Milk (1.) Hebrew halabh, "new milk", milk in its fresh state (Jdg 4:19). It is frequently mentioned in connection with honey (Exo 3:8; Exo 13:5; Jos 5:6; Isa 7:15, Isa 7:22; Jer 11:5). Sheep (Deu 32:14) and goats (Pro 27:27) and camels (Gen 32:15), as well as cows, are made to give their milk for the use of man. Milk is used figuratively as a sign of abundance (Gen 49:12; Eze 25:4; Joe 3:18). It is also a symbol of the rudiments of doctrine (Co1 3:2; Heb 5:12, Heb 5:13), and of the unadulterated word of God (Pe1 2:2). (2.) Heb. hem'ah , always rendered "butter" in the Authorized Version. It means "butter," but also more frequently "cream," or perhaps, as some think, "curdled milk," such as that which Abraham set before the angels (Gen 18:8), and which Jael gave to Sisera (Jdg 5:25). In this state milk was used by travelers (Sa2 17:29). If kept long enough, it acquired a slightly intoxicating or soporific power. This Hebrew word is also sometimes used for milk in general (Deu 32:14; Job 20:17).

Mill For grinding corn, mentioned as used in the time of Abraham (Gen 18:6). That used by the Hebrews consisted of two circular stones, each 2 feet in diameter and half a foot thick, the lower of which was called the "nether millstone" (Job 41:24) and the upper the "rider." The upper stone was turned round by a stick fixed in it as a handle. There were then no public mills, and thus each family required to be provided with a hand-mill. The corn was ground daily, generally by the women of the house (Isa 47:1, Isa 47:2; Mat 24:41). It was with the upper stone of a hand-mill that "a certain woman" at Thebez broke Abimelech's skull (Jdg 9:53, "a piece of a millstone;" literally, "a millstone rider", i.e., the "runner," the stone which revolves. Compare Sa2 11:21). Millstones could not be pledged (Deu 24:6), as they were necessary in every family.

Millennium A thousand years; the name given to the era mentioned in Rev 20:1. Some maintain that Christ will personally appear on earth for the purpose of establishing his kingdom at the beginning of this millennium. Those holding this view are usually called "millenarians." On the other hand, it is maintained, more in accordance with the teaching of Scripture, we think, that Christ's second advent will not be pre-millennial, and that the right conception of the prospects and destiny of his kingdom is that which is taught, e.g., in the parables of the leaven and the mustard-seed. The triumph of the gospel, it is held, must be looked for by the wider and more efficient operation of the very forces that are now at work in extending the gospel; and that Christ will only come again at the close of this dispensation to judge the world at the "last day." The millennium will thus precede his coming.

Millet (Heb. dohan ; only in Eze 4:9), a small grain, the produce of the Panicum miliaceum of botanists. It is universally cultivated in the East as one of the smaller corn-grasses. This seed is the cenchros of the Greeks. It is called in India warree, and by the Arabs dukhan, and is extensively used for food, being often mixed with other grain. In this country it is only used for feeding birds.

Millo (Heb. always with the article, "the" Millo). (1.) Probably the Canaanite name of some fortification, consisting of walls filled in with earth and stones, which protected Jerusalem on the north as its outer-most defense. It is always rendered Akra i.e., "the citadel", in the LXX. It was already existing when David conquered Jerusalem (Sa2 5:9). He extended it to the right and left, thus completing the defense of the city. It was rebuilt by Solomon (Kg1 9:15, Kg1 9:24; Kg1 11:27) and repaired by Hezekiah (Ch2 32:5). (2.) In Jdg 9:6, Jdg 9:20 it is the name of a rampart in Shechem, probably the "tower of Shechem" (Jdg 9:46, Jdg 9:49).

Mincing (Heb. taphoph , Isa 3:16), taking affectedly short and quick steps. Luther renders the word by "wag" or "waggle," thus representing "the affected gait of coquettish females."

Mine The process of mining is described in Job 28:1. Moses speaks of the mineral wealth of Palestine (Deu 8:9). Job 28:4 is rightly thus rendered in the Revised Version, "He breaketh open a shaft away from where men sojourn; they are forgotten of the foot [that passeth by]; they hang afar from men, they swing to and fro." These words illustrate ancient mining operations.

Minister One who serves, as distinguished from the master. (1.) Heb. meshereth , applied to an attendant on one of superior rank, as to Joshua, the servant of Moses (Exo 33:11), and to the servant of Elisha (Kg2 4:43). This name is also given to attendants at court (Ch2 22:8), and to the priests and Levites (Jer 33:21; Eze 44:11). (2.) Heb. pelah (Ezr 7:24), a "minister" of religion. Here used of that class of sanctuary servants called "Solomon's servants" in Ezr 2:55 and Neh 7:57. (3.) Greek leitourgos , a subordinate public administrator, and in this sense applied to magistrates (Rom 13:6). It is applied also to our Lord (Heb 8:2), and to Paul in relation to Christ (Rom 15:16). (4.) Greek hyperetes (literally, "under-rower"), a personal attendant on a superior, thus of the person who waited on the officiating priest in the synagogue (Luk 4:20). It is applied also to John Mark, the attendant on Paul and Barnabas (Act 13:5). (5.) Greek diaconos , usually a subordinate officer or assistant employed in relation to the ministry of the gospel, as to Paul and Apollos (Co1 3:5), Tychicus (Eph 6:21), Epaphras (Col 1:7), Timothy (Th1 3:2), and also to Christ (Rom 15:8).

Minni Only in Jer 51:27, as the name of a province in Armenia, which was at this time under the Median kings. Armenia is regarded by some as = Har-minni i.e., the mountainous country of Minni. (See ARMENIA.)

Minnith Distribution, an Ammonitish town (Jdg 11:33) from which wheat was exported to Tyre (Eze 27:17). It was probably somewhere in the Mishor or table-land on the east of Jordan. There is a gentle valley running for about 4 miles east of Dhiban called Kurm Dhiban, "the vineyards of Dibon." Tristram supposes that this may be the "vineyards" mentioned in Judg. (l.c.).