Leaven (1.) Heb. seor (Exo 12:15, Exo 12:19; Exo 13:7; Lev 2:11), the remnant of dough from the preceding baking which had fermented and become acid. (2.) Heb. hamets , properly "ferment." In Num 6:3, "vinegar of wine" is more correctly "fermented wine." In Exo 13:7, the proper rendering would be, "Unfermented things [Heb. matstsoth ] shall be consumed during the seven days; and there shall not be seen with thee fermented things [ hamets ], and there shall not be seen with thee leavened mass [ seor ] in all thy borders." The chemical definition of ferment or yeast is "a substance in a state of putrefaction, the atoms of which are in a continual motion." The use of leaven was strictly forbidden in all offerings made to the Lord by fire (Lev 2:11; Lev 7:12; Lev 8:2; Num 6:15). Its secretly penetrating and diffusive power is referred to in Co1 5:6. In this respect it is used to illustrate the growth of the kingdom of heaven both in the individual heart and in the world (Mat 13:33). It is a figure also of corruptness and of perverseness of heart and life (Mat 16:6, Mat 16:11; Mar 8:15; Co1 5:7, Co1 5:8).

Lebanon White, "the white mountain of Syria," is the loftiest and most celebrated mountain range in Syria. It is a branch running southward from the Caucasus, and at its lower end forking into two parallel ranges, the eastern or Anti-Lebanon, and the western or Lebanon proper. They enclose a long valley (Jos 11:17) of from 5 to 8 miles in width, called by Roman writers Coele-Syria, now called el-Buka'a , "the valley," a prolongation of the valley of the Jordan. Lebanon proper, Jebel es-Sharki, commences at its southern extremity in the gorge of the Leontes, the ancient Litany, and extends north-east, parallel to the Mediterranean coast, as far as the river Eleutherus, at the plain of Emesa, "the entering of Hamath" (Num 34:8; Kg1 8:65), in all about 90 geographical miles in extent. The average height of this range is from 6,000 to 8,000 feet; the peak of Jebel Mukhmel is about 10,200 feet, and the Sannin about 9,000. The highest peaks are covered with perpetual snow and ice. In the recesses of the range wild beasts as of old still abound (Kg2 14:9; Sol 4:8). The scenes of the Lebanon are remarkable for their grandeur and beauty, and supplied the sacred writers with many expressive similes (Psa 29:5, Psa 29:6; Psa 72:16; Psa 104:16; Sol 4:15; Isa 2:13; Isa 35:2; Isa 60:13; Hos 14:5). It is famous for its cedars (Sol 5:15), its wines (Hos 14:7), and its cool waters (Jer 18:14). The ancient inhabitants were Giblites and Hivites (Jos 13:5; Jdg 3:3). It was part of the Phoenician kingdom (Kg1 5:2). The eastern range, or Anti-Lebanon, or "Lebanon towards the sunrising," runs nearly parallel with the western from the plain of Emesa till it connects with the hills of Galilee in the south. The height of this range is about 5,000 feet. Its highest peak is Hermon (q.v.), from which a number of lesser ranges radiate. Lebanon is first mentioned in the description of the boundary of Palestine (Deu 1:7; Deu 11:24). It was assigned to Israel, but was never conquered (Jos 13:2; Jdg 3:1). The Lebanon range is now inhabited by a population of about 300,000 Christians, Maronites, and Druses, and is ruled by a Christian governor. The Anti-Lebanon is inhabited by Mohammedans, and is under a Turkish ruler.

Lebbaeus Courageous, a surname of Judas (Jude), one of the twelve (Mat 10:3), called also Thaddaeus, not to be confounded with the Judas who was the brother of our Lord.

Lebonah Frankincense, a town near Shiloh, on the north side of Bethel (Jdg 21:19). It has been identified with el-Lubban, to the south of Nablus.

Leek (Heb. hatsir ; the Allium porrum), rendered "grass" in Kg1 18:5, Kg2 19:26, Job 40:15, etc.; "herb" in Job 8:12; "hay" in Pro 27:25, and Isa 15:6; "leeks" only in Num 11:5. This Hebrew word seems to denote in this last passage simply herbs, such as lettuce or savoury herbs cooked as kitchen vegetables, and not necessarily what are now called leeks. The leek was a favourite vegetable in Egypt, and is still largely cultivated there and in Palestine.

Lees (Heb. shemarim ), from a word meaning to keep or preserve. It was applied to "lees" from the custom of allowing wine to stand on the lees that it might thereby be better preserved (Isa 25:6). "Men settled on their lees" (Zep 1:12) are men "hardened or crusted." The image is derived from the crust formed at the bottom of wines long left undisturbed (Jer 48:11). The effect of wealthy undisturbed ease on the ungodly is hardening. They become stupidly secure (Compare Psa 55:19; Amo 6:1). To drink the lees (Psa 75:8) denotes severe suffering.

Left Hand Among the Hebrews, denoted the north (Job 23:9; Gen 14:15), the face of the person being supposed to be toward the east.

Left-handed (Jdg 3:15; Jdg 20:16), one unable to use the right hand skillfully, and who therefore uses the left; and also one who uses the left as well as the right, ambidextrous. Such a condition of the hands is due to physical causes. This quality was common apparently in the tribe of Benjamin.

Legion A regiment of the Roman army, the number of men composing which differed at different times. It originally consisted of three thousand men, but in the time of Christ consisted of six thousand, exclusive of horsemen, who were in number a tenth of the foot-men. The word is used (Mat 26:53; Mar 5:9) to express simply a great multitude.

Lehi A jawbone, a place in the tribe of Judah where Samson achieved a victory over the Philistines (Jdg 15:9, Jdg 15:14, Jdg 15:16), slaying a thousand of them with the jawbone of an ass. The words in Jdg 15:19, "a hollow place that was in the jaw" (A.V.), should be, as in Revised Version, "the hollow place that is in Lehi."