No Or No-Amon, the home of Amon, the name of Thebes, the ancient capital of what is called the Middle Empire, in Upper or Southern Egypt. "The multitude of No" (Jer 46:25) is more correctly rendered, as in the Revised Version, "Amon of No", i.e., No, where Jupiter Amon had his temple. In Eze 30:14, Eze 30:16 it is simply called "No;" but in Eze 30:15 the name has the Hebrew Hamon prefixed to it, "Hamon No." This prefix is probably the name simply of the god usually styled Amon or Ammon. In Nah 3:8 the "populous No" of the Authorized Version is in the Revised Version correctly rendered "No-Amon." It was the Diospolis or Thebes of the Greeks, celebrated for its hundred gates and its vast population. It stood on both sides of the Nile, and is by some supposed to have included Karnak and Luxor. In grandeur and extent it can only be compared to Nineveh. It is mentioned only in the prophecies referred to, which point to its total destruction. It was first taken by the Assyrians in the time of Sargon (Isa 20:1). It was afterwards "delivered into the hand" of Nebuchadnezzar and Assurbani-pal (Jer 46:25, Jer 46:26). Cambyses, king of the Persians (525 B.C.), further laid it waste by fire. Its ruin was completed (B.C. 81) by Ptolemy Lathyrus. The ruins of this city are still among the most notable in the valley of the Nile. They have formed a great storehouse of interesting historic remains for more than two thousand years. "As I wandered day after day with ever-growing amazement amongst these relics of ancient magnificence, I felt that if all the ruins in Europe, classical, Celtic, and medieval, were brought together into one centre, they would fall far short both in extent and grandeur of those of this single Egyptian city." Manning, The Land of the Pharaohs.

Noadiah Meeting with the Lord. (1.) A Levite who returned from Babylon (Ezr 8:33). (2.) A false prophetess who assisted Tobiah and Sanballat against the Jews (Neh 6:14). Being bribed by them, she tried to stir up discontent among the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and so to embarrass Nehemiah in his great work of rebuilding the ruined walls of the city.

Noah (1.) Rest, (Heb. Noah ) the grandson of Methuselah (Gen 5:25), who was for two hundred and fifty years contemporary with Adam, and the son of Lamech, who was about fifty years old at the time of Adam's death. This patriarch is rightly regarded as the connecting link between the old and the new world. He is the second great progenitor of the human family. The words of his father Lamech at his birth (Gen 5:29) have been regarded as in a sense prophetical, designating Noah as a type of Him who is the true "rest and comfort" of men under the burden of life (Mat 11:28). He lived five hundred years, and then there were born unto him three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth (Gen 5:32). He was a "just man and perfect in his generation," and "walked with God" (Compare Eze 14:14, Eze 14:20). But now the descendants of Cain and of Seth began to intermarry, and then there sprang up a race distinguished for their ungodliness. Men became more and more corrupt, and God determined to sweep the earth of its wicked population (Gen 6:7). But with Noah God entered into a covenant, with a promise of deliverance from the threatened deluge (Gen 6:18). He was accordingly commanded to build an ark (Gen 6:14) for the saving of himself and his house. An interval of one hundred and twenty years elapsed while the ark was being built (Gen 6:3), during which Noah bore constant testimony against the unbelief and wickedness of that generation (Pe1 3:18; Pe2 2:5). When the ark of "gopher-wood" (mentioned only here) was at length completed according to the command of the Lord, the living creatures that were to be preserved entered into it; and then Noah and his wife and sons and daughters-in-law entered it, and the "Lord shut him in" (Gen 7:16). The judgment-threatened now fell on the guilty world, "the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished" (Pe2 3:6). The ark floated on the waters for one hundred and fifty days, and then rested on the mountains of Ararat (Gen 8:3, Gen 8:4); but not for a considerable time after this was divine permission given him to leave the ark, so that he and his family were a whole year shut up within it (Gen 8:6). On leaving the ark Noah's first act was to erect an altar, the first of which there is any mention, and offer the sacrifices of adoring thanks and praise to God, who entered into a covenant with him, the first covenant between God and man, granting him possession of the earth by a new and special charter, which remains in force to the present time (Gen. 8:21 - 9:17). As a sign and witness of this covenant, the rainbow was adopted and set apart by God, as a sure pledge that never again would the earth be destroyed by a flood. But, alas! Noah after this fell into grievous sin (Gen 9:21); and the conduct of Ham on this sad occasion led to the memorable prediction regarding his three sons and their descendants. Noah "lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years, and he died" (Gen 9:28). (See DELUGE). (2.) Motion, (Heb. No'ah ) one of the five daughters of Zelophehad (Num 26:33; Num 27:1; Num 36:11; Jos 17:3).

Nob High place, a city of the priests, first mentioned in the history of David's wanderings (Sa1 21:1). Here the tabernacle was then standing, and here Ahimelech the priest resided. (See AHIMELECH.) From Isa 10:28 it seems to have been near Jerusalem. It has been identified by some with el-Isawiyeh, one mile and a half to the north-east of Jerusalem. But according to Isa 10:28 it was on the south of Geba, on the road to Jerusalem, and within sight of the city. This identification does not meet these conditions, and hence others (as Dean Stanley) think that it was the northern summit of Mount Olivet, the place where David "worshipped God" when fleeing from Absalom (Sa2 15:32), or more probably (Conder) that it was the same as Mizpeh (q.v.), Jdg 20:1; Jos 18:26; Sa1 7:16, at Nebi Samwil, about 5 miles north-west of Jerusalem. After being supplied with the sacred loaves of showbread, and girding on the sword of Goliath, which was brought forth from behind the ephod, David fled from Nob and sought refuge at the court of Achish, the king of Gath, where he was cast into prison. (Compare Ps. 34 and Psa 56:1, titles.)

Nobah Howling. (1.) Num 32:42. (2.) The name given to Kenath (q.v.) by Nobah when he conquered it. It was on the east of Gilead (Jdg 8:11).

Nobleman (Gr. basilikos , i.e., "king's man"), an officer of state (Joh 4:49) in the service of Herod Antipas. He is supposed to have been the Chuza, Herod's steward, whose wife was one of those women who "ministered unto the Lord of their substance" (Luk 8:3). This officer came to Jesus at Cana and besought him to go down to Capernaum and heal his son, who lay there at the point of death. Our Lord sent him away with the joyful assurance that his son was alive.

Nod Exile; wandering; unrest, a name given to the country to which Cain fled (Gen 4:16). It lay on the east of Eden.

Nodab Noble, probably a tribe descended from one of the sons of Ishmael, with whom the trans-Jordanic tribes made war (Ch1 5:19).

Nogah Splendour, one of David's sons, born at Jerusalem (Ch1 3:7).

Noph The Hebrew name of an Egyptian city (Isa 19:13; Jer 2:16; Jer 44:1; Jer 46:14, Jer 46:19; Eze 30:13, Eze 30:16). In Hos 9:6 the Hebrew name is Moph , and is translated " Memphis ," which is its Greek and Latin form. It was one of the most ancient and important cities of Egypt, and stood a little to the south of the modern Cairo, on the western bank of the Nile. It was the capital of Lower Egypt. Among the ruins found at this place is a colossal statue of Rameses the Great. (See MEMPHIS.)