Tebeth (Est 2:16), a word probably of Persian origin, denoting the cold time of the year; used by the later Jews as denoting the tenth month of the year. Assyrian tebituv, "rain."

Teil Tree (an old name for the lime-tree, the tilia), Isa 6:13, the terebinth, or turpentine-tree, the Pistacia terebinthus of botanists. The Hebrew word here used (elah) is rendered oak (q.v.) in Gen 35:4; Jdg 6:11, Jdg 6:19; Isa 1:29, etc. In Isa 61:3 it is rendered in the plural "trees;" Hos 4:13, "elm" (R.V., "terebinth"). Hos 4:13, "elm" (R.V., "terebinth"). In Sa1 17:2, Sa1 17:19 it is taken as a proper name, "Elah" (R.V. marg., "terebinth"). "The terebinth of Mamre, or its lineal successor, remained from the days of Abraham till the fourth century of the Christian era, and on its site Constantine erected a Christian church, the ruins of which still remain." This tree "is seldom seen in clumps or groves, never in forests, but stands isolated and weird-like in some bare ravine or on a hill-side where nothing else towers above the low brushwood" (Tristram).

Tekel Weighed (Dan 5:27).

Tekoa, Tekoah Pitching of tents; fastening down, a town of Judah, about 12 miles south of Jerusalem, and visible from the city. From this place Joab procured a "wise woman," who pretended to be in great affliction, and skillfully made her case known to David. Her address to the king was in the form of an apology, similar to that of Nathan (Sa2 12:1). The object of Joab was, by the intervention of this woman, to induce David to bring back Absalom to Jerusalem (Sa2 14:2, Sa2 14:4, Sa2 14:9). This was also the birth-place of the prophet Amos (Amo 1:1). It is now the village of Tekua, on the top of a hill among ruins, 5 miles south of Bethlehem, and close to Beth-haccerem ("Herod's mountain").

Tel-abib Hill of corn, a place on the river Chebar, the residence of Ezekiel (Eze 3:15). The site is unknown.

Telaim Young lambs, a place at which Saul gathered his army to fight against Amalek (Sa1 15:4); probably the same as Telem (2.).

Telassar Or Thelasar, (Isa 37:12; Kg2 19:12), a province in the south-east of Assyria, probably in Babylonia. Some have identified it with Tel Afer, a place in Mesopotamia, some 30 miles from Sinjar.

Telem Oppression. (1.) A porter of the temple in the time of Ezra (Ezr 10:24). (2.) A town in the southern border of Judah (Jos 15:24); probably the same as Telaim.

Tel-haresha Hill of the wood, a place in Babylon from which some captive Jews returned to Jerusalem (Ezr 2:59; Neh 7:61).

Tel-melah Hill of salt, a place in Babylon from which the Jews returned (id.).