Rhoda A rose, the damsel in the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark. She came to hearken when Peter knocked at the door of the gate (Act 12:12).

Rhodes A rose, an island to the south of the western extremity of Asia Minor, between Coos and Patara, about 46 miles long and 18 miles broad. Here the apostle probably landed on his way from Greece to Syria (Act 21:1), on returning from his third missionary journey.

Riblah Fruitful, an ancient town on the northern frontier of Palestine, 35 miles north-east of Baalbec, and 10 or 12 south of Lake Homs, on the eastern bank of the Orontes, in a wide and fertile plain. Here Nebuchadnezzar had his head-quarters in his campaign against Jerusalem, and here also Necho fixed his camp after he had routed Josiah's army at Megiddo (Kg2 23:29; Kg2 25:6, Kg2 25:20, Kg2 25:21; Jer 39:5; Jer 52:10). It was on the great caravan road from Palestine to Carchemish, on the Euphrates. It is described (Num 34:11) as "on the eastern side of Ain." A place still called el Ain, i.e., "the fountain", is found in such a position about 10 miles distant. (See JERUSALEM.)

Riddle (Heb. hodah ). The oldest and, strictly speaking, the only example of a riddle was that propounded by Samson (Jdg 14:12). The parabolic prophecy in Ezek. 17:2-18 is there called a "riddle." It was rather, however, an allegory. The word "darkly" in Co1 13:12 is the rendering of the Greek enigma; marg., "in a riddle."

Righteousness See JUSTIFICATION.

Rimmon Pomegranate. (1.) A man of Beeroth (Sa2 4:2), one of the four Gibeonite cities. (See Jos 9:17.) (2.) A Syrian idol, mentioned only in Kg2 5:18. (3.) One of the "uttermost cities" of Judah, afterwards given to Simeon (Jos 15:21, Jos 15:32; Jos 19:7; Ch1 4:32). In Jos 15:32 Ain and Rimmon are mentioned separately, but in Jos 19:7 and Ch1 4:32 (compare Neh 11:29) the two words are probably to be combined, as forming together the name of one place, Ain-Rimmon = the spring of the pomegranate. It has been identified with Um er-Rumamin, about 13 miles south-west of Hebron. (4.) "Rock of," to which the Benjamites fled (Jdg 20:45, Jdg 20:47; Jdg 21:13), and where they maintained themselves for four months after the fearful battle at Gibeah, in which they were almost exterminated, 600 only surviving out of about 27,000. It is the present village of Rummon, "on the very edge of the hill country, with a precipitous descent toward the Jordan valley," supposed to be the site of Ai.

Rimmon-parez A pomegranate breach, or Rimmon of the breach, one of the stations of the Israelites in the wilderness (Num 33:19, Num 33:20).

Ring Used as an ornament to decorate the fingers, arms, wrists, and also the ears and the nose. Rings were used as a signet (Gen 38:18). They were given as a token of investment with authority (Gen 41:42; Est 3:8; Est 8:2), and of favour and dignity (Luk 15:22). They were generally worn by rich men (Jam 2:2). They are mentioned by Isaiah (Isa 3:21) among the adornments of Hebrew women.

Riphath A crusher, Gomer's second son (Gen 10:3), supposed to have been the ancestor of the Paphlagonians.

Rissah Heap of ruins; dew, a station of the Israelites in the wilderness (Num 33:21, Num 33:22).