Sea of Glass A figurative expression used in Rev 4:6 and Rev 15:2. According to the interpretation of some, "this calm, glass-like sea, which is never in storm, but only interfused with flame, represents the counsels of God, those purposes of righteousness and love which are often fathomless but never obscure, always the same, though sometimes glowing with holy anger." (Compare Psa 36:6; Psa 77:19; Rom 11:33.)

Seah In land measure, a space of 50 cubits long by 50 broad. In measure of capacity, a seah was a little over one peck. (See MEASURE and see Tables of Weights, Measures and Money.)

Seal Commonly a ring engraved with some device (Gen 38:18, Gen 38:25). Jezebel "wrote letters in Ahab's name, and sealed them with his seal" (Kg1 21:8). Seals are frequently mentioned in Jewish history (Deu 32:34; Neh 9:38; Neh 10:1; Est 3:12; Sol 8:6; Isa 8:16; Jer 22:24; Jer 32:44, etc.). Sealing a document was equivalent to the signature of the owner of the seal. "The use of a signet-ring by the monarch has recently received a remarkable illustration by the discovery of an impression of such a signet on fine clay at Koyunjik, the site of the ancient Nineveh. This seal appears to have been impressed from the bezel of a metallic finger-ring. It is an oval, 2 inches in length by 1 inch wide, and bears the image, name, and titles of the Egyptian king Sabaco" (Rawlinson's Hist. Illus. of the O.T., p. 46). The actual signet-rings of two Egyptian kings (Cheops and Horus) have been discovered. (See SIGNET.) The use of seals is mentioned in the New Testament only in connection with the record of our Lord's burial (Mat 27:66). The tomb was sealed by the Pharisees and chief priests for the purpose of making sure that the disciples would not come and steal the body away (Mat 27:63, Mat 27:64). The mode of doing this was probably by stretching a cord across the stone and sealing it at both ends with sealing-clay. When God is said to have sealed the Redeemer, the meaning is, that he has attested his divine mission (Joh 6:27). Circumcision is a seal, an attestation of the covenant (Rom 4:11). Believers are sealed with the Spirit, as God's mark put upon them (Eph 1:13; Eph 4:30). Converts are by Paul styled the seal of his apostleship, i.e., they are its attestation (Co1 9:2). Seals and sealing are frequently mentioned in the book of Revelation (Rev 5:1; Rev 6:1; Rev 7:3; Rev 10:4; Rev 22:10).

Seasons (Gen 8:22). See AGRICULTURE; MONTH.

Seba (1.) One of the sons of Cush (Gen 10:7). (2.) The name of a country and nation (Isa 43:3; Isa 45:14) mentioned along with Egypt and Ethiopia, and therefore probably in north-eastern Africa. The ancient name of Meroe. The kings of Sheba and Seba are mentioned together in Psa 72:10.

Sebat The eleventh month of the Hebrew year, extending from the new moon of February to that of March (Zac 1:7). Assyrian sabatu, "storm." (See MONTH.)

Secacah Enclosure, one of the six cities in the wilderness of Judah, noted for its "great cistern" (Jos 15:61). It has been identified with the ruin Sikkeh, east of Bethany.

Sechu A hill or watch-tower, a place between Gibeah and Ramah noted for its "great well" (Sa1 19:22); probably the modern Suweikeh, south of Beeroth.

Sect (Gr. hairesis , usually rendered "heresy", Act 24:14; Ch1 11:19; Gal 5:20, etc.), meaning properly "a choice," then "a chosen manner of life," and then "a religious party," as the "sect" of the Sadducees (Act 5:17), of the Pharisees (Act 15:5), the Nazarenes, i.e., Christians (Act 24:5). It afterwards came to be used in a bad sense, of those holding pernicious error, divergent forms of belief (Pe2 2:1; Gal 5:20).

Secundus Second, a Christian of Thessalonica who accompanied Paul into Asia (Act 20:4).