Seer A name sometimes applied to the prophets because of the visions granted to them. It is first found in Sa1 9:9. It is afterwards applied to Zadok, Gad, etc. (Sa2 15:27; Sa2 24:11; Ch1 9:22; Ch1 25:5; Ch2 9:29; Amo 7:12; Mic 3:7). The "sayings of the seers" (Ch2 33:18, Ch2 33:19) is rendered in the Revised Version "the history of Hozai" (marg., the seers; so the LXX.), of whom, however, nothing is known. (See PROPHET.)

Seethe To boil (Exo 16:23).

Seething Pot A vessel for boiling provisions in (Job 41:20; Jer 1:13).

Segub Elevated. (1.) The youngest son of Hiel the Bethelite. His death is recorded in Kg1 16:34 (compare Jos 6:26). (2.) A descendant of Judah (Ch1 2:21, Ch1 2:22).

Seir Rough; hairy. (1.) A Horite; one of the "dukes" of Edom (Gen 36:20). (2.) The name of a mountainous region occupied by the Edomites, extending along the eastern side of the Arabah from the south-eastern extremity of the Dead Sea to near the Akabah, or the eastern branch of the Red Sea. It was originally occupied by the Horites (Gen 14:6), who were afterwards driven out by the Edomites (Gen 32:3; Gen 33:14, Gen 33:16). It was allotted to the descendants of Esau (Deu 2:4, Deu 2:22; Jos 24:4; Ch2 20:10; Isa 21:11; Eze 25:8). (3.) A mountain range (not the Edomite range, Gen 32:3) lying between the Wady Aly and the Wady Ghurab (Jos 15:10).

Seirath Woody district; shaggy, a place among the mountains of Ephraim, bordering on Benjamin, to which Ehud fled after he had assassinated Eglon at Jericho (Jdg 3:26, Jdg 3:27).

Sela =Selah, rock, the capital of Edom, situated in the great valley extending from the Dead Sea to the Red Sea (Kg2 14:7). It was near Mount Hor, close by the desert of Zin. It is called "the rock" (Jdg 1:36). When Amaziah took it he called it Joktheel (q.v.) It is mentioned by the prophets (Isa 16:1; Oba 1:3) as doomed to destruction. It appears in later history and in the Vulgate Version under the name of Petra. "The caravans from all ages, from the interior of Arabia and from the Gulf of Persia, from Hadramaut on the ocean, and even from Sabea or Yemen, appear to have pointed to Petra as a common centre; and from Petra the tide seems again to have branched out in every direction, to Egypt, Palestine, and Syria, through Arsinoe, Gaza, Tyre, Jerusalem, and Damascus, and by other routes, terminating at the Mediterranean." (See EDOM [2].)

Sela-hammahlekoth Cliff of divisions the name of the great gorge which lies between Hachilah and Maon, south-east of Hebron. This gorge is now called the Wady Malaky. This was the scene of the interview between David and Saul mentioned in Sa1 26:13. Each stood on an opposing cliff, with this deep chasm between.

Selah A word frequently found in the Book of Psalms, and also in Hab 3:9, Hab 3:13, about seventy-four times in all in Scripture. Its meaning is doubtful. Some interpret it as meaning "silence" or "pause;" others, "end," "a louder strain," "piano," etc. The LXX. render the word by daplasma i.e., "a division."

Seleucia The sea-port of Antioch, near the mouth of the Orontes. Paul and his companions sailed from this port on their first missionary journey (Act 13:4). This city was built by Seleucus Nicator, the "king of Syria." It is said of him that "few princes have ever lived with so great a passion for the building of cities. He is reputed to have built in all nine Seleucias, sixteen Antiochs, and six Laodiceas." Seleucia became a city of great importance, and was made a "free city" by Pompey. It is now a small village, called el-Kalusi.