Lydia (1.) Eze 30:5 (Heb. Lud ), a province in the west of Asia Minor, which derived its name from the fourth son of Shem (Gen 10:22). It was bounded on the east by the greater Phrygia, and on the west by Ionia and the Aegean Sea. (2.) A woman of Thyatira, a "seller of purple," who dwelt in Philippi (Act 16:14, Act 16:15). She was not a Jewess but a proselyte. The Lord opened her heart as she heard the gospel from the lips of Paul (Act 16:13). She thus became the first in Europe who embraced Christianity. She was a person apparently of considerable wealth, for she could afford to give a home to Paul and his companions. (See THYATIRA.)

Lysanias Tetrarch of Abilene (Luk 3:1), on the eastern slope of Anti-Lebanon, near the city of Damascus.

Lysias, Claudius The chief captain (chiliarch) who commanded the Roman troops in Jerusalem, and sent Paul under guard to the procurator Felix at Caesarea (Act 21:31; Act 22:24). His letter to his superior officer is an interesting specimen of Roman military correspondence (Act 23:26). He obtained his Roman citizenship by purchase, and was therefore probably a Greek. (See CLAUDIUS.)

Lystra A town of Lycaonia, in Asia Minor, in a wild district and among a rude population. Here Paul preached the gospel after he had been driven by persecution from Iconium (Act 14:2). Here also he healed a lame man (Act 14:8), and thus so impressed the ignorant and superstitious people that they took him for Mercury, because he was the "chief speaker," and his companion Barnabas for Jupiter, probably in consequence of his stately, venerable appearance; and were proceeding to offer sacrifices to them (Act 14:13), when Paul earnestly addressed them and turned their attention to the true source of all blessings. But soon after, through the influence of the Jews from Antioch in Pisidia and Iconium, they stoned Paul and left him for dead (Act 14:19). On recovering, Paul left for Derbe; but soon returned again, through Lystra, encouraging the disciples there to steadfastness. He in all likelihood visited this city again on his third missionary tour (Act 18:23). Timothy, who was probably born here (Ti2 3:10, Ti2 3:11), was no doubt one of those who were on this occasion witnesses of Paul's persecution and his courage in Lystra.

Maachah Oppression, a small Syrian kingdom near Geshur, east of the Hauran, the district of Batanea (Jos 13:13; Sa2 10:6, Sa2 10:8; Ch1 19:7). (2.) A daughter of Talmai, king of the old native population of Geshur. She became one of David's wives, and was the mother of Absalom (Sa2 3:3). (3.) The father of Hanan, who was one of David's body-guard (Ch1 11:43). (4.) The daughter of Abishalom (called Absalom, Ch2 11:20), the third wife of Rehoboam, and mother of Abijam (Kg1 15:2). She is called "Michaiah the daughter of Uriel," who was the husband of Absalom's daughter Tamar (Ch2 13:2). Her son Abijah or Abijam was heir to the throne. (5.) The father of Achish, the king of Gath (Kg1 2:39), called also Maoch (Sa1 27:2).

Maaleh-acrabbim Ascent of the scorpions; i.e., "scorpion-hill", a pass on the south-eastern border of Palestine (Num 34:4; Jos 15:3). It is identified with the pass of Sufah, entering Palestine from the great Wady el-Fikreh, south of the Dead Sea. (See AKRABBIM.)

Maarath Desolation, a place in the mountains of Judah (Jos 15:59), probably the modern village Beit Ummar, 6 miles north of Hebron.

Maaseiah (1.) The work of Jehovah. (a.) One of the Levites whom David appointed as porter for the ark (Ch1 15:18, Ch1 15:20). (b.) One of the "captains of hundreds" associated with Jehoiada in restoring king Jehoash to the throne (Ch2 23:1). (c.) The "king's son," probably one of the sons of king Ahaz, killed by Zichri in the invasion of Judah by Pekah, king of Israel (Ch2 28:7). (d.) One who was sent by king Josiah to repair the temple (Ch2 34:8). He was governor (Heb. sar , rendered elsewhere in the Authorized Version "prince," "chief captain," chief ruler") of Jerusalem. (e.) The father of the priest Zephaniah (Jer 21:1; Jer 37:3). (f.) The father of the false prophet Zedekiah (Jer 29:21). (2.) Refuge is Jehovah, a priest, the father of Neriah (Jer 32:12; Jer 51:59).

Maasiai Work of Jehovah, one of the priests resident at Jerusalem at the Captivity (Ch1 9:12).

Maath Small, a person named in our Lord's ancestry (Luk 3:26).