Tabeel A Persian governor of Samaria, who joined others in the attempt to prevent the rebuilding of Jerusalem (Ezr 4:7).

Taberah Burning, a place in the wilderness of Paran, where the "fire of the Lord" consumed the murmuring Israelites (Num 11:3; Deu 9:22). It was also called Kibroth-hattaavah (q.v.).

Tabering Playing on a small drum or tabret. In Nah 2:7, where alone it occurs, it means beating on the breast, as players beat on the tabret.

Tabernacle (1.) A house or dwelling-place (Job 5:24; Job 18:6, etc.). (2.) A portable shrine (compare Act 19:24) containing the image of Moloch (Amo 5:26; marg. and R.V., "Siccuth"). (3.) The human body (Co2 5:1, Co2 5:4); a tent, as opposed to a permanent dwelling. (4.) The sacred tent (Heb. mishkan , "the dwelling-place"); the movable tent-temple which Moses erected for the service of God, according to the "pattern" which God himself showed to him on the mount (Exo 25:9; Heb 8:5). It is called "the tabernacle of the congregation," rather "of meeting", i.e., where God promised to meet with Israel (Exo 29:42); the "tabernacle of the testimony" (Exo 38:21; Num 1:50), which does not, however, designate the whole structure, but only the enclosure which contained the "ark of the testimony" (Exo 25:16, Exo 25:22; Num 9:15); the "tabernacle of witness" (Num 17:8); the "house of the Lord" (Deu 23:18); the "temple of the Lord" (Jos 6:24); a "sanctuary" (Exo 25:8). A particular account of the materials which the people provided for the erection and of the building itself is recorded in Ex. 25 - 40. The execution of the plan mysteriously given to Moses was entrusted to Bezaleel and Aholiab, who were specially endowed with wisdom and artistic skill, probably gained in Egypt, for this purpose (Exo 35:30). The people provided materials for the tabernacle so abundantly that Moses was under the necessity of restraining them (Exo 36:6). These stores, from which they so liberally contributed for this purpose, must have consisted in a great part of the gifts which the Egyptians so readily bestowed on them on the eve of the Exodus (Exo 12:35, Exo 12:36). See map, The Tabernacle Unveiled The tabernacle was a rectangular enclosure, in length about 45 feet (i.e., reckoning a cubit at 18 inches) and in breadth and height about 15. Its two sides and its western end were made of boards of acacia wood, placed on end, resting in sockets of brass, the eastern end being left open (Exo 26:22). This framework was covered with four coverings, the first of linen, in which figures of the symbolic cherubim were wrought with needlework in blue and purple and scarlet threads, and probably also with threads of gold (Exo 26:1; Exo 36:8). Above this was a second covering of twelve curtains of black goats'-hair cloth, reaching down on the outside almost to the ground (Exo 26:7). The third covering was of rams' skins dyed red, and the fourth was of badgers' skins (Heb. tahash , i.e., the dugong, a species of seal), Exo 25:5; Exo 26:14; Exo 35:7, Exo 35:23; Exo 36:19; Exo 39:34. Internally it was divided by a veil into two chambers, the exterior of which was called the holy place, also "the sanctuary" (Heb 9:2) and the "first tabernacle" (Heb 9:6); and the interior, the holy of holies, "the holy place," "the Holiest," the "second tabernacle" (Exo 28:29; Heb 9:3, Heb 9:7). The veil separating these two chambers was a double curtain of the finest workmanship, which was never passed except by the high priest once a year, on the great Day of Atonement. The holy place was separated from the outer court which enclosed the tabernacle by a curtain, which hung over the six pillars which stood at the east end of the tabernacle, and by which it was entered. The order as well as the typical character of the services of the tabernacle are recorded in Heb. 9; Heb 10:19. The holy of holies, a cube of 10 cubits, contained the "ark of the testimony", i.e., the oblong chest containing the two tables of stone, the pot of manna, and Aaron's rod that budded. The holy place was the western and larger chamber of the tabernacle. Here were placed the table for the shewbread, the golden candlestick, and the golden altar of incense. Round about the tabernacle was a court, enclosed by curtains hung upon sixty pillars (Exo 27:9). This court was 150 feet long and 75 feet broad. Within it were placed the altar of burnt offering, which measured 7 1/2 feet in length and breadth and 4 1/2 feet high, with horns at the four corners, and the laver of brass (Exo 30:18), which stood between the altar and the tabernacle. The whole tabernacle was completed in seven months. On the first day of the first month of the second year after the Exodus, it was formally set up, and the cloud of the divine presence descended on it (Ex. 39:22-43; 40:1-38). It cost 29 talents 730 shekels of gold, 100 talents 1,775 shekels of silver, 70 talents 2,400 shekels of brass (Exo 38:24). The tabernacle was so constructed that it could easily be taken down and conveyed from place to place during the wanderings in the wilderness. See map, The Tabernacle in the Wilderness The first encampment of the Israelites after crossing the Jordan was at Gilgal, and there the tabernacle remained for seven years (Jos 4:19). It was afterwards removed to Shiloh (Jos 18:1), where it remained during the time of the Judges, till the days of Eli, when the ark, having been carried out into the camp when the Israelites were at war with the Philistines, was taken by the enemy (1 Sam. 4), and was never afterwards restored to its place in the tabernacle. The old tabernacle erected by Moses in the wilderness was transferred to Nob (Sa1 21:1), and after the destruction of that city by Saul (Sa1 22:9; Ch1 16:39, Ch1 16:40), to Gibeon. It is mentioned for the last time in Ch1 21:29. A new tabernacle was erected by David at Jerusalem (Sa2 6:17; Ch1 16:1), and the ark was brought from Perez-uzzah and deposited in it (Sa2 6:8; Ch2 1:4). The word thus rendered ( 'ohel ) in Exo 33:7 denotes simply a tent, probably Moses' own tent, for the tabernacle was not yet erected.

Tabernacles, Feast of The third of the great annual festivals of the Jews (Lev 23:33). It is also called the "feast of ingathering" (Exo 23:16; Deu 16:13). It was celebrated immediately after the harvest, in the month Tisri, and the celebration lasted for eight days (Lev 23:33). During that period the people left their homes and lived in booths formed of the branches of trees. The sacrifices offered at this time are mentioned in Num. 29:13-38. It was at the time of this feast that Solomon's temple was dedicated (Kg1 8:2). Mention is made of it after the return from the Captivity. This feast was designed (1.) to be a memorial of the wilderness wanderings, when the people dwelt in booths (Lev 23:43), and (2.) to be a harvest thanksgiving (Neh 8:9). The Jews, at a later time, introduced two appendages to the original festival, viz., (1.) that of drawing water from the Pool of Siloam, and pouring it upon the altar (Joh 7:2, Joh 7:37), as a memorial of the water from the rock in Horeb; and (2.) of lighting the lamps at night, a memorial of the pillar of fire by night during their wanderings. "The feast of Tabernacles, the harvest festival of the Jewish Church, was the most popular and important festival after the Captivity. At Jerusalem it was a gala day. It was to the autumn pilgrims, who arrived on the 14th (of the month Tisri, the feast beginning on the 15th) day, like entrance into a silvan city. Roofs and courtyards, streets and squares, roads and gardens, were green with boughs of citron and myrtle, palm and willow. The booths recalled the pilgrimage through the wilderness. The ingathering of fruits prophesied of the spiritual harvest." Valling's Jesus Christ, p. 133.

Tabitha (in Greek called Dorcas ), gazelle, a disciple at Joppa. She was distinguished for her alms-deeds and good works. Peter, who was sent for from Lydda on the occasion of her death, prayed over the dead body, and said, "Tabitha, arise." And she opened her eyes and sat up; and Peter "gave her his hand, and raised her up; and calling the saints and widows, he presented her alive" (Act 9:36).

Tables (Mar 7:4) means banqueting-couches or benches, on which the Jews reclined when at meals. This custom, along with the use of raised tables like ours, was introduced among the Jews after the Captivity. Before this they had, properly speaking, no table. That which served the purpose was a skin or piece of leather spread out on the carpeted floor. Sometimes a stool was placed in the middle of this skin. (See ABRAHAM'S BOSOM; See BANQUET; See MEALS.)

Tabor A height. (1.) Now Jebel et-Tur, a cone-like prominent mountain, 11 miles west of the Sea of Galilee. It is about 1,843 feet high. The view from the summit of it is said to be singularly extensive and grand. This is alluded to in Psa 89:12; Jer 46:18. It was here that Barak encamped before the battle with Sisera (q.v.) Jdg 4:6. There is an old tradition, which, however, is unfounded, that it was the scene of the transfiguration of our Lord. (See HERMON.) "The prominence and isolation of Tabor, standing, as it does, on the border-land between the northern and southern tribes, between the mountains and the central plain, made it a place of note in all ages, and evidently led the psalmist to associate it with Hermon, the one emblematic of the south, the other of the north." There are some who still hold that this was the scene of the transfiguration (q.v.). (2.) A town of Zebulum (Ch1 6:77). (3.) The "plain of Tabor" (Sa1 10:3) should be, as in the Revised Version, "the oak of Tabor." This was probably the Allon-bachuth of Gen 35:8.

Tablet Probably a string of beads worn round the neck (Exo 35:22; Num 31:50). In Isa 3:20 the Hebrew word means a perfume-box, as it is rendered in the Revised Version.

Tabret (Heb. toph ), a timbrel (q.v.) or tambourine, generally played by women (Gen 31:27; Sa1 10:5; Sa1 18:6). In Job 17:6 the word (Heb. topheth ) "tabret" should be, as in the Revised Version, "an open abhorring" (marg., "one in whose face they spit;" lit., "a spitting in the face").