Kelita Dwarf, a Levite who assisted Ezra in expounding the law to the people (Neh 8:7; Neh 10:10).

Kemuel Helper of God, or assembly of God. (1.) The third son of Nahor (Gen 22:21). (2.) Son of Shiphtan, appointed on behalf of the tribe of Ephraim to partition the land of Canaan (Num 34:24). (3.) A Levite (Ch1 27:17).

Kenath Possession, a city of Gilead. It was captured by Nobah, who called it by his own name (Num 32:42). It has been identified with Kunawat, on the slopes of Jebel Hauran (Mount Bashan), 60 miles east from the south end of the Sea of Galilee.

Kenaz Hunter. (1.) One of the sons of Eliphaz, the son of Esau. He became the chief of an Edomitish tribe (Gen 36:11, Gen 36:15, Gen 36:42). (2.) Caleb's younger brother, and father of Othniel (Jos 15:17), whose family was of importance in Israel down to the time of David (Ch1 27:15). Some think that Othniel (Jdg 1:13), and not Kenaz, was Caleb's brother. (3.) Caleb's grandson (Ch1 4:15).

Kenites Smiths, the name of a tribe inhabiting the desert lying between southern Palestine and the mountains of Sinai. Jethro was of this tribe (Jdg 1:16). He is called a "Midianite" (Num 10:29), and hence it is concluded that the Midianites and the Kenites were the same tribe. They were wandering smiths, "the gypsies and traveling tinkers of the old Oriental world. They formed an important guild in an age when the art of metallurgy was confined to a few" (Sayce's Races, etc.). They showed kindness to Israel in their journey through the wilderness. They accompanied them in their march as far as Jericho (Jdg 1:16), and then returned to their old haunts among the Amalekites, in the desert to the south of Judah. They sustained afterwards friendly relations with the Israelites when settled in Canaan (Jdg 4:11, Jdg 4:17; Sa1 27:10; Sa1 30:29). The Rechabites belonged to this tribe (Ch1 2:55) and in the days of Jeremiah (Jer 35:7) are referred to as following their nomad habits. Saul bade them depart from the Amalekites (Sa1 15:6) when, in obedience to the divine commission, he was about to "smite Amalek." And his reason is, "for ye showed kindness to all the children of Israel when they came up out of Egypt." Thus "God is not unrighteous to forget the kindness shown to his people; but they shall be remembered another day, at the farthest in the great day, and recompensed in the resurrection of the just" (M. Henry's Commentary). They are mentioned for the last time in Scripture in Sa1 27:10; compare Sa1 30:20.

Kenizzite (1.) The name of a tribe referred to in the covenant God made with Abraham (Gen 15:19). They are not mentioned among the original inhabitants of Canaan (Exo 3:8; Jos 3:10), and probably they inhabited some part of Arabia, in the confines of Syria. (2.) A designation given to Caleb (R.V., Num 32:12; A.V., Kenezite).

Kerchief Mentioned only Eze 13:18, Eze 13:21, as an article of apparel or ornament applied to the head of the idolatrous women of Israel. The precise meaning of the word is uncertain. It appears to have been a long loose shawl, such as Oriental women wrap themselves in (Rut 3:15; Isa 3:22). Some think that it was a long veil or head-dress, denoting by its form the position of those who wore it.

Keren-happuch Horn of the face-paint = cosmetic-box, the name of Job's third daughter (Job 42:14), born after prosperity had returned to him.

Kerioth Cities. (1.) A town in the south of Judah (Jos 15:25). Judas the traitor was probably a native of this place, and hence his name Iscariot. It has been identified with the ruins of el-Kureitein, about 10 miles south of Hebron. (See HAZOR [4]). (2.) A city of Moab (Jer 48:24, Jer 48:41), called Kirioth (Amo 2:2).

Kesitah (Gen 33:19, R.V., marg., a Hebrew word, rendered, A.V., pl. "pieces of money," marg., "lambs;" Jos 24:32, "pieces of silver;" Job 42:11, "piece of money"). The kesitah was probably a piece of money of a particular weight, cast in the form of a lamb. The monuments of Egypt show that such weights were used. (See PIECES.)