Me-jarkon Waters of yellowness, or clear waters, a river in the tribe of Dan (Jos 19:46). It has been identified with the river 'Aujeh , which rises at Antipatris.

Mekonah A base or foundation, a town in the south of Judah (Neh 11:28), near Ziklag.

Melchi My king. (1.) The son of Addi, and father of Neri (Luk 3:28). (2.) Luk 3:24.

Melchizedek King of righteousness, the king of Salem (q.v.). All we know of him is recorded in Gen 14:18. He is subsequently mentioned only once in the Old Testament, in Psa 110:4. The typical significance of his history is set forth in detail in the Epistle to the Hebrews, Heb. 7. The apostle there points out the superiority of his priesthood to that of Aaron in these several respects, (1.) Even Abraham paid him tithes; (2.) he blessed Abraham; (3.) he is the type of a Priest who lives for ever; (4.) Levi, yet unborn, paid him tithes in the person of Abraham; (5.) the permanence of his priesthood in Christ implied the abrogation of the Levitical system; (6.) he was made priest not without an oath; and (7.) his priesthood can neither be transmitted nor interrupted by death: "this man, because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood." The question as to who this mysterious personage was has given rise to a great deal of modern speculation. It is an old tradition among the Jews that he was Shem, the son of Noah, who may have survived to this time. Melchizedek was a Canaanitish prince, a worshipper of the true God, and in his peculiar history and character an instructive type of our Lord, the great High Priest (Heb 5:6, Heb 5:7; Heb 6:20). One of the Amarna tablets is from Ebed-Tob, king of Jerusalem, the successor of Melchizedek, in which he claims the very attributes and dignity given to Melchizedek in the Epistle to the Hebrews.

Melea Fulness, the son of Menan and father of Eliakim, in the genealogy of our Lord (Luk 3:31).

Melech King, the second of Micah's four sons (Ch1 8:35), and thus grandson of Mephibosheth.

Melita (Act 27:28), an island in the Mediterranean, the modern Malta. Here the ship in which Paul was being conveyed a prisoner to Rome was wrecked. The bay in which it was wrecked now bears the name of "St. Paul's Bay", "a certain creek with a shore." It is about 2 miles deep and 1 broad, and the whole physical condition of the scene answers the description of the shipwreck given in Acts 28. It was originally colonized by Phoenicians ("barbarians," Act 28:2). It came into the possession of the Greeks (736 B.C.), from whom it was taken by the Carthaginians (528 B.C.). In 242 B.C. it was conquered by the Romans, and was governed by a Roman propraetor at the time of the shipwreck (Act 28:7). Since 1800, when the French garrison surrendered to the English force, it has been a British dependency. The island is about 17 miles long and 9 wide, and about 60 in circumference After a stay of three months on this island, during which the "barbarians" showed them no little kindness, Julius procured for himself and his company a passage in another Alexandrian corn-ship which had wintered in the island, in which they proceeded on their voyage to Rome (Act 28:13, Act 28:14).

Melons Only in Num 11:5, the translation of the Hebrew abattihim, the LXX. and Vulgate pepones, Arabic britikh . Of this plant there are various kinds, the Egyptian melon, the Cucumus chate, which has been called "the queen of cucumbers;" the water melon, the Cucurbita citrullus; and the common or flesh melon, the Cucumus melo. "A traveler in the East who recollects the intense gratitude which a gift of a slice of melon inspired while journeying over the hot and dry plains, will readily comprehend the regret with which the Hebrews in the Arabian desert looked back upon the melons of Egypt" (Kitto).

Melzar Probably a Persian word meaning master of wine, i.e., chief butler; the title of an officer at the Babylonian court (Dan 1:11, Dan 1:16) who had charge of the diet of the Hebrew youths.

Memphis Only in Hos 9:6, Hebrew Moph. In Isa 19:13; Jer 2:16; Jer 46:14, Jer 46:19; Eze 30:13, Eze 30:16, it is mentioned under the name Noph. It was the capital of Lower, i.e., of Northern Egypt. From certain remains found half buried in the sand, the site of this ancient city has been discovered near the modern village of Minyet Rahinch, or Mitraheny, about 16 miles above the ancient head of the Delta, and 9 miles south of Cairo, on the west bank of the Nile. It is said to have been founded by Menes, the first king of Egypt, and to have been in circumference about 19 miles. "There are few remains above ground," says Manning (The Land of the Pharaohs), "of the splendour of ancient Memphis. The city has utterly disappeared. If any traces yet exist, they are buried beneath the vast mounds of crumbling bricks and broken pottery which meet the eye in every direction. Near the village of Mitraheny is a colossal statue of Rameses the Great. It is apparently one of the two described by Herodotus and Diodorus as standing in front of the temple of Ptah. They were originally 50 feet in height. The one which remains, though mutilated, measures 48 feet. It is finely carved in limestone, which takes a high polish, and is evidently a portrait. It lies in a pit, which, during the inundation, is filled with water. As we gaze on this fallen and battered statue of the mighty conqueror who was probably contemporaneous with Moses, it is impossible not to remember the words of the prophet Isaiah, Isa 19:13; Isa 44:16, and Jeremiah, Jer 46:19."