Jezreel, Day of The time predicted for the execution of vengeance for the deeds of blood committed there (Hos 1:5).

Jezreel, Ditch of (Kg1 21:23; compare Kg1 21:13), the fortification surrounding the city, outside of which Naboth was executed.

Jezreel, Fountain of Where Saul encamped before the battle of Gilboa (Sa1 29:1). In the valley under Zerin there are two considerable springs, one of which, perhaps that here referred to, "flows from under a sort of cavern in the wall of conglomerate rock which here forms the base of Gilboa. The water is excellent; and issuing from crevices in the rocks, it spreads out at once into a fine limpid pool forty or fifty feet in diameter, full of fish" (Robinson). This may be identical with the "well of Harod" (Jdg 7:1; compare Sa2 23:25), probably the 'Ain Jalud , i.e., the "spring of Goliath."

Jezreel, Portion of The field adjoining the city (Kg2 9:10, Kg2 9:21, Kg2 9:36, Kg2 9:37). Here Naboth was stoned to death (Kg1 21:13).

Jezreel, Tower of One of the turrets which guarded the entrance to the city (Kg2 9:17).

Jezreel, Valley of Lying on the northern side of the city, between the ridges of Gilboa and Moreh, an offshoot of Esdraelon, running east to the Jordan (Jos 17:16; Jdg 6:33; Hos 1:5). It was the scene of the signal victory gained by the Israelites under Gideon over the Midianites, the Amalekites, and the "children of the east" (Jdg 6:3). Two centuries after this the Israelites were here defeated by the Philistines, and Saul and Jonathan, with the flower of the army of Israel, fell (Sa1 31:1). This name was in after ages extended to the whole of the plain of Esdraelon (q.v.). It was only this plain of Jezreel and that north of Lake Huleh that were then accessible to the chariots of the Canaanites (compare Kg2 9:21; Kg2 10:15).

Joab Jehovah is his father. (1.) One of the three sons of Zeruiah, David's sister, and "captain of the host" during the whole of David's reign (Sa2 2:13; Sa2 10:7; Sa2 11:1; Kg1 11:15). His father's name is nowhere mentioned, although his sepulchre at Bethlehem is mentioned (Sa2 2:32). His two brothers were Abishai and Asahel, the swift of foot, who was killed by Abner (2 Sam. 2:13-32), whom Joab afterwards treacherously murdered (Sa2 3:22). He afterwards led the assault at the storming of the fortress on Mount Zion, and for this service was raised to the rank of "prince of the king's army" (Sa2 5:6; Ch1 27:34). His chief military achievements were, (a.) against the allied forces of Syria and Ammon; (b.) against Edom (Kg1 11:15, Kg1 11:16); and (c.) against the Ammonites (Sa2 10:7; Sa2 11:1, Sa2 11:11). His character is deeply stained by the part he willingly took in the murder of Uriah (Sa2 11:14). He acted apparently from a sense of duty in putting Absalom to death (Sa2 18:1). David was unmindful of the many services Joab had rendered to him, and afterwards gave the command of the army to Amasa, Joab's cousin (Sa2 20:1; Sa2 19:13). When David was dying Joab espoused the cause of Adonijah in preference to that of Solomon. He was afterwards slain by Benaiah, by the command of Solomon, in accordance with his father's injunction (Sa2 3:29; Sa2 20:5), at the altar to which he had fled for refuge. Thus this hoary conspirator died without one to lift up a voice in his favour. He was buried in his own property in the "wilderness," probably in the north-east of Jerusalem (Kg1 2:5, Kg1 2:28). Benaiah succeeded him as commander-in-chief of the army. (2.) Ch1 4:14. (3.) Ezr 2:6.

Joah Jehovah his brother; i.e., helper. (1.) One of the sons of Obed-edom (Ch1 26:4), a Korhite porter. (2.) A Levite of the family of Gershom (Ch1 6:21), probably the same as Ethan (Ch1 6:42). (3.) The son of Asaph, and "recorder" (q.v.) or chronicler to King Hezekiah (Kg2 18:18, Kg2 18:26, Kg2 18:37). (4.) Son of Joahaz, and "recorder" (q.v.) or keeper of the state archives under King Josiah (Ch2 34:8).

Joahaz (Ch2 34:8), a contracted form of Jehoahaz (q.v.).

Joanna Whom Jehovah has graciously given. (1.) The grandson of Zerubbabel, in the lineage of Christ (Luk 3:27); the same as Hananiah (Ch1 3:19). (2.) The wife of Chuza, the steward of Herod Antipas, tetrarch of Galilee (Luk 8:3). She was one of the women who ministered to our Lord, and to whom he appeared after his resurrection (Luk 8:3; Luk 24:10).