Quiver The sheath for arrows. The Hebrew word (aspah) thus commonly rendered is found in Job 39:23; Psa 127:5; Isa 22:6; Isa 49:2; Jer 5:16; Lam 3:13. In Gen 27:3 this word is the rendering of the Hebrew teli, which is supposed rather to mean a suspended weapon, literally "that which hangs from one", i.e., is suspended from the shoulder or girdle.

Quotations From the Old Testament in the New, which are very numerous, are not made according to any uniform method. When the New Testament was written, the Old was not divided, as it now is, into chapters and verses, and hence such peculiarities as these: When Luke (Luk 20:37) refers to Exo 3:6, he quotes from "Moses at the bush", i.e., the section containing the record of Moses at the bush. So also Mark (Mar 2:26) refers to Sa1 21:1, in the words, "in the days of Abiathar;" and Paul (Rom 11:2) refers to 1 Kings 17 - 19, in the words, "in Elias", i.e., in the portion of the history regarding Elias. In general, the New Testament writers quote from the Septuagint (q.v.) version of the Old Testament, as it was then in common use among the Jews. But it is noticeable that these quotations are not made in any uniform manner. Sometimes, e.g., the quotation does not agree literally either with the LXX. or the Hebrew text. This occurs in about one hundred instances. Sometimes the LXX. is literally quoted (in about ninety instances), and sometimes it is corrected or altered in the quotations (in over eighty instances). Quotations are sometimes made also directly from the Hebrew text (Mat 4:15, Mat 4:16; Joh 19:37; Co1 15:54). Besides the quotations made directly, there are found numberless allusions, more or less distinct, showing that the minds of the New Testament writers were filled with the expressions and ideas as well as historical facts recorded in the Old. There are in all two hundred and eighty-three direct quotations from the Old Testament in the New, but not one clear and certain case of quotation from the Apocrypha (q.v.). Besides quotations in the New from the Old Testament, there are in Paul's writings three quotations from certain Greek poets, Act 17:28; Co1 15:33; Tit 1:12. These quotations are memorials of his early classical education.

Raamah Thunder. (1.) One of the sons of Cush (Gen 10:7). (2.) A country which traded with Tyre (Eze 27:22).

Raamiah Thunder of the Lord, one of the princes who returned from the Exile (Neh 7:7); called also Reelaiah (Ezr 2:2).

Raamses (Exo 1:11). (See RAMESES.)

Rabbah Or Rabbath, great. (1.) "Rabbath of the children of Ammon," the chief city of the Ammonites, among the eastern hills, some 20 miles east of the Jordan, on the southern of the two streams which united with the Jabbok. Here the bedstead of Og was preserved (Deu 3:11), perhaps as a trophy of some victory gained by the Ammonites over the king of Bashan. After David had subdued all their allies in a great war, he sent Joab with a strong force to take their city. For two years it held out against its assailants. It was while his army was engaged in this protracted siege that David was guilty of that deed of shame which left a blot on his character and cast a gloom over the rest of his life. At length, having taken the "royal city" (or the "city of waters," Sa2 12:27, i.e., the lower city on the river, as distinguished from the citadel), Joab sent for David to direct the final assault (Sa2 11:1; Sa2 12:26). The city was given up to plunder, and the people were ruthlessly put to death, and "thus did he with all the cities of the children of Ammon." The destruction of Rabbath was the last of David's conquests. His kingdom now reached its farthest limits (Sa2 8:1; Ch1 18:1). The capture of this city is referred to by Amos (Amo 1:14), Jeremiah (Jer 49:2, Jer 49:3), and Ezekiel (Eze 21:20; Eze 25:5). (2.) A city in the hill country of Judah (Jos 15:60), possibly the ruin Rubba, six miles north-east of Beit-Jibrin.

Rabbi My master, a title of dignity given by the Jews to their doctors of the law and their distinguished teachers. It is sometimes applied to Christ (Mat 23:7, Mat 23:8; Mar 9:5 (R.V.); Joh 1:38, Joh 1:49; Joh 3:2; Joh 6:25, etc.); also to John (Joh 3:26).

Rabboni (id.) occurs only twice in the New Testament (Mar 10:51, A.V., "Lord," R.V., "Rabboni;" Joh 20:16). It was the most honourable of all the titles.

Rabmag Assyrian Rab-mugi, "chief physician," "who was attached to the king (Jer 39:3, Jer 39:13), the title of one of Sennacherib's officers sent with messages to Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem (2 Kings 18:17 - 19:13; Isa. 36:12 - 37:13) demanding the surrender of the city. He was accompanied by a "great army;" but his mission was unsuccessful.

Rabsaris Chief of the Heads, one of the three officers whom Sennacherib sent from Lachish with a threatening message to Jerusalem (Kg2 18:17; Jer 39:3, Jer 39:13).