Ramathite The designation given to Shimei, the manager of David's vineyard (Ch1 27:27).

Rameses "The land of" (Gen 47:11), was probably "the land of Goshen" (q.v.) Gen 45:10. After the Hebrews had built Rameses, one of the "treasure cities," it came to be known as the "land" in which that city was built. The city bearing this name (Exo 12:37) was probably identical with Zoan, which Rameses II. ("son of the sun") rebuilt. It became his special residence, and ranked next in importance and magnificence to Thebes. Huge masses of bricks, made of Nile mud, sun-dried, some of them mixed with stubble, possibly moulded by Jewish hands, still mark the site of Rameses. This was the general rendezvous of the Israelites before they began their march out of Egypt. Called also Raamses (Exo 1:11).

Ramoth Heights. A Levitical city in the tribe of Issachar (Sa1 30:27; Ch1 6:73), the same as Jarmuth (Jos 21:29) and Remeth (q.v.), Jos 19:21.

Ramoth-gilead Heights of Gilead, a city of refuge on the east of Jordan; called "Ramoth in Gilead" (Deu 4:43; Jos 20:8; Jos 21:38). Here Ahab, who joined Jehoshaphat in an endeavour to rescue it from the hands of the king of Syria, was mortally wounded (1 Kings 22:1-36). A similar attempt was afterwards made by Ahaziah and Joram, when the latter was wounded (Kg2 8:28). In this city Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat, was anointed by one of the sons of the prophets (Kg2 9:1, Kg2 9:4). It has with probability been identified with Reimun, on the northern slope of the Jabbok, about 5 miles west of Jerash or Gerasa, one of the cities of Decapolis. Others identify it with Gerosh, about 25 miles north-east of es-Salt, with which also many have identified it. (See RAMATH-MIZPEH.)

Ranges (1.) Lev 11:35. Probably a cooking furnace for two or more pots, as the Hebrew word here is in the dual number; or perhaps a fire-place fitted to receive a pair of ovens. (2.) Kg2 11:8. A Hebrew word is here used different from the preceding, meaning "ranks of soldiers." The Levites were appointed to guard the king's person within the temple (Ch2 23:7), while the soldiers were his guard in the court, and in going from the temple to the palace. The soldiers are here commanded to slay any one who should break through the "ranks" (as rendered in the R.V.) to come near the king. In Kg2 11:15 the expression, "Have her forth without the ranges," is in the Revised Version, "Have her forth between the ranks;" i.e., Jehoiada orders that Athaliah should be kept surrounded by his own guards, and at the same time conveyed beyond the precincts of the temple.

Ransom The price or payment made for our redemption, as when it is said that the Son of man "gave his life a ransom for many" (Mat 20:28; compare Act 20:28; Rom 3:23, Rom 3:24; Co1 6:19, Co1 6:20; Gal 3:13; Gal 4:4, Gal 4:5; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14; Ti1 2:6; Tit 2:14; Pe1 1:18, Pe1 1:19. In all these passages the same idea is expressed). This word is derived from the Fr. rancon; Lat. redemptio . The debt is represented not as canceled but as fully paid. The slave or captive is not liberated by a mere gratuitous favour, but a ransom price has been paid, in consideration of which he is set free. The original owner receives back his alienated and lost possession because he has bought it back "with a price." This price or ransom (Gr. lutron ) is always said to be Christ, his blood, his death. He secures our redemption by the payment of a ransom. (See REDEMPTION.)

Rapha Tall. (1.) A Benjamite, the son of Binea (Ch1 8:2, Ch1 8:37), a descendant of Saul. (2.) Margin of Ch1 20:4, Ch1 20:6, where "giant" is given in the text.

Raphu Healed, a Benjamite, whose son Palti was one of the twelve spies (Num 13:9).

Raven Heb. 'orebh , from a root meaning "to be black" (Compare Sol 5:11); first mentioned as "sent forth" by Noah from the ark (Gen 8:7). "Every raven after his kind" was forbidden as food (Lev 11:15; Deu 14:14). Ravens feed mostly on carrion, and hence their food is procured with difficulty (Job 38:41; Psa 147:9). When they attack kids or lambs or weak animals, it is said that they first pick out the eyes of their victims (Pro 30:17). When Elijah was concealed by the brook Cherith, God commanded the ravens to bring him "bread and flesh in the morning, and bread and flesh in the evening" (Kg1 17:3). (See ELIJAH.) There are eight species of ravens in Palestine, and they are everywhere very numerous in that land.

Razor The Nazarites were forbidden to make use of the razor (Num 6:5; Jdg 13:5). At their consecration the Levites were shaved all over with a razor (Num 8:7; compare Psa 52:2; Eze 5:1).