Offense (1.) An injury or wrong done to one (Sa1 25:31; Rom 5:15). (2.) A stumbling-block or cause of temptation (Isa 8:14; Mat 16:23; Mat 18:7). Greek skandalon , properly that at which one stumbles or takes offense. The "offense of the cross" (Gal 5:11) is the offense the Jews took at the teaching that salvation was by the crucified One, and by him alone. Salvation by the cross was a stumbling-block to their national pride.

Offering An oblation, dedicated to God. Thus Cain consecrated to God of the firstfruits of the earth, and Abel of the firstlings of the flock (Gen 4:3, Gen 4:4). Under the Levitical system different kinds of offerings are specified, and laws laid down as to their presentation. These are described under their distinctive names.

Og Gigantic, the king of Bashan, who was defeated by Moses in a pitched battle at Edrei, and was slain along with his sons (Deu 1:4), and whose kingdom was given to the tribes of Reuben and Gad and half the tribe of Manasseh (Num 21:32; Deu 3:1). His bedstead (or rather sarcophagus) was of iron (or ironstone), 9 cubits in length and 4 cubits in breadth. His overthrow was afterwards celebrated in song (Psa 135:11; Psa 136:20). (See SIHON.)

Ohad United, or power, the third son of Simeon (Gen 46:10).

Ohel A house; tent, the fourth son of Zerubbabel (Ch1 3:20).

Oil Only olive oil seems to have been used among the Hebrews. It was used for many purposes: for anointing the body or the hair (Exo 29:7; Sa2 14:2; Psa 23:5; Psa 92:10; Psa 104:15; Luk 7:46); in some of the offerings (Exo 29:40; Lev 7:12; Num 6:15; Num 15:4), but was excluded from the sin-offering (Lev 5:11) and the jealousy-offering (Num 5:15); for burning in lamps (Exo 25:6; Exo 27:20; Mat 25:3); for medicinal purposes (Isa 1:6; Luk 10:34; Jam 5:14); and for anointing the dead (Mat 26:12; Luk 23:56). It was one of the most valuable products of the country (Deu 32:13; Eze 16:13), and formed an article of extensive commerce with Tyre (Eze 27:17). The use of it was a sign of gladness (Psa 92:10; Isa 61:3), and its omission a token of sorrow (Sa2 14:2; Mat 6:17). It was very abundant in Galilee. (See OLIVE.)

Oil-tree (Isa 41:19; R.V. marg., "oleaster"), Heb. 'etz shemen , rendered "olive tree" in Kg1 6:23, Kg1 6:31, Kg1 6:32, Kg1 6:33 (R.V., "olive wood") and "pine branches" in Neh 8:15 (R.V., "branches of wild olive"), was some tree distinct from the olive. It was probably the oleaster (Eleagnus angustifolius), which grows abundantly in almost all parts of Palestine, especially about Hebron and Samaria. "It has a fine hard wood," says Tristram, "and yields an inferior oil, but it has no relationship to the olive, which, however, it resembles in general appearance."

Ointment Various fragrant preparations, also compounds for medical purposes, are so called (Exo 30:25; Psa 133:2; Isa 1:6; Amo 6:6; Joh 12:3; Rev 18:13).

Old Gate One of the gates in the north wall of Jerusalem, so called because built by the Jebusites (Neh 3:6; Neh 12:39).

Olive The fruit of the olive-tree. This tree yielded oil which was highly valued. The best oil was from olives that were plucked before being fully ripe, and then beaten or squeezed (Deu 24:20; Isa 17:6; Isa 24:13). It was called "beaten," or "fresh oil" (Exo 27:20). There were also oil-presses, in which the oil was trodden out by the feet (Mic 6:15). James (Jam 3:12) calls the fruit "olive berries." The phrase "vineyards and olives" (Jdg 15:5, A.V.) should be simply "olive-yard," or "olive-garden," as in the Revised Version. (See OIL.)