Nahaliel Possession, or valley of God, one of the encampments of the Israelites in the wilderness (Num 21:19), on the confines of Moab. This is identified with the ravine of the Zerka M'ain , the ancient Callirhoe, the hot springs on the east of the Jordan, not far from the Dead Sea.

Nahallal Pasture, a city in Zebulun on the border of Issachar (Jos 19:15), the same as Nahalol (Jdg 1:30). It was given to the Levites. It has been by some identified with Malul in the plain of Esdraelon, 4 miles from Nazareth.

Naharai Snorer, a Berothite, one of David's heroes, and armour-bearer of Joab (Ch1 11:39).

Nahash Serpent. (1.) King of the Ammonites in the time of Saul. The inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead having been exposed to great danger from Nahash, sent messengers to Gibeah to inform Saul of their extremity. He promptly responded to the call, and gathering together an army he marched against Nahash. "And it came to pass that they which remained were scattered, so that two of them [the Ammonites] were not left together" (Sa1 11:1). (2.) Another king of the Ammonites of the same name is mentioned, who showed kindness to David during his wanderings (Sa2 10:2). On his death David sent an embassy of sympathy to Hanun, his son and successor, at Rabbah Ammon, his capital. The grievous insult which was put upon these ambassadors led to a war against the Ammonites, who, with their allies the Syrians, were completely routed in a battle fought at "the entering in of the gate," probably of Medeba (Sa2 10:6). Again Hadarezer rallied the Syrian host, which was totally destroyed by the Israelite army under Joab in a decisive battle fought at Helam (Sa2 10:17), near to Hamath (Ch1 18:3). "So the Syrians feared to help the children of Ammon any more" (Sa2 10:19). (3.) The father of Amasa, who was commander-in-chief of Abasolom's army (Sa2 17:25). Jesse's wife had apparently been first married to this man, to whom she bore Abigail and Zeruiah, who were thus David's sisters, but only on the mother's side (Ch1 2:16).

Nahath Rest. (1.) One of the four sons of Reuel, the son of Esau (Gen 36:13, Gen 36:17). (2.) A Kohathite Levite (Ch1 6:26). (3.) A Levite, one of the overseers of the sacred offerings of the temple (Ch2 31:13).

Nabi Hidden, one of the twelve spies sent out to explore the land of Canaan (Num 13:14).

Nahor Snorting. (1.) The father of Terah, who was the father of Abraham (Gen 11:22; Luk 3:34). (2.) A son of Terah, and elder brother of Abraham (Gen 11:26, Gen 11:27; Jos 24:2, R.V.). He married Milcah, the daughter of his brother Haran, and remained in the land of his nativity on the east of the river Euphrates at Haran (Gen 11:27). A correspondence was maintained between the family of Abraham in Canaan and the relatives in the old ancestral home at Haran till the time of Jacob. When Jacob fled from Haran all intercourse between the two branches of the family came to an end (Gen 31:55). His grand-daughter Rebekah became Isaac's wife (Gen 24:67).

Nahshon Sorcerer, the son of Aminadab, and prince of the children of Judah at the time of the first numbering of the tribes in the wilderness (Exo 6:23). His sister Elisheba was the wife of Aaron. He died in the wilderness (Num 26:64, Num 26:65). His name occurs in the Greek form Naasson in the genealogy of Christ (Matt, Job 1:4; Luk 3:32).

Nahum Consolation, the seventh of the so-called minor prophets, an Elkoshite. All we know of him is recorded in the book of his prophecies. He was probably a native of Galilee, and after the deportation of the ten tribes took up his residence in Jerusalem. Others think that Elkosh was the name of a place on the east bank of the Tigris, and that Nahum dwelt there.

Nahum, Book of Nahum prophesied, according to some, in the beginning of the reign of Ahaz (743 B.C.). Others, however, think that his prophecies are to be referred to the latter half of the reign of Hezekiah (about 709 B.C.). This is the more probable opinion, internal evidences leading to that conclusion. Probably the book was written in Jerusalem (soon after 709 B.C.), where he witnessed the invasion of Sennacherib and the destruction of his host (Kg2 19:35). The subject of this prophecy is the approaching complete and final destruction of Nineveh, the capital of the great and at that time flourishing Assyrian empire. Assur-bani-pal was at the height of his glory. Nineveh was a city of vast extent, and was then the centre of the civilization and commerce of the world, a "bloody city all full of lies and robbery" (Nah 3:1), for it had robbed and plundered all the neighbouring nations. It was strongly fortified on every side, bidding defiance to every enemy; yet it was to be utterly destroyed as a punishment for the great wickedness of its inhabitants. Jonah had already uttered his message of warning, and Nahum was followed by Zephaniah, who also predicted (Zep 2:4) the destruction of the city, predictions which were remarkably fulfilled (625 B.C.) when Nineveh was destroyed apparently by fire, and the Assyrian empire came to an end, an event which changed the face of Asia. (See NINEVEH.)