Tenth Deal I.e., the tenth part of an ephah (as in the R.V.), equal to an omer or six pints. The recovered leper, to complete his purification, was required to bring a trespass, a sin, and a burnt offering, and to present a meal offering, a tenth deal or an omer of flour for each, with oil to make it into bread or cakes (Lev 14:10, Lev 14:21; compare Exo 16:36; Exo 29:40).

Terah The wanderer; loiterer, for some unknown reason emigrated with his family from his native mountains in the north to the plains of Mesopotamia. He had three sons, Haran, Nahor, and Abraham, and one daughter, Sarah. He settled in "Ur of the Chaldees," where his son Haran died, leaving behind him his son Lot. Nahor settled at Haran, a place on the way to Ur. Terah afterwards migrated with Abraham (probably his youngest son) and Lot (his grandson), together with their families, from Ur, intending to go with them to Canaan; but he tarried at Haran, where he spent the remainder of his days, and died at the age of two hundred and five years (Gen 11:24; Jos 24:2). What a wonderful part the descendants of this Chaldean shepherd have played in the history of the world! See table of descendants: TERAH Haran Nahor Abraham Iscah Milcah Lot Bethuel (Of Hagar) (Of Sarah) Moab Ammon Leban Rebekah Ishmael Isaac Leah Rachel Esau Jacob (Of Leah) (Of Bilhah) (Of Zilpah) (Of Rachel) Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dinah Dan Naphtali Gad Asher Joseph Benjamin Ephraim Manasseh

Teraphim Givers of prosperity, idols in human shape, large or small, analogous to the images of ancestors which were revered by the Romans. In order to deceive the guards sent by Saul to seize David, Michal his wife prepared one of the household teraphim, putting on it the goat's, hair cap worn by sleepers and invalids, and laid it in a bed, covering it with a mantle. She pointed it out to the soldiers, and alleged that David was confined to his bed by a sudden illness (Sa1 19:13). Thus she gained time for David's escape. It seems strange to read of teraphim, images of ancestors, preserved for superstitious purposes, being in the house of David. Probably they had been stealthily brought by Michal from her father's house. "Perhaps," says Bishop Wordsworth, "Saul, forsaken by God and possessed by the evil spirit, had resorted to witchcraft); and God overruled evil for good, and made his very teraphim (by the hand of his own daughter) to be an instrument for David's escape.", Deane's David, p. 32. Josiah attempted to suppress this form of idolatry (Kg2 23:24). The ephod and teraphim are mentioned together in Hos 3:4. It has been supposed by some (Cheyne's Hosea) that the "ephod" here mentioned, and also in Jdg 8:24, was not the part of the sacerdotal dress so called (Exo 28:6), but an image of Jehovah overlaid with gold or silver (compare Jdg 17:1, 18; Sa1 21:9; Sa1 23:6, Sa1 23:9; Sa1 30:7, Sa1 30:8), and is thus associated with the teraphim. (See THUMMIM.)

Terebinth (R.V. marg. of Deu 11:30, etc.), the Pistacia terebinthus of botanists; a tree very common in the south and east of Palestine. (See OAK.)

Teresh Severe, a eunuch or chamberlain in the palace of Ahasuerus, who conspired with another to murder him. The plot was detected by Mordecai, and the conspirators were put to death (Est 2:21; Est 6:2).

Tertius The third, a Roman Christian whom Paul employed as his amanuensis in writing his epistle to the Romans (Rom 16:22).

Tertullus A modification of "Tertius;" a Roman advocate, whom the Jews employed to state their case against Paul in the presence of Felix (Act 24:1). The charges he adduced against the apostle were, "First, that he created disturbances among the Romans throughout the empire, an offense against the Roman government (crimen majestatis). Secondly, that he was a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes; disturbed the Jews in the exercise of their religion, guaranteed by the state; introduced new gods, a thing prohibited by the Romans. And thirdly, that he attempted to profane the temple, a crime which the Jews were permitted to punish."

Testament Occurs twelve times in the New Testament (Heb 9:15, etc.) as the rendering of the Gr. diatheke , which is twenty times rendered "covenant" in the Authorized Version, and always so in the Revised Version. The Vulgate translates incorrectly by testamentum, whence the names "Old" and "New Testament," by which we now designate the two sections into which the Bible is divided. (See BIBLE.)

Testimony (1.) Witness or evidence (Th2 1:10). (2.) The Scriptures, as the revelation of God's will (Kg2 11:12; Psa 19:7; Psa 119:88; Isa 8:16, Isa 8:20). (3.) The altar raised by the Gadites and Reubenites (Jos 22:10).

Testimony, Tabernacle of The tabernacle, the great glory of which was that it contained "the testimony", i.e., the "two tables" (Exo 38:21). The ark in which these tables were deposited was called the "ark of the testimony" (Exo 40:3), and also simply the "testimony" (Exo 27:21; Exo 30:6).