Kartah City, a town in the tribe of Zebulun assigned to the Levites of the family of Merari (Jos 21:34). It is identical with Kattath (Jos 19:15), and perhaps also with Kitron (Jdg 1:30).

Kartan Double city, a town of Naphali, assigned to the Gershonite Levites, and one of the cities of refuge (Jos 21:32). It was probably near the north-western shore of the Sea of Tiberias, identical with the ruined village el-Katanah.

Kattath (Jos 19:15), a town of Asher, has been identified with Kana el Jelil. (See CANA.)

Kedar Dark-skinned, the second son of Ishmael (Gen 25:13). It is the name for the nomadic tribes of Arabs, the Bedouins generally (Isa 21:16; Isa 42:11; Isa 60:7; Jer 2:10; Eze 27:21), who dwelt in the north-west of Arabia. They lived in black hair-tents (Sol 1:5). To "dwell in the tents of Kedar" was to be cut off from the worship of the true God (Psa 120:5). The Kedarites suffered at the hands of Nebuchadnezzar (Jer 49:28, Jer 49:29).

Kedemah Eastward, the last-named of the sons of Ishmael (Gen 25:15).

Kedemoth Beginnings; easternmost, a city of Reuben, assigned to the Levites of the family of Merari (Jos 13:18). It lay not far north-east of Dibon-gad, east of the Dead Sea.

Kedesh Sanctuary. (1.) A place in the extreme south of Judah (Jos 15:23). Probably the same as Kadesh-barnea (q.v.). (2.) A city of Issachar (Ch1 6:72). Possibly Tell Abu Kadeis, near Lejjun. (3.) A "fenced city" of Naphtali, one of the cities of refuge (Jos 19:37; Jdg 4:6). It was assigned to the Gershonite Levites (Jos 21:32). It was originally a Canaanite royal city (Jos 12:22), and was the residence of Barak (Jdg 4:6); and here he and Deborah assembled the tribes of Zebulun and Naphtali before the commencement of the conflict with Sisera in the plain of Esdraelon, "for Jehovah among the mighty" (Jdg 4:9, Jdg 4:10). In the reign of Pekah it was taken by Tiglath-Pileser (Kg2 15:29). It was situated near the "plain" (rather "the oak") of Zaanaim, and has been identified with the modern Kedes, on the hills fully four miles north-west of Lake El Huleh. It has been supposed by some that the Kedesh of the narrative, where Barak assembled his troops, was not the place in Upper Galilee so named, which was 30 miles distant from the plain of Esdraelon, but Kedish, on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, 12 miles from Tabor.

Kedron The valley, now quite narrow, between the Mount of Olives and Mount Moriah. The upper part of it is called the Valley of Jehoshaphat. The LXX., in Kg1 15:13, translate "of the cedar." The word means "black," and may refer to the colour of the water or the gloom of the ravine, or the black green of the cedars which grew there. Joh 18:1, "Cedron," only here in New Testament. (See KIDRON.)

Kehelathah Assembly, one of the stations of the Israelites in the desert (Num 33:22, Num 33:23).

Keilah Citadel, a city in the lowlands of Judah (Jos 15:44). David rescued it from the attack of the Philistines (Sa1 23:1); but the inhabitants proving unfaithful to him, in that they sought to deliver him up to Saul (Sa1 23:13), he and his men "departed from Keilah, and went whithersoever they could go." They fled to the hill Hareth, about 3 miles to the east, and thence through Hebron to Ziph (q.v.). "And David was in the wilderness of Ziph, in a wood" (Sa1 23:15). Here Jonathan sought him out, "and strengthened his hand in God." This was the last interview between David and Jonathan (Sa1 23:16). It is the modern Khurbet Kila. Others identify it with Khuweilfeh, between Beit Jibrin (Eleutheropolis) and Beersheba, mentioned in the Amarna tablets.