Shabbethai Sabbath-born, a Levite who assisted in expounding the law and investigating into the illegal marriages of the Jews (Ezr 10:15; Neh 8:7; Neh 11:16).

Shaddai The Omnipotent, the name of God in frequent use in the Hebrew Scriptures, generally translated "the Almighty."

Shadow Used in Col 2:17; Heb 8:5; Heb 10:1 to denote the typical relation of the Jewish to the Christian dispensation.

Shadrach Aku's command, the Chaldean name given to Hananiah, one of the Hebrew youths whom Nebuchadnezzar carried captive to Babylon (Dan 1:6, Dan 1:7; 3:12-30). He and his two companions refused to bow down before the image which Nebuchadnezzar had set up on the plains of Dura. Their conduct filled the king with the greatest fury, and he commanded them to be cast into the burning fiery furnace. Here, amid the fiery flames, they were miraculously preserved from harm. Over them the fire had no power, "neither was a hair of their head signed, neither had the smell of fire passed on them." Thus Nebuchadnezzar learned the greatness of the God of Israel. (See ABEDNEGO.)

Shalem Perfect, a place (probably the village of Salim) some 2 miles east of Jacob's well. There is an abundant supply of water, which may have been the reason for Jacob's settling at this place (Gen 33:18). The Revised Version translates this word, and reads, "Jacob came in peace to the city of Shechem," thus not regarding it as a proper name at all.

Shalim, Land of Land of foxes, a place apparently to the north-west of Jerusalem (Sa1 9:4), perhaps in the neighbourhood of Shaalabbin in Dan (Jos 19:42).

Shalisha, Land of Probably the district of Baal-shalisha (Kg2 4:42), lying about 12 miles north of Lydda (Sa1 9:4).

Shallecheth, The Gate of I.e., "the gate of casting out," hence supposed to be the refuse gate; one of the gates of the house of the Lord, "by the causeway of the going up" i.e., the causeway rising up from the Tyropoeon valley = valley of the cheesemakers (Ch1 26:16).

Shallum Retribution. (1.) The son of Jabesh, otherwise unknown. He "conspired against Zachariah, and smote him before the people, and slew him, and reigned in his stead" (Kg2 15:10). He reigned only "a month of days in Samaria" (Kg2 15:13, marg.). Menahem rose up against Shallum and put him to death (Kg2 15:14, Kg2 15:15, Kg2 15:17), and became king in his stead. (2.) Keeper of the temple vestments in the reign of Josiah (Kg2 22:14). (3.) One of the posterity of Judah (Ch1 2:40, Ch1 2:41). (4.) A descendant of Simeon (Ch1 4:25). (5.) One of the line of the high priests (Ch1 6:13). (6.) Ch1 7:13. (7.) A keeper of the gate in the reign of David (Ch1 9:17). (8.) A Levite porter (Ch1 9:19, Ch1 9:31; Jer 35:4). (9.) An Ephraimite chief (Ch2 28:12). (10.) The uncle of the prophet Jeremiah (Jer 32:7). (11.) A son of king Josiah (Ch1 3:15; Jer 22:11), who was elected to succeed his father on the throne, although he was two years younger than his brother Eliakim. He assumed the crown under the name of Jehoahaz (q.v.). He did not imitate the example of his father (Kg2 23:32), but was "a young lion, and it learned to catch the prey; it devoured men" (Eze 19:3). His policy was anti-Egyptian therefore. Necho, at that time at Riblah, sent an army against Jerusalem, which at once yielded, and Jehoahaz was carried captive to the Egyptian camp, Eliakim being appointed king in his stead. He remained a captive in Egypt till his death, and was the first king of Judah that died in exile.

Shalman An Assyrian king (Hos 10:14), identified with Shalmaneser II. (Sayce) or IV. (Lenormant), the successor of Pul on the throne of Assyria (728 B.C.). He made war against Hoshea, the king of Israel, whom he subdued and compelled to pay an annual tribute. Hoshea, however, soon after rebelled against his Assyrian conqueror. Shalmaneser again marched against Samaria, which, after a siege of three years, was taken (Kg2 17:3; Kg2 18:9) by Sargon (q.v.). A revolution meantime had broken out in Assyria, and Shalmaneser was deposed. Sargon usurped the vacant throne. Schrader thinks that this is probably the name of a king of Moab mentioned on an inscription of Tiglath-pileser as Salamanu.