Meadow (1.) Heb. ha'ahu (Gen 41:2, Gen 41:18), probably an Egyptain word transferred to the Hebrew; some kind of reed or water-plant. In the Revised Version it is rendered "reed-grass", i.e., the sedge or rank grass by the river side. (2.) Heb. ma'areh (Jdg 20:33), pl., "meadows of Gibeah" (R.V., after the LXX., " Maareh-geba "). Some have adopted the rendering "after Gibeah had been left open." The Vulgate translates the word "from the west."

Meah An hundred, a tower in Jerusalem on the east wall (Neh 3:1) in the time of Nehemiah.

Meals Are at the present day "eaten from a round table little higher than a stool, guests sitting cross-legged on mats or small carpets in a circle, and dipping their fingers into one large dish heaped with a mixture of boiled rice and other grain and meat. But in the time of our Lord, and perhaps even from the days of Amos (Amo 6:4, Amo 6:7), the foreign custom had been largely introduced of having broad couches, forming three sides of a small square, the guests reclining at ease on their elbows during meals, with their faces to the space within, up and down which servants passed offering various dishes, or in the absence of servants, helping themselves from dishes laid on a table set between the couches." Geikie's Life of Christ. (Compare Luk 7:36.) (See ABRAHAM's BOSOM; BANQUET; FEAST.)

Mearah A cave, a place in the northern boundary of Palestine (Jos 13:4). This may be the cave of Jezzin in Lebanon, 10 miles east of Sidon, on the Damascus road; or probably, as other think, Mogheirizeh, north-east of Sidon.

Measure Several words are so rendered in the Authorized Version. (1.) Those which are indefinite. (a.) Hok, Isa 5:14, elsewhere "statute." (b.) Mad, Job 11:9; Jer 13:25, elsewhere "garment." (c.) Middah, the word most frequently thus translated, Exo 26:2, Exo 26:8, etc. (d.) Mesurah, Lev 19:35; Ch1 23:29. (e.) Mishpat, Jer 30:11, elsewhere "judgment." (f.) Mithkoneth and token, Eze 45:11. (g.) In New Testament metron , the usual Greek word thus rendered (Mat 7:2; Mat 23:32; Mar 4:24). (2.) Those which are definite. (a.) 'Eyphah , Deu 25:14, Deu 25:15, usually "ephah." (b.) Ammah , Jer 51:13, usually "cubit." (c.) Kor , Kg1 4:22, elsewhere " cor ;" Greek koros , Luk 16:7. (d.) Seah , Gen 18:6; Sa1 25:18, a seah; Greek saton , Mat 13:33; Luk 13:21. (e.) Shalish , "a great measure," Isa 40:12; literally a third, i.e., of an ephah. (f.) In New Testament batos, Luk 16:6, the Hebrew " bath ;" and choinix , Rev 6:6, the choenix, equal in dry commodities to one-eighth of a modius.

Meat-offering (Heb. minhah ), originally a gift of any kind. This Hebrew word came latterly to denote an "unbloody" sacrifice, as opposed to a "bloody" sacrifice. A "drink-offering" generally accompanied it. The law regarding it is given in Lev. 2, and Lev 6:14. It was a recognition of the sovereignty of God and of his bounty in giving all earthly blessings (Ch1 29:10; Deu 26:5). It was an offering which took for granted and was based on the offering for sin. It followed the sacrifice of blood. It was presented every day with the burnt-offering (Exo 29:40, Exo 29:41), and consisted of flour or of cakes prepared in a special way with oil and frankincense.

Mebunnai Construction, building of Jehovah, one of David's bodyguard (Sa2 23:27; compare Sa2 21:18); called Sibbechai and Sibbecai (Ch1 11:29; Ch1 27:11).

Medad Love, one of the elders nominated to assist Moses in the government of the people. He and Eldad "prophesied in the camp" (Num 11:24).

Medan Contention, the third son of Abraham by Keturah (Gen 25:2).

Mede (Heb. Madai ), a Median or inhabitant of Media (Dan 11:1). In Gen 10:2 the Hebrew word occurs in the list of the sons of Japheth. But probably this is an ethnic and not a personal name, and denotes simply the Medes as descended from Japheth.