Puteoli A city on the coast of Campania, on the north shore of a bay running north from the Bay of Naples, at which Paul landed on his way to Rome, from which it was distant 170 miles. Here he tarried for seven days (Act 28:13, Act 28:14). This was the great emporium for the Alexandrian corn ships. Here Paul and his companions began their journey, by the "Appian Way," to Rome. It is now called Pozzuoli. The remains of a huge amphitheater, and of the quay at which Paul landed, may still be seen here.

Pygarg Heb. dishon , "springing", (Deu 14:5), one of the animals permitted for food. It is supposed to be the Antelope addax. It is described as "a large animal, over 3 1/2 feet high at the shoulder, and, with its gently-twisted horns, 2 1/2 feet long. Its colour is pure white, with the exception of a short black mane, and a tinge of tawny on the shoulders and back.", Tristram's Natural History.

Quails The Israelites were twice relieved in their privation by a miraculous supply of quails, (1.) in the wilderness of Sin (Exo 16:13), and (2.) again at Kibroth-hattaavah (q.v.), Num 11:31. God "rained flesh upon them as dust, and feathered fowls like as the sand of the sea" (Psa 78:27). The words in Num 11:31, according to the Authorized Version, appear to denote that the quails lay one above another to the thickness of two cubits above the ground. The Revised Version, however, reads, "about two cubits above the face of the earth", i.e., the quails flew at this height, and were easily killed or caught by the hand. Being thus secured in vast numbers by the people, they "spread them all abroad" (Num 11:32) in order to salt and dry them. These birds (the Coturnix vulgaris of naturalists) are found in countless numbers on the shores of the Mediterranean, and their annual migration is an event causing great excitement.

Quarantania A mountain some 1,200 feet high, about 7 miles north-west of Jericho, the traditional scene of our Lord's temptation (Mat 4:8).

Quarries (1.) The "Royal Quarries" (not found in Scripture) is the name given to the vast caverns stretching far underneath the northern hill, Bezetha, on which Jerusalem is built. Out of these mammoth caverns stones, a hard lime-stone, have been quarried in ancient times for the buildings in the city, and for the temples of Solomon, Zerubbabel, and Herod. Huge blocks of stone are still found in these caves bearing the marks of pick and chisel. The general appearance of the whole suggests to the explorer the idea that the Phoenician quarrymen have just suspended their work. The supposition that the polished blocks of stone for Solomon's temple were sent by Hiram from Lebanon or Tyre is not supported by any evidence (Compare Kg1 5:8). Hiram sent masons and stone-squarers to Jerusalem to assist Solomon's workmen in their great undertaking, but did not send stones to Jerusalem, where, indeed, they were not needed, as these royal quarries abundantly testify. (2.) The "quarries" (Heb. pesilim ) by Gilgal (Jdg 3:19), from which Ehud turned back for the purpose of carrying out his design to put Eglon king of Moab to death, were probably the "graven images" (as the word is rendered by the LXX. and the Vulgate and in the marg. A.V. and R.V.), or the idol temples the Moabites had erected at Gilgal, where the children of Israel first encamped after crossing the Jordan. The Hebrew word is rendered "graven images" in Deu 7:25, and is not elsewhere translated "quarries."

Quartus Fourth, a Corinthian Christian who sent by Paul his salutations to friends at Rome (Rom 16:23).

Quaternion A band of four soldiers. Peter was committed by Herod to the custody of four quaternions, i.e., one quaternion for each watch of the night (Act 12:4). Thus every precaution was taken against his escape from prison. Two of each quaternion were in turn stationed at the door (Act 12:6), and to two the apostle was chained according to Roman custom.

Queen No explicit mention of queens is made till we read of the "queen of Sheba." The wives of the kings of Israel are not so designated. In Psa 45:9, the Hebrew for "queen" is not malkah, one actually ruling like the Queen of Sheba, but shegal, which simply means the king's wife. In Kg1 11:19, Pharaoh's wife is called "the queen," but the Hebrew word so rendered ( g'birah ) is simply a title of honour, denoting a royal lady, used sometimes for "queen-mother" (Kg1 15:13; Ch2 15:16). In Sol 6:8, Sol 6:9, the king's wives are styled "queens" (Heb. melakhoth ). In the New Testament we read of the "queen of the south", i.e., Southern Arabia, Sheba (Mat 12:42; Luk 11:31) and the "queen of the Ethiopians" (Act 8:27), Candace.

Queen of Heaven (Jer 7:18; Jer 44:17, Jer 44:25), the moon, worshipped by the Assyrians as the receptive power in nature.

Quicksands Found only in Act 27:17, the rendering of the Greek Syrtis . On the north coast of Africa were two localities dangerous to sailors, called the Greater and Lesser Syrtis . The former of these is probably here meant. It lies between Tripoli and Barca, and near Cyrene. The Lesser Syrtis lay farther to the west.