Naamathite The designation of Zophar, one of Job's three friends (Job 2:11; Job 11:1), so called from some place in Arabia, called Naamah probably.

Naarah A girl, the second of Ashur's two wives, of the tribe of Judah (Ch1 4:5, Ch1 4:6).

Naarai Youthful, a military chief in David's army (Ch1 11:37), called also Paarai (Sa2 23:35).

Naaran Boyish, juvenile, a town in Ephraim between Bethel and Jericho (Ch1 7:28).

Naarath Girl, a town on the boundary between Ephraim and Benjamin (Jos 16:7), not far probably from Jericho, to the north (Ch1 7:28).

Nabal Foolish, a descendant of Caleb who dwelt at Maon (1 Sam. 25), the modern Main, 7 miles south-east of Hebron. He was "very great, and he had 3,000 sheep and 1,000 goats... but the man was churlish and evil in his doings." During his wanderings David came into that district, and hearing that Nabal was about to shear his sheep, he sent ten of his young men to ask "whatsoever cometh unto thy hand for thy servants." Nabal insultingly resented the demand, saying, "Who is David, and who is the son of Jesse?" (Sa1 25:10, Sa1 25:11). One of the shepherds that stood by and saw the reception David's messengers had met with, informed Abigail, Nabal's wife, who at once realized the danger that threatened her household. She forthwith proceeded to the camp of David, bringing with her ample stores of provisions (Sa1 25:18). She so courteously and persuasively pled her cause that David's anger was appeased, and he said to her, "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel which sent thee this day to meet me." On her return she found her husband incapable from drunkenness of understanding the state of matters, and not till the following day did she explain to him what had happened. He was stunned by a sense of the danger to which his conduct had exposed him. "His heart died within him, and he became as a stone." and about ten days after "the Lord smote Nabal that he died" (Sa1 25:37, Sa1 25:38). Not long after David married Abigail (q.v.).

Naboth Fruits, "the Jezreelite," was the owner of a portion of ground on the eastern slope of the hill of Jezreel (Kg2 9:25, Kg2 9:26). This small "plat of ground" seems to have been all he possessed. It was a vineyard, and lay "hard by the palace of Ahab" (Kg1 21:1, Kg1 21:2), who greatly coveted it. Naboth, however, refused on any terms to part with it to the king. He had inherited it from his fathers, and no Israelite could lawfully sell his property (Lev 25:23). Jezebel, Ahab's wife, was grievously offended at Naboth's refusal to part with his vineyard. By a crafty and cruel plot she compassed his death. His sons also shared his fate (Kg2 9:26; Kg1 21:19). She then came to Ahab and said, "Arise, take possession of the vineyard; for Naboth is not alive, but dead." Ahab arose and went forth into the garden which had so treacherously and cruelly been acquired, seemingly enjoying his new possession, when, lo, Elijah suddenly appeared before him and pronounced against him a fearful doom (Kg1 21:17). Jehu and Bidcar were with Ahab at this time, and so deeply were the words of Elijah imprinted on Jehu's memory that many years afterwards he refers to them (Kg2 9:26), and he was the chief instrument in inflicting this sentence on Ahab and Jezebel and all their house (Kg2 9:30). The house of Ahab was extinguished by him. Not one of all his great men and his kinsfolk and his priests did Jehu spare (Kg2 10:11). Ahab humbled himself at Elijah's words (Kg1 21:28, Kg1 21:29), and therefore the prophecy was fulfilled not in his fate but in that of his son Joram (Kg2 9:25). The history of Naboth, compared with that of Ahab and Jezebel, furnishes a remarkable illustration of the law of a retributive providence, a law which runs through all history (Compare Psa 109:17, Psa 109:18).

Nachon Prepared, the owner of a thrashing-floor near which Uzzah was slain (Sa2 6:6); called also Chidon (Ch1 13:9).

Nadab Liberal, generous. (1.) The eldest of Aaron's four sons (Exo 6:23; Num 3:2). He with his brothers and their father were consecrated as priests of Jehovah (Exo 28:1). He afterwards perished with Abihu for the sin of offering strange fire on the altar of burnt-offering (Lev 10:1, Lev 10:2; Num 3:4; Num 26:60). (2.) The son and successor of Jeroboam, the king of Israel (Kg1 14:20). While engaged with all Israel in laying siege to Gibbethon, a town of southern Dan (Jos 19:44), a conspiracy broke out in his army, and he was slain by Baasha (Kg1 15:25), after a reign of two years (955-953 B.C.). The assassination of Nadab was followed by that of his whole house, and thus this great Ephraimite family became extinct (Kg1 15:29). (3.) One of the sons of Shammai in the tribe of Judah (Ch1 2:28, Ch1 2:30).

Nagge Illuminating, one of the ancestors of Christ in the maternal line (Luk 3:25).