Talitha Cumi (Mar 5:41), a Syriac or Aramaic expression, meaning, "Littlemaid, arise." Peter, who was present when the miracle was wrought, recalled the actual words used by our Lord, and told them to Mark.

Talmai Abounding in furrows. (1.) One of the Anakim of Hebron, who were slain by the men of Judah under Caleb (Num 13:22; Jos 15:14; Jdg 1:10). (2.) A king of Geshur, to whom Absalom fled after he had put Amnon to death (Sa2 3:3; Sa2 13:37). His daughter, Maachah, was one of David's wives, and the mother of Absalom (Ch1 3:2).

Talmon Oppressed. (1.) A Levite porter (Ch1 9:17; Neh 11:19). (2.) One whose descendants returned with Zerubbabel to Jerusalem (Ezr 2:42; Neh 7:45); probably the same as (1.).

Tamar Palm. (1.) A place mentioned by Ezekiel (Eze 47:19; Eze 48:28), on the southeastern border of Palestine. Some suppose this was "Tadmor" (q.v.). (2.) The daughter-in-law of Judah, to whose eldest son, Er, she was married (Gen 38:6). After her husband's death, she was married to Onan, his brother (Gen 38:8), and on his death, Judah promised to her that his third son, Shelah, would become her husband. This promise was not fulfilled, and hence Tamar's revenge and Judah's great guilt (Gen. 38:12-30). (3.) A daughter of David (2 Sam. 13:1-32; Ch1 3:9), whom Amnon shamefully outraged and afterwards "hated exceedingly," thereby illustrating the law of human nature noticed even by the heathen, "Proprium humani ingenii est odisse quem laeseris", i.e., "It is the property of human nature to hate one whom you have injured." (4.) A daughter of Absalom (Sa2 14:27).

Tamarisk Heb. 'eshel (Gen 21:33; Sa1 22:6; Sa1 31:13, in the R.V.; but in A.V., "grove," "tree"); Arab. asal . Seven species of this tree are found in Palestine. It is a "very graceful tree, with long feathery branches and tufts closely clad with the minuteness of leaves, and surmounted in spring with spikes of beautiful pink blossoms, which seem to envelop the whole tree in one gauzy sheet of colour" (Tristram's Nat. Hist.).

Tammuz A corruption of Dumuzi, the Accadian sun-god (the Adonis of the Greeks), the husband of the goddess Ishtar. In the Chaldean calendar there was a month set apart in honour of this god, the month of June to July, the beginning of the summer solstice. At this festival, which lasted six days, the worshippers, with loud lamentations, bewailed the funeral of the god, they sat "weeping for Tammuz" (Eze 8:14). The name, also borrowed from Chaldea, of one of the months of the Hebrew calendar.

Tanhumeth Consolation, a Netophathite; one of the captains who supported Gedaliah (Kg2 25:23; Jer 40:8).

Tanis (Eze 30:14, marg.). See ZOAN.

Tappuah Apple-region. (1.) A town in the valley or lowland of Judah; formerly a royal city of the Canaanites (Jos 12:17; Jos 15:34). It is now called Tuffuh, about 12 miles west of Jerusalem. (2.) A town on the border of Ephraim (Jos 16:8). The "land" of Tappuah fell to Manasseh, but the "city" to Ephraim (Jos 17:8). (3.) En-tappuah - The well of the apple probably one of the springs near Yassuf (Jos 17:7).

Tarah Stopping; station, an encampment of the Hebrews in the wilderness (Num 33:27, Num 33:28).