Porter A gate-keeper (Sa2 18:26; Kg2 7:10; Ch1 9:21; Ch2 8:14). Of the Levites, 4,000 were appointed as porters by David (Ch1 23:5), who were arranged according to their families (1 Chr. 26:1-19) to take charge of the doors and gates of the temple. They were sometimes employed as musicians (Ch1 15:18).

Post (1.) A runner, or courier, for the rapid transmission of letters, etc. (Ch2 30:6; Est 3:13, Est 3:15; Est 8:10, Est 8:14; Job 9:25; Jer 51:31). Such messengers were used from very early times. Those employed by the Hebrew kings had a military character (Sa1 22:17; Kg2 10:25, "guard," marg. "runners"). The modern system of postal communication was first established by Louis XI. of France in A.D. 1464. (2.) This word sometimes also is used for lintel or threshold (Isa 6:4).

Potiphar Dedicated to Ra; i.e., to the sun-god, the Egyptian to whom the Ishmaelites sold Joseph (Gen 39:1). He was "captain of the guard", i.e., chief, probably, of the state police, who, while they formed part of the Egyptian army, were also largely employed in civil duties (Gen 37:36; marg., "chief of the executioners"). Joseph, though a foreigner, gradually gained his confidence, and became overseer over all his possessions. Believing the false accusation which his profligate wife brought against Joseph, Potiphar cast him into prison, where he remained for some years. (See JOSEPH.)

Potipherah A priest of On, whose daughter Asenath became Joseph's wife (Gen 41:45).

Potsherd A "shred", i.e., anything severed, as a fragment of earthenware (Job 2:8; Pro 26:23; Isa 45:9).

Pottage Heb. nazid , "boiled", a dish of boiled food, as of lentils (Gen 25:29; Kg2 4:38).

Potters' Field The name given to the piece of ground which was afterwards bought with the money that had been given to Judas. It was called the "field of blood" (Mat 27:7). Tradition places it in the valley of Hinnom. (See ACELDAMA.)

Pottery The art of, was early practiced among all nations. Various materials seem to have been employed by the potter. Earthenware is mentioned in connection with the history of Melchizedek (Gen 14:18), of Abraham (Gen 18:4), of Rebekah (Gen 27:14), of Rachel (Gen 29:2, Gen 29:3, Gen 29:8, Gen 29:10). The potter's wheel is mentioned by Jeremiah (Jer 18:3). See also Ch1 4:23; Psa 2:9; Isa 45:9; Isa 64:8; Jer 19:1; Lam 4:2; Zac 11:13; Rom 9:21.

Pound (1.) A weight. Heb. maneh , equal to 100 shekels (Kg1 10:17; Ezr 2:69; Neh 7:71, Neh 7:72). Gr. liter , equal to about 12 oz. avoirdupois (Joh 12:3; Joh 19:39). (2.) A sum of money; the Gr. mna or mina (Luk 19:13, Luk 19:16, Luk 19:18, Luk 19:20, Luk 19:24, Luk 19:25). It was equal to 100 drachmas, and was of the value of about 3, 6s. 8d. of our money. (See MONEY.)

Praetorium The Greek word ( praitorion ) thus rendered in Mar 15:16 is rendered "common hall" (Mat 27:27, marg., "governor's house"), "judgment hall," (Joh 18:28, Joh 18:33, marg., "Pilate's house", Joh 19:9; Act 23:35), "palace" (Phi 1:13). This is properly a military word. It denotes (1.) the general's tent or headquarters; (2.) the governor's residence, as in Act 23:35 (R.V., "palace"); and (3.) the praetorian guard (See PALACE), or the camp or quarters of the praetorian cohorts (Act 28:16), the imperial guards in immediate attendance on the emperor, who was "praetor" or commander-in-chief.