Shaveh, Valley of Valley of the plain the ancient name of the "king's dale" (q.v.), or Kidron, on the north side of Jerusalem (Gen 14:17).

Shaveh-Kiriathaim Plain of Kirja-thaim where Chedorlaomer defeated the Emims, the original inhabitants (Gen 14:5). Now Kureiyat, north of Dibon, in the land of Moab.

Shavsha ("Seraiah," Sa2 8:17; "Shisha," Kg1 4:3), one of David's secretaries (Ch1 18:16).

Shealtiel Asked for of God, father of Zerubbabel (Ezr 3:2, Ezr 3:8; Neh 12:1).

Shearing-house (Kg2 10:12, Kg2 10:14; marg., "house of shepherds binding sheep." R.V., "the shearing-house of the shepherds;" marg., "house of gathering"), some place between Samaria and Jezreel, where Jehu slew "two and forty men" of the royal family of Judah. The Heb. word Beth-eked so rendered is supposed by some to be a proper name.

Shear-Jashub A remnant shall escape or return (i.e., to God), a symbolical name which the prophet Isaiah gave to his son (Isa 7:3), perhaps his eldest son.

Sheba An oath, seven. (1.) Heb. shebha , the son of Raamah (Gen 10:7), whose descendants settled with those of Dedan on the Persian Gulf. (2.) Heb. id . A son of Joktan (Gen 10:28), probably the founder of the Sabeans. (3.) Heb. id . A son of Jokshan, who was a son of Abraham by Keturah (Gen 25:3). (4.) Heb. id . A kingdom in Arabia Felix. Sheba, in fact, was Saba in Southern Arabia, the Sabaeans of classical geography, who carried on the trade in spices with the other peoples of the ancient world. They were Semites, speaking one of the two main dialects of Himyaritic or South Arabic. Sheba had become a monarchy before the days of Solomon. Its queen brought him gold, spices, and precious stones (Kg1 10:1). She is called by our Lord the "queen of the south" (Mat 12:42). (5.) Heb. shebha' , "seven" or "an oak." A town of Simeon (Jos 19:2). (6.) Heb. id . A "son of Bichri," of the family of Becher, the son of Benjamin, and thus of the stem from which Saul was descended (2 Sam. 20:1-22). When David was returning to Jerusalem after the defeat of Absalom, a strife arose between the ten tribes and the tribe of Judah, because the latter took the lead in bringing back the king. Sheba took advantage of this state of things, and raised the standard of revolt, proclaiming, "We have no part in David." With his followers he proceeded northward. David seeing it necessary to check this revolt, ordered Abishai to take the gibborim, "mighty men," and the body-guard and such troops as he could gather, and pursue Sheba. Joab joined the expedition, and having treacherously put Amasa to death, assumed the command of the army. Sheba took refuge in Abel-Bethmaachah, a fortified town some miles north of Lake Merom. While Joab was engaged in laying siege to this city, Sheba's head was, at the instigation of a "wise woman" who had held a parley with him from the city walls, thrown over the wall to the besiegers, and thus the revolt came to an end.

Shebaniah Whom Jehovah hides, or has made grow up. (1.) A Levite appointed to blow the trumpet before the ark of God (Ch1 15:24). (2.) Another Levite (Neh 9:4, Neh 9:5). (3.) A priest (Neh 10:12). (4.) A Levite (Neh 10:4).

Shebarim Breaks; ruins, a place near Ai (Jos 7:5; R.V. marg., "the quarries").

Shebna Tender youth, "treasurer" over the house in the reign of Hezekiah, i.e., comptroller or governor of the palace. On account of his pride he was ejected from his office, and Eliakim was promoted to it (Isa 22:15). He appears to have been the leader of the party who favoured an alliance with Egypt against Assyria. It is conjectured that "Shebna the scribe," who was one of those whom the king sent to confer with the Assyrian ambassador (Kg2 18:18, Kg2 18:26, Kg2 18:37; Kg2 19:2; Isa 36:3, Isa 36:11, Isa 36:22; Isa 37:2), was a different person.