Janoah Or Janohah, rest. (1.) A town on the north-eastern border of Ephraim, in the Jordan valley (Jos 16:6, Jos 16:7). Identified with the modern Yanun, 8 miles south-east of Nablus. (2.) A town of Northern Palestine, within the boundaries of Naphtali. It was taken by the king of Assyria (Kg2 15:29).

Janum Slumber, a town in the mountains of Judah (Jos 15:53).

Japheth Wide spreading: "God shall enlarge Japheth" (Heb. Yaphat Elohim le-Yephet , Gen 9:27. Some, however, derive the name from yaphah, "to be beautiful;" hence white), one of the sons of Noah, mentioned last in order (Gen 5:32; Gen 6:10; Gen 7:13), perhaps first by birth (Gen 10:21; compare Gen 9:24). He and his wife were two of the eight saved in the ark (Pe1 3:20). He was the progenitor of many tribes inhabiting the east of Europe and the north of Asia (Gen 10:2). An act of filial piety (Gen 9:20) was the occasion of Noah's prophecy of the extension of his posterity. See table of descendants: Descendants of Japheth (Gen 10:1) Gomer Magog Madai Javan Tubal Meshech Tiras Elishah Tarshish Chittim Dodanim Ashkenaz Riphath Togarmah After the Flood the earth was re-peopled by the descendants of Noah, "the sons of Japheth" (Gen 10:2), "the sons of Ham" (Gen 10:6), and "the sons of Shem" (Gen 10:22). It is important to notice that modern ethnological science, reasoning from a careful analysis of facts, has arrived at the conclusion that there is a three-fold division of the human family, corresponding in a remarkable way with the great ethnological chapter of the book of Genesis (Gen. 10). The three great races thus distinguished are called the Semitic, Aryan, and Turanian (Allophylian). "Setting aside the cases where the ethnic names employed are of doubtful application, it cannot reasonably be questioned that the author [of Gen. 10] has in his account of the sons of Japheth classed together the Cymry or Celts (Gomer), the Medes (Madai), and the Ionians or Greeks (Javan), thereby anticipating what has become known in modern times as the 'Indo-European Theory,' or the essential unity of the Aryan (Asiatic) race with the principal races of Europe, indicated by the Celts and the Ionians. Nor can it be doubted that he has thrown together under the one head of 'children of Shem' the Assyrians (Asshur), the Syrians (Aram), the Hebrews (Eber), and the Joktanian Arabs (Joktan), four of the principal races which modern ethnology recognizes under the heading of 'Semitic.' Again, under the heading of 'sons of Ham,' the author has arranged 'Cush', i.e., the Ethiopians; 'Mizraim,' the people of Egypt; 'Sheba and Dedan,' or certain of the Southern Arabs; and 'Nimrod,' or the ancient people of Babylon, four races between which the latest linguistic researches have established a close affinity" (Rawlinson's Hist. Illustrations).

Japhia Splendid. (1.) The king of Lachish, who joined in the confederacy against Joshua (Jos 10:3), and was defeated and slain. In one of the Amarna tablets he speaks of himself as king of Gezer. Called also Horam (Jos 10:33). (2.) One of the sons of David (Sa2 5:15), born in Jerusalem. (3.) A town in the southern boundary of Zebulum (Jos 19:12); now Yafa, 2 miles south-west of Nazareth.

Japho Beauty, a sea-port in Dan (Jos 19:46); called Joppa (q.v.) in Ch2 2:16; Ezr 3:7; Jon 1:3; and in New Testament.

Jared Descent. (1.) The fourth antediluvian patriarch in descent from Seth (Gen 5:15; Luk 3:37), the father of Enoch; called Jered in Ch1 1:2. (2.) A son of Ezra probably (Ch1 4:18).

Jarib An adversary. (1.) A son of Simeon (Ch1 4:24). (2.) One of the chiefs sent by Ezra to bring up the priests to Jerusalem (Ezr 8:16). (3.) Ezr 10:18.

Jarmuth Height. (1.) A town in the plain of Judah (Jos 15:35), originally the residence of one of the Canaanitish kings (Jos 10:3, Jos 10:5, Jos 10:23). It has been identified with the modern Yarmuk, a village about 7 miles north-east of Beit-Jibrin. (2.) A Levitical city of the tribe of Issachar (Jos 21:29), supposed by some to be the Ramah of Samuel (Sa1 19:22).

Jashen Sleeping, called also Hashem (Ch1 11:34); a person, several of whose sons were in David's body-guard (Sa2 23:32).

Jasher Upright. "The Book of Jasher," rendered in the LXX. "the Book of the Upright One," by the Vulgate "the Book of Just Ones," was probably a kind of national sacred song-book, a collection of songs in praise of the heroes of Israel, a "book of golden deeds," a national anthology. We have only two specimens from the book, (1.) the words of Joshua which he spake to the Lord at the crisis of the battle of Beth-horon (Jos 10:12, Jos 10:13); and (2.) "the Song of the Bow," that beautiful and touching mournful elegy which David composed on the occasion of the death of Saul and Jonathan (Sa2 1:18).