ch1 5:26), the Reubenites, the Gadites, and half the tribe of Manasseh whom he settled in Gozan. In the Assyrian annals it is further related that, before he returned from Syria, he held a court at Damascus, and received submission and tribute from the neighbouring kings, among whom were Pekah of Samaria and "Yahu-khazi [i.e., Ahaz], king of Judah" (compare Kg2 16:10). He was the founder of what is called "the second Assyrian empire," an empire meant to embrace the whole world, the centre of which should be Nineveh. He died 728 B.C., and was succeeded by a general of his army, Ulula, who assumed the name Shalmaneser IV.

Timaeus Defiled, the father of blind Bartimaeus (Mar 10:46).

Timbrel (Heb. toph ), a small drum or tambourine; a tabret (q.v.). The antiquity of this musical instrument appears from the scriptural allusions to it (Gen 31:27; Exo 15:20; Jdg 11:34, etc.) (See MUSIC.)

Timnah A portion. (1.) A town of Judah (Jos 15:10). The Philistines took possession of it in the days of Ahaz (Ch2 28:18). It was about 20 miles west of Jerusalem. It has been identified with Timnatha of Dan (Jos 19:43), and also with Timnath (Jdg 14:1, Jdg 14:5). (2.) A city in the mountains of Judah (Jos 15:57)= Tibna near Jeba' . (3.) A "duke" or sheik of Edom (Gen 36:40).

Timnath Gen 38:12, Gen 38:14. (1.) Heb. Timnathah , which is appropriately rendered in the Revised Version, Timnah, a town in Judah. (2.) The town where Samson sojourned, probably identical with "Timnah" (3.) (Judg. 14:1-18).

Timnath-heres Portion of the sun, where Joshua was buried (Jdg 2:9). It was "in the mount of Ephraim, in the north side of the hill Gaash," 10 miles south-west of Shechem. The same as the following.

Timnath-serah Remaining portion, the city of Joshua in the hill country of Ephraim, the same as Timnath heres (Jos 19:50; Jos 24:30). "Of all sites I have seen," says Lieut. -Col. Conder, "none is so striking as that of Joshua's home, surrounded as it is with deep valleys and wild, rugged hills." Opposite the town is a hill, on the northern side of which there are many excavated sepulchers. Among these is the supposed tomb of Joshua, which is said to be "the most striking monument in the country." It is a "square chamber with five excavations in three of its sides, the central one forming a passage leading into a second chamber beyond. A great number of lamp-niches cover the walls of the porch, upwards of two hundred, arranged in vertical rows. A single cavity with a niche for a lamp has been thought to be the resting-place of the warrior-chief of Israel." The modern Kefr Haris, 10 miles south-west of Shechem.

Timnite A man of Timnah. Samson's father-in-law is so styled (Jdg 15:6).