Madmen Ibid., a Moabite town threatened with the sword of the Babylonians (Jer 48:2).

Madmenah Ibid., a town in Benjamin, not far from Jerusalem, towards the north (Isa 10:31). The same Hebrew word occurs in Isa 25:10, where it is rendered "dunghill." This verse has, however, been interpreted as meaning "that Moab will be trodden down by Jehovah as teben [broken straw] is trodden to fragments on the threshing-floors of Madmenah."

Madness This word is used in its proper sense in Deu 28:34, Joh 10:20, Co1 14:23. It also denotes a reckless state of mind arising from various causes, as over-study (Ecc 1:17; Ecc 2:12), blind rage (Luk 6:11), or a depraved temper (Ecc 7:25; Ecc 9:3; Pe2 2:16). David feigned madness (Sa1 21:13) at Gath because he "was sore afraid of Achish."

Madon Strife, a Canaanitish city in the north of Palestine (Jos 11:1; Jos 12:19), whose king was slain by Joshua; perhaps the ruin Madin, near Hattin, some 5 miles west of Tiberias.

Magdala A tower, a town in Galilee, mentioned only in Mat 15:39. In the parallel passage in Mar 8:10 this place is called Dalmanutha. It was the birthplace of Mary called the Magdalen, or Mary Magdalene. It was on the west shore of the Lake of Tiberias, and is now probably the small obscure village called el-Mejdel, about 3 miles north-west of Tiberias. In the Talmud this city is called "the city of colour," and a particular district of it was called "the tower of dyers." The indigo plant was much cultivated here.

Magdalene A surname derived from Magdala, the place of her nativity, given to one of the Marys of the Gospels to distinguish her from the other Marys (Mat 27:56, Mat 27:61; Mat 28:1, etc.). A mistaken notion has prevailed that this Mary was a woman of bad character, that she was the woman who is emphatically called "a sinner" (Luk 7:36). (See MARY.)

Magic The Jews seem early to have consulted the teraphim (q.v.) for oracular answers (Jdg 18:5, Jdg 18:6; Zac 10:2). There is a remarkable illustration of this divining by teraphim in Eze 21:19. We read also of the divining cup of Joseph (Gen 44:5). The magicians of Egypt are frequently referred to in the history of the Exodus. Magic was an inherent part of the ancient Egyptian religion, and entered largely into their daily life. All magical arts were distinctly prohibited under penalty of death in the Mosaic law. The Jews were commanded not to learn the "abomination" of the people of the Promised Land (Lev 19:31; Deu 18:9). The history of Saul's consulting the witch of Endor (1 Sam. 28:3-20) gives no warrant for attributing supernatural power to magicians. From the first the witch is here only a bystander. The practice of magic lingered among the people till after the Captivity, when they gradually abandoned it. It is not much referred to in the New Testament. The Magi mentioned in Mat 2:1 were not magicians in the ordinary sense of the word. They belonged to a religious caste, the followers of Zoroaster, the astrologers of the East. Simon, a magician, was found by Philip at Samaria (Acts 8:9-24); and Paul and Barnabas encountered Elymas, a Jewish sorcerer, at Paphos (Act 13:6). At Ephesus there was a great destruction of magical books (Act 19:18, Act 19:19).

Magicians Heb. hartumim , (Dan 1:20) were sacred scribes who acted as interpreters of omens, or "revealer of secret things."

Magistrate A public civil officer invested with authority. The Hebrew shophetim, or judges, were magistrates having authority in the land (Deu 1:16, Deu 1:17). In Jdg 18:7 the word "magistrate" (A.V.) is rendered in the Revised Version "possessing authority", i.e., having power to do them harm by invasion. In the time of Ezra (Ezr 9:2) and Nehemiah (Neh 2:16; Neh 4:14; Neh 13:11) the Jewish magistrates were called seganim, properly meaning "nobles." In the New Testament the Greek word archon , rendered "magistrate" (Luk 12:58; Tit 3:1), means one first in power, and hence a prince, as in Mat 20:25, Co1 2:6, Co1 2:8. This term is used of the Messiah, "Prince of the kings of the earth" (Rev 1:5). In Act 16:20, Act 16:22, Act 16:35, Act 16:36, Act 16:38, the Greek term strategos , rendered "magistrate," properly signifies the leader of an army, a general, one having military authority. The strategoi were the duumviri, the two praetors appointed to preside over the administration of justice in the colonies of the Romans. They were attended by the sergeants (properly lictors or "rod bearers").

Magog Region of Gog, the second of the "sons" of Japheth (Gen 10:2; Ch1 1:5). In Ezekiel (Eze 38:2; Eze 39:6) it is the name of a nation, probably some Scythian or Tartar tribe descended from Japheth. They are described as skilled horsemen, and expert in the use of the bow. The Latin father Jerome says that this word denotes "Scythian nations, fierce and innumerable, who live beyond the Caucasus and the Lake Maeotis, and near the Caspian Sea, and spread out even onward to India." Perhaps the name "represents the Assyrian Mat Gugi, or 'country of Gugu,' the Gyges of the Greeks" (Sayce's Races, etc.).