Michaiah (1.) The queen-mother of King Abijah (Ch2 13:2). (See MAACHAH [4]). (2.) One of those sent out by Jehoshaphat to instruct the people in the law (Ch2 17:7). (3.) Kg2 22:12. (4.) The son of Gemariah. He reported to the king's officers Jeremiah's prediction, which he had heard Baruch read (Jer 36:11, Jer 36:13) from his father Gemariah's chamber in the temple. (5.) A Levite (Neh 12:35). (6.) A priest (Neh 12:41).

Michal Rivulet, or who as God?, the younger of Saul's two daughters by his wife Ahinoam (Sa1 14:49, Sa1 14:50). "Attracted by the graces of his person and the gallantry of his conduct, she fell in love with David and became his wife" (Sa1 18:20). She showed her affection for him by promoting his escape to Naioth when Saul sought his life (Sa1 19:12. Compare Ps. 59. See TERAPHIM). After this she did not see David for many years. Meanwhile she was given in marriage to another man, Phalti or Phaltiel of Gallim (Sa1 25:44), but David afterwards formally reclaimed her as his lawful wife (Sa2 3:13). The relation between her and David soon after this was altered. They became alienated from each other. This happened on that memorable day when the ark was brought up in great triumph from its temporary resting-place to the Holy City. In David's conduct on that occasion she saw nothing but a needless humiliation of the royal dignity (Ch1 15:29). She remained childless, and thus the races of David and Saul were not mixed. In Sa2 21:8 her name again occurs, but the name Merab should probably be here substituted for Michal (Compare Sa1 18:19).

Michmash Something hidden, a town of Benjamin (Ezr 2:27), east of Bethel and south of Migron, on the road to Jerusalem (Isa 10:28). It lay on the line of march of an invading army from the north, on the north side of the steep and precipitous Wady es-Suweinit ("valley of the little thorn-tree" or "the acacia"), and now bears the name of Mukhmas. This wady is called "the passage of Michmash" (Sa1 13:23). Immediately facing Mukhmas, on the opposite side of the ravine, is the modern representative of Geba, and behind this again are Ramah and Gibeah. This was the scene of a great battle fought between the army of Saul and the Philistines, who were utterly routed and pursued for some 16 miles towards Philistia as far as the valley of Aijalon. "The freedom of Benjamin secured at Michmash led through long years of conflict to the freedom of all its kindred tribes." The power of Benjamin and its king now steadily increased. A new spirit and a new hope were now at work in Israel. (See SAUL.)

Michmethah Hiding-place, a town in the northern border of Ephraim and Manasseh, and not far west of Jordan (Jos 16:6; Jos 17:7).

Michri Prize of Jehovah, a Benjamite, the father of Uzzi (Ch1 9:8).

Michtam Writing; i.e., a poem or song found in the titles of Psa 16:1; 56-60. Some translate the word "golden", i.e., precious. It is rendered in the LXX. by a word meaning "tablet inscription" or a "stelograph." The root of the word means to stamp or grave, and hence it is regarded as denoting a composition so precious as to be worthy to be engraven on a durable tablet for preservation; or, as others render, "a psalm precious as stamped gold," from the word kethem, "fine or stamped gold."

Middin Measures, one of the six cities "in the wilderness," on the west of the Dead Sea, mentioned along with En-gedi (Jos 15:61).

Midian Strife, the fourth son of Abraham by Keturah, the father of the Midianites (Gen 25:2; Ch1 1:32).

Midianite An Arabian tribe descended from Midian. They inhabited principally the desert north of the peninsula of Arabia. The peninsula of Sinai was the pasture ground for their flocks. They were virtually the rulers of Arabia, being the dominant tribe. Like all Arabians, they were a nomad people. They early engaged in commercial pursuits. It was to one of their caravans that Joseph was sold (Gen 37:28, Gen 37:36). The next notice of them is in connection with Moses' flight from Egypt (Exo 2:15). Here in Midian Moses became the servant and afterwards the son-in-law of Reuel or Jethro, the priest. After the Exodus, the Midianites were friendly to the Israelites so long as they traversed only their outlying pasture-ground on the west of the Arabah; but when, having passed the southern end of Edom, they entered into the land of Midian proper, they joined with Balak, the king of Moab, in a conspiracy against them (Num 22:4). Balaam, who had been sent for to curse Israel, having utterly failed to do so, was dismissed by the king of Moab; nevertheless he still tarried among the Midianites, and induced them to enter into correspondence with the Israelites, so as to bring them into association with them in the licentious orgies connected with the worship of Baal-Peor. This crafty counsel prevailed. The Israelites took part in the heathen festival, and so brought upon themselves a curse indeed. Their apostasy brought upon them a severe punishment. A plague broke out amongst them, and more than twenty-four thousand of the people perished (Num 25:9). But the Midianites were not to be left unpunished. A terrible vengeance was denounced against them. A thousand warriors from each tribe, under the leadership of Phinehas, went forth against them. The Midianites were utterly routed. Their cities were consumed by fire, five of their kings were put to death, and the whole nation was destroyed (Jos 13:21, Jos 13:22). Balaam also perished by the sword, receiving the "wages of his unrighteousness" (Num 31:8; Pe2 2:15). The whole of the country on the east of Jordan, now conquered by the Israelites (see SIHON; OG), was divided between the two tribes of Reuben and Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh. Some two hundred and fifty years after this the Midianites had regained their ancient power, and in confederation with the Amalekites and the "children of the east" they made war against their old enemies the Israelites, whom for seven years they oppressed and held in subjection. They were at length assailed by Gideon in that ever-memorable battle in the great plain of Esdraelon, and utterly destroyed (Jdg 6:1). Frequent allusions are afterwards made to this great victory (Psa 83:10, Psa 83:12; Isa 9:4; Isa 10:6). They now wholly pass away from the page of history both sacred and profane.

Midwife The two midwives mentioned in Exo 1:15 were probably the superintendents of the whole class.