Sukkiims Dwellers in tents, (Vulg. and LXX., "troglodites;" i.e., cave-dwellers in the hills along the Red Sea). Shiskak's army, with which he marched against Jerusalem, was composed partly of this tribe (Ch2 12:3).

Sun (Heb. shemesh ), first mentioned along with the moon as the two great luminaries of heaven (Gen 1:14). By their motions and influence they were intended to mark and divide times and seasons. The worship of the sun was one of the oldest forms of false religion (Job 31:26, Job 31:27), and was common among the Egyptians and Chaldeans and other pagan nations. The Jews were warned against this form of idolatry (Deu 4:19; Deu 17:3; compare Kg2 23:11; Jer 19:13).

Suph (Deu 1:1, R.V.; marg., "some ancient versions have the Red Sea," as in the A.V.). Some identify it with Suphah (Num 21:14, marg., A.V.) as probably the name of a place. Others identify it with es - Sufah = Maaleh-acrabbim (Jos 15:3), and others again with Zuph (Sa1 9:5). It is most probable, however, that, in accordance with the ancient versions, this word is to be regarded as simply an abbreviation of Yam-suph, i.e., the "Red Sea."

Suphah (Num 21:14, marg.; also R.V.), a place at the south-eastern corner of the Dead Sea, the Ghor es-Safieh. This name is found in an ode quoted from the "Book of the Wars of the Lord," probably a collection of odes commemorating the triumphs of God's people (compare Num 21:14, Num 21:17, Num 21:18, Num 21:27).

Supper The principal meal of the day among the Jews. It was partaken of in the early part of the evening (Mar 6:21; Joh 12:2; Co1 11:21). (See LORD'S SUPPER.)

Surety One who becomes responsible for another. Christ is the surety of the better covenant (Heb 7:22). In him we have the assurance that all its provisions will be fully and faithfully carried out. Solomon warns against incautiously becoming security for another (Pro 6:1; Pro 11:15; Pro 17:18; Pro 20:16).

Susanchites The inhabitants of Shushan, who joined the other adversaries of the Jews in the attempt to prevent the rebuilding of the temple (Ezr 4:9).

Susanna Lily, with other pious women, ministered to Jesus (Luk 8:3).

Susi The father of Gaddi, who was one of the twelve spies (Num 13:11).

Swallow (1.) Heb. sis (Isa 38:14; Jer 8:7), the Arabic for the swift, which "is a regular migrant, returning in myriads every spring, and so suddenly that while one day not a swift can be seen in the country, on the next they have over-spread the whole land, and fill the air with their shrill cry." The swift (cypselus) is ordinarily classed with the swallow, which it resembles in its flight, habits, and migration. (2.) Heb. deror , i.e., "the bird of freedom" (Psa 84:3; Pro 26:2), properly rendered swallow, distinguished for its swiftness of flight, its love of freedom, and the impossibility of retaining it in captivity. In Isa 38:14 and Jer 8:7 the word thus rendered ( 'augr ) properly means "crane" (as in the R.V.).