Mount of the Congregation Only in Isa 14:13, a mythic mountain of the Babylonians, regarded by them as the seat of the gods. It was situated in the far north, and in Babylonian inscriptions is described as a mountain called Im-Kharasak, "the mighty mountain of Bel, whose head reaches heaven, whose root is the holy deep." In their geography they are said to have identified it with mount Elwend, near Ecbatana.

Mount of the Valley Jos 13:19), a district in the east of Jordan, in the territory of Reuben. The "valley" here was probably the Ghor or valley of the Jordan, and hence the "mount" would be the hilly region in the north end of the Dead Sea. (See ZARETH-SHAHAR.)

Mount of Corruption (Kg2 23:13; Vulg., "mount of offense"), the name given to a part of the Mount of Olives, so called because idol temples were there erected in the time of Solomon, temples to the Zidonian Ashtoreth and to the "abominations" of Moab and Ammon.

Mount of Beatitudes See SERMON ON THE MOUNT.

Mourn Frequent references are found in Scripture to, (1.) Mourning for the dead. Abraham mourned for Sarah (Gen 23:2); Jacob for Joseph (Gen 37:34, Gen 37:35); the Egyptians for Jacob (Gen 50:3); Israel for Aaron (Num 20:29), for Moses (Deu 34:8), and for Samuel (Sa1 25:1); David for Abner (Sa2 3:31, Sa2 3:35); Mary and Martha for Lazarus (John 11); devout men for Stephen (Act 8:2), etc. (2.) For calamities, Job (Job 1:20, Job 1:21; Job 2:8); Israel (Exo 33:4); the Ninevites (Jon 3:5); Israel, when defeated by Benjamin (Jdg 20:26), etc. (3.) Penitential mourning, by the Israelites on the day of atonement (Lev 23:27; Act 27:9); under Samuel's ministry (Sa1 7:6); predicted in Zechariah (Zac 12:10, Zac 12:11); in many of the psalms (Ps. 51, etc.). Mourning was expressed, (1.) by weeping (Gen 35:8, marg.; Luk 7:38, etc.); (2.) by loud lamentation (Rut 1:9; Sa1 6:19; Sa2 3:31); (3.) by the disfigurement of the person, as rending the clothes (Gen 37:29, Gen 37:34; Mat 26:65), wearing sackcloth (Gen 37:34; Psa 35:13), sprinkling dust or ashes on the person (Sa2 13:19; Jer 6:26; Job 2:12), shaving the head and plucking out the hair of the head or beard (Lev 10:6; Job 1:20), neglect of the person or the removal of ornaments (Exo 33:4; Deu 21:12, Deu 21:13; Sa2 14:2; Sa2 19:24; Mat 6:16, Mat 6:17), fasting (Sa2 1:12), covering the upper lip (Lev 13:45; Mic 3:7), cutting the flesh (Jer 16:6, Jer 16:7), and sitting in silence (Jdg 20:26; Sa2 12:16; Sa2 13:31; Job 1:20). In the later times we find a class of mourners who could be hired to give by their loud lamentation the external tokens of sorrow (Ch2 35:25; Jer 9:17; Mat 9:23). The period of mourning for the dead varied. For Jacob it was seventy days (Gen 50:3); for Aaron (Num 20:29) and Moses (Deu 34:8) thirty days; and for Saul only seven days (Sa1 31:13). In Sa2 3:31, we have a description of the great mourning for the death of Abner.

Mouse Heb. 'akhbar , "swift digger"), properly the dormouse, the field-mouse (Sa1 6:4). In Lev 11:29, Isa 66:17 this word is used generically, and includes the jerboa (Mus jaculus), rat, hamster (Cricetus), which, though declared to be unclean animals, were eaten by the Arabs, and are still eaten by the Bedouins. It is said that no fewer than twenty-three species of this group ( 'akhbar = Arab. ferah ) of animals inhabit Palestine. God "laid waste" the people of Ashdod by the terrible visitation of field-mice, which are like locusts in their destructive effects (Sa1 6:4, Sa1 6:11, Sa1 6:18). Herodotus, the Greek historian, accounts for the destruction of the army of Sennacherib (Kg2 19:35) by saying that in the night thousands of mice invaded the camp and gnawed through the bow-strings, quivers, and shields, and thus left the Assyrians helpless. (See SENNACHERIB.)

Mowing Heb. gez ), rendered in Psa 72:6 "mown grass." The expression "king's mowings" (Amo 7:1) refers to some royal right of early pasturage, the first crop of grass for the cavalry (Compare Kg1 18:5).

Moza A going forth. (1.) One of the sons of Caleb (Ch1 2:46). (2.) The son of Zimri, of the posterity of Saul (Ch1 8:36, Ch1 8:37; Ch1 9:42, Ch1 9:43).

Mozah An issuing of water, a city of Benjamin (Jos 18:26).

Mufflers Isa 3:19), veils, light and tremulous. Margin, "spangled ornaments."